(Morning News) Former US President Trump said that he was searched by the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI), a home in Palm Beach in Florida, but did not explain the reason.The US Department of Justice refused to comment.

The Washington Post disclosed last month that the Ministry of Justice was trying to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election.The raid search Trump's house showed that the prosecutor was focusing on him.

A comprehensive report by Reuters and Bloomberg, Trump issued a statement on Monday (August 8) saying: "My beautiful Haihu Manor is now surrounded by a large group of FBI agents, raids and raids"Occupation", "they even pry open my safe."

Trump said: "I have always maintained cooperation with relevant government agencies, and it is unnecessary and inappropriate to searches my house."

According to the United States Cable TV News Network (CNN), the FBI search order entered the Haihu Manor, and Trump was not in the manor at that time.

It is still unclear why FBI investigators searched for Trump's house.The FBI's office in Miami did not immediately respond to the comments request.

The New York Times quoted two people familiar with the investigation situation. It seems that the assault search operation seems to be related to Trump's multi -box documents brought back from the White House back from the White House.

The Washington Post reported in July that sources disclosed a criminal investigation on Trump's attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election.

The newspaper said that the Ministry of Justice has been summoning personnel to assist the investigation, including Schut, who served as former vice president Pence's staff member.Schott confirmed on July 25 that he attended a hearing of a federal jury to investigate the riots of Congress on January 6, 2021.

Schott is the highest -level official known to date, which shows that the investigation firepower of the Ministry of Justice on the riots of parliament and false allegations of the election fraud is significantly heating up.