In response to the online biography, the Japanese government rejected Taiwan's search and rescue team to the rescue of the Earthquake in the Peninsula. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan responded that the relevant statements did not match the coordination between Taiwan and the day, and they were not fair.

According to the official website of the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday (January 4), after Japan can board the Peninsula Earthquake, the Fire Department of the Taiwan MinistryThe Taiwan rescue team will go to the disaster area at any time to assist the rescue at any time.The Japanese government thanked this and explained to the Taiwanese side to explain that the Japanese party had urgently invested thousands of self -defense players and other manpower for rescue work. In response to the expressive willingness to assist in disaster relief, the Japanese party will discuss the feasibility of accepting overseas assistance depending on the disaster situation.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry said that Taiwan fully understands and respects the Japanese government's disaster relief plan and will maintain close communication with the Japanese side. If the Japanese side has demand in the future, Taiwan will still provide assistance.For the Japanese government, which is busy with disaster relief, the saying that the "refusal to refuse Taiwan" is inconsistent with the coordination between Taiwan and Japan, and it is not fair.

In addition, in order to show the Taiwan government and the people's willingness to care and support Japan, the Taiwan Foreign Ministry has held a press conference on Thursday (January 4) that the government has donated 60 million yen (about 55Wanxin Yuan) Disaster relief, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare will open a private donation of civil and relief households to provide the people of Taiwan to provide spontaneous donations of the people. It is hoped that in actual actions to assist the Japanese disaster areas and the victims to complete the reconstruction work as soon as possible to restore normal life.