Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the Taiwan People's Party, on Thursday (September 5th) because of Corruption is suspended , the people's partyStarting to turn to international demands, for example, Ke Wenzhe accepted an exclusive interview with Japanese media one day before the acceptance, accused the Lai Qingde government of "hunting witch hunt";The United States Association in Taiwan (AIT) has contact with the people's party.

Ke Wenzhe was suspected of being a builder in Tuli Jinghua City during the appointment of the mayor of Taipei, and was ruled by the Taipei District Court on Thursday.That night, the Japanese media published the content of Ke Wenzhe the day before.He criticized the Lai Qingde government to try to target the opposition and accuse the judicial system of obeying the DPP instructions and media hype to enlarge his mistakes.

Ke Wenzhe emphasized that as the chairman of the main party, the prosecutor raid political party headquarters and his residence , search for mobile phonesHe and interrogated him, showing that the Democratic Progressive Party government overdone power and violated the political spirit of the Taiwanese political party. He vowed to continue to struggle.

On the other hand, the People's Party Central Committee emergency response group held a expansion meeting on Friday morning.The press conference announced that Sunday (September 8th) will mobilize the entire party to preach on the streets, asking for justice to be fair to support Ke Wenzhe.

He also mentioned that after Ke Wenzhe had previously received no guarantee, many international media took the initiative to contact Ke Wenzhe, but because of the time relationship, only one media was arranged.

AIT's new director Gu Liyan held the first press conference after taking office on Wednesday (September 4). When asked about the case of Ke Wenzhe, the United States said that there was not much comment on Taiwan's internal affairs issues, but they would pay close attention to Taiwan's democratic system.develop.

Therefore, the media asked the people's party whether the party would be affectionate to AIT in the future. Huang Guochang said that AIT had communication with the people's party on Thursday, based on each other's respect, and it was inconvenient to convey communication content.

He emphasized that many international media care about Ke Wenzhe's status. When a press conference is held in the future, the English press release will provide an English press release for international media reference.

The former Taipei Mayor and the Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe was involved in the disadvantages of Beijing. On September 5, the court ruled to be detained.The People's Party Central Committee's emergency response team held a expansion meeting on September 6, announcing that the entire party will start street preaching, and the demands are justice and fairness, so as to support Ke Wenzhe.(Provided by the Taiwanese Party Party)

Atlantic Council, a researcher at the American Think Tank Council, who has been paying attention to the US -Taiwan relations for a long time, interpreted in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post.Followed by the people outside the system and foreign countries.

He judged that the people's party will strengthen publicity of international media, seek to quote the international media reports as a fair third party endorsement, and go back to persuade Taiwan's public opinion to continue the protest and length.

Regarding whether Ke Wenzhe proposed a protest, Huang Guochang said on Friday that all party officials who participated in the response meeting encouraged Ke Wenzhe to do so, but he would decide by himself, and they would support Ke Wenzhe's final decision.

As for whether the people's party has recommended him as an acting party chairman, Huang Guochang emphasized that at this stage, the entire party supports Ke Wenzhe to defend the innocence and does not have the problem of acting party chairman.

In addition, Ke Wenzhe appointed lawyers Xiao Yihong and Lu Zhengyi, and went to the Taipei Detention Center to meet Ke Wenzhe on Friday afternoon.Regarding whether to protest, Lu Zhengyi said that it is not convenient to explain.

The other three defendants in the same case, Peng Zhensheng, deputy mayor of the former Taipei City, Shen Qingjing, chairman of Weijing Group, and Assistant to the city councilor Ying Xiaowei Wu Shunmin, who was detained and filed a protest, and was rejected by the Taiwan High Court on Friday.