Taiwan will be next Saturday (January 13)The president and legislature election is held.Some Hong Kong media said that the Taiwan government requested that mainland Chinese reporters who went to Taiwan to interview in Taiwan must not write any content related to the election, "only observe".

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post on Thursday (January 4), reporters from mainland China will face particularly strict restrictions when reporting this four -year election.

A unnamed Taiwanese immigration official said that even if a short -term permit is allowed to enter the country, it is not allowed to report any content of the election even if he is allowed to enter the country.

However, this restriction seems to be only aimed at mainland Chinese journalists, and non -mainland journalists from the same institution are not affected. Mainland Chinese reporters resident in Taiwan have also been allowed to report election content.

It is reported that due to this restriction, a mainland reporter from the South China Morning Post canceled the plan to fly to Taiwan.

Another Taiwanese immigrant official said that the above -mentioned restrictions were because of the "sensitivity" of the election.