Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi emphasized that Southeast Asia has always been the priority of diplomacy around China, and accused the United States of ingenuity and discreditation of normal communication between China and Russia.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Yi said in an interview with Chinese central media on Thursday (July 14) that the world currently enters a new turbulent change period.Stand up the heels in the turmoil in the turmoil, take the direction of the target, rectify and send it again, and work together to maintain the difficult development situation.

Wang Yi said: "The world today is not very flat. Some countries do not think of handling hand -to -hand., Advocating all kinds of 'decourse' '' broken chain ', the regional peaceful and stable situation has been severely challenged. Opening or closed, cooperation or confrontation, unity or division, progress or retrogression, becoming a major issue in front of various countries in the region. "

He emphasized that the existence of open regionalist regionalism and closed group politics is a historical choice related to the future and fate of China and the Asian and Asian dimensions.

As for China -Russia relations, Wang Yi believes that under the strategic painting of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin, China -Russia relations show strong toughness.As an important neighboring country and comprehensive strategic collaboration partner, China and Russia need to eliminate interference, maintain a conventional force, orderly promote cooperation in various fields, and effectively protect the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples.

He said: "We firmly believe that China -Russia relations can withstand any international testimony and continue to maintain the correct direction. China and Russia are committed to building a new type of great power.In response to the principles of third parties, the United States' distortion and discreditation of normal communication between China and Russia is out of nothing, and have no intention. "

Wang Yi emphasized that in the face of the Ukraine crisis, China's position is bright, objective and fair, and consistent, insist on persuadingAnd talk.China will continue to start from the right and wrong of the problem itself, make a judgment independently to support all the efforts that help to solve the crisis peacefully, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of themselves and the majority of developing countries, and practice common, comprehensive, cooperative, sustainable safety concepts of security concepts."Always stand on the side of maintaining peace, on the correct side of history."

In the issue of Sino -US relations, Wang Yi pointed out that the United States' cognition of China has a serious misjudgment, calling on the United States to stop destroying Sino -US relations and regional strategic stability.

Wang Yi and U.S. Secretary of State Brills held a five -hour talk of five hours after Saturday (July 9) at the Foreign Minister's Meeting of the 20th G20 (G20) Foreign Minister in Bali Island, Indonesia.

Wang Yi said: "During the meeting, the Chinese side pointed out that the United States' cognition of China has serious misjudgment, which has led to obvious deviations in the Chinese view, interests, and competition views of the United States.The formulation of China ’s policies naturally deviates from the correct track. The United States should not look at Sino -US relations from the perspective of competition from great powers.Interference in China's internal affairs and damage to China on issues such as Hong Kong and the sea. "

Wang Yi emphasized that Sino -US relations must go out of the predicament.In accordance with the spirit of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, avoiding confrontation, and win -win cooperation, we will explore the establishment of a guide for action between the two parties. "The key is to say that there are faith and deeds.The United States should eliminate the strategic anxiety of threatening expansion, abandon your inertia thinking of losing me, refuses the correct universal abduction of politics, and stops a series of wrong practices that destroy Sino -US relations and regional strategic stability.The Asia -Pacific region practice peaceful coexistence and realize benign interaction.