(Morning News) Russia has notified the United States through diplomatic channels, decided to temporarily withdraw from the facility verification mechanism of the newly reduced strategic weapon treaty, and withdraw relevant Russian facilities from the inspection activity stipulated in the treaty.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the official website on Monday (August 8) that the Russian side was forced to take this measure because "Washington has always hoped that it is not considering the current actual conditions.Restart the inspection activities under the circumstances, create unilateral advantages for the United States and deprive Russia's right to verify in the US territory. "

Statement pointed out that Russia has always worked hard to ensure that the treaty related mechanism is implemented in strict accordance with the principles of equal peace, but these principles have not been observed now.The United States implements unilateral restrictions on Russia, which interrupted the normal air traffic between Russia and the United States. The United States and its allies were closed to the Russian aircraft. At the same time, inspectors in the United States were not similar to similar obstacles from Russia.

The statement emphasizes that the Russian measure is temporary. Russia is committed to complying with the relevant provisions of the newly reduced strategic weapon treaty, and regards the treaty as "the most important tool for maintaining international security and stability"EssenceAfter solving the problems involved in the inspection of the new strategic weapon treaty, the Russian side will immediately cancel this measure and re -implement the relevant inspection activities.

The new cutting strategic weapon treaty was signed by the United States and Russia in 2010, and it took effect on February 5, 2011 for 10 years.After the U.S. -Russia -China guidance treaty failed in 2019, this one became the only military control treaty between the two countries.On February 3, 2021, Russia and the United States exchanged diplomatic photos to complete the relevant internal procedures that extended the new strategic weapon treaty validity agreement.The validity period of the new cutting strategic weapon treaty was extended to February 5, 2026, and the content of the treaty remained unchanged.