The next year's budget for the Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation will increase significantly by nearly 41%compared with this year's budget. The Kuomintang legislator Li Yanxiu pointed out that since the Democratic Progressive Party ruling in 2016, the sea base will have poor functions and criticizeIf the rigid consciousness of the Democratic Progressive Party does not change, no matter how many budgets in the sea base will waste the people of the people.

Comprehensive joint newspapers, TVBS news network, reporting, etc.The increase was nearly 260 million yuan, an increase of nearly 41%.

The Sea Foundation was established in November 1990. It is entrusted and authorized by the Taiwan government's MAC.association.However, since the DPP's ruling in 2016, the negotiation mechanism of the sea -based and the Maritime Association has been interrupted, and only cross -strait documents verification and urgent assistance interaction are left.

Li Yanxiu said on Sunday (September 8) that since the DPP ruling in 2016, the sea base will have poor functions, and describe the sea base will be in the "Ice Palace" for a long time.She further pointed out that if the rigid consciousness of the Democratic Progressive Party does not change, the sea -based and land committee will just waste the people's fat and people's cream, continue to raise the "Ice Palace", and raise the "mosquito party".

Another Kuomintang legislator Xu Yuzhen pointed out that under the current cross -strait situation, the sea base will have no actual functions at all, and the past business will almost stop.

In this context, Xu Yuzhen criticized that the budget of the sea -based will be so large that it is undoubtedly a waste of taxpayer's money.She also said that the budget will be used by the sea base, which is still unknown. If the sea base will still do nothing in the future, the budget can only be "meat buns hit dogs, there is no return."

In response, the sea base responded that the exchanges between the two sides of the strait are not interrupted due to the suspension of public negotiations between the two seas and the Straits, because the problems derived from the exchanges are only increased and did not decrease.

The sea base will say that these problems must be resolved by the association, and emphasize that the lack of institutionalized pipeline, the higher the cost of solution.