The 15 -year -old teenager in New Taipei City, Taiwan, was cut off by his classmates, which caused discussions on the abolition of the death penalty (abolition) of the people.The DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde said on Thursday (January 4) that the connection of the case as the result of the government's promotion of abandonment is the method of selecting (interventional elections) in mainland China.

In the past few days, the selection of the topic has become the focus of the election campaign to attack and defense per day.The bigger .Now that Lai Qingde has selected folk discussions, causing many criticisms in the wild party.

Campus cutting case Last December 25 During the noon off at noon, I went to the next class to find friends to chat, and the young deceased asked to leave and triggered the corner.After that, the girls went back to the class to find the "Gan Ge" to help. Grand Brother was suspected of taking the spring knife to murder, stabbing the deceased for ten knives, and cutting his carotid artery and back near the kidneys.The young man was sent to the hospital for rescue for two days.

Male and female students who are murderous and instigated are accused of mixed gangs. Because minor men may be judged lightly, girls or do not leave the case, causing heated discussions on public opinion, and then discuss the laws and regulations on campus safety management, protect the human rights of juvenile criminals, and the peopleThe disadvantages of the party's government abolished the death penalty.

The parents of the deceased issued a public letter on Wednesday (January 3), which strongly opposed the abolition, and believed that severe punishment could prevent tragedy from repeating.The abolition alliance also issued a response the next day, saying that the death penalty violated human dignity, and looked forward to Taiwan's comprehensive abolition of the essence and law.

The promotion of abolition, Taiwan independence and non -nuclear homes have been listed on the Democratic Progressive Party ’s platform, which is regarded as the DPP’ s “God Lord”. Therefore, Lai Qingde ’s attitude towards waste attracted attention.In response to the result of a Facebook account that connects the cervical cutting case as the abolition of the DPP government, Lai Qingde said in a joint media interview on Taoyuan Guishan on Thursday (January 4) that "this is of course selected in China."Use a large number of online troops to operate Taiwan social issues in an attempt to obtain election benefits.

Lai Qingde's media joint visit time on Thursday and Friday did not answer his personal position.The Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi questioned this on Friday (January 5) that Lai Qingde would be a Taiwan leader in the future., Saying "really without blood and tears."He described that Lai Qingde turned around when he turned around, contempt for the voice of the people.

According to Taiwan media reports, 80 % of Taiwan's public opinion supports the existence of the death penalty.However, during the eight -year president of Tsai Ing -wen, only two death sentences were performed, and 38 other death prisoners had not been law.In contrast, the former President Ma Ying executed 31 deaths during his tenure in 198.

In addition to the abolition of the subject, the incidents that have recently been accused of "selected by the Communist Party of China" or "China (China) selected" by the Green Camp have also included 70 miles to the mainland to travel to the government by the government.Back in Taiwan, Continental empty air balloon , Green Camp Political Affairs Private Film , New Residents.As the election campaigns warmed, these people and things were quickly set by the DPP as objects or tools selected by the mainland.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun commented to reporters when attending the event on Friday that the DPP's "Anti -China Baozai" in the past has broken achievements last year."" ".He said that regardless of redness and discreditation, it is just a bad trick in the face of election.