(Morning News) The US Department of Defense announced on Wednesday (July 13) that the voice -over missile of two Lockheed Martin was successfully tested. This news was in people.More and more worried that Russia and China are of great significance in developing voice -over weapon.

Reuters reported that the US Air Force confirmed that on Wednesday, it successfully tested its "Air Ship Fast Reacting Weapon" (ARRW) booster on Wednesday, and its booster was carried by machines that were carried on the B-52H strategic bomber machineWaiting for launch below the wing, in the previous tests, "never successfully launched from the aircraft".

Lockheich said in the statement: "The second successful test proves that ARRW can reach and bear the votative speed operation. In the futureFrom the separation of the aircraft. "

In addition, in another voice speed test, the US Defense Advanced Research Program (DARPA) also confirmed that the successful test of its voice -over weapon was successfully tested. The location was located in New Mexico State"White Sands Missile Range".

The above -mentioned successful test shows that the United States has made progress in the development of voice -over weapon weapons, which is a great gospel for the increasing question of the outside world and the concerns of the United States in the military reserve competition.