The fourth -quarter revenue and annual capital expenditure expected by the Taiwan Style Circuit Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC) have surpassed the expectations of analysts. President Wei Zhejia evaluated that the chip industry has been "very close to" the bottom of the valley.This statement supports mainstream views, that is, global technology demand is expected to recover from the downturn after the epidemic.

TSMC is a global semiconductor chip manufacturing leading plant. It supplies more than 90 % of the world's advanced process chips (also known as chips). It is Nvidia (Nvidia, AI) design of Apple and Artificial Intelligence (AI) chip design in the world's largest market value (AI) chip design.Also known as Huida) OEM chip.

TSMC Financial Chief Huang Renzhao on Thursday (October 19) on the online legal person in the investment institution (French Speaking) predicts that the fourth quarter revenue will be introduced at 18.8 billion US dollars (S $ 25.83 billion) to 19.6 billionThe US dollar, the annual capital expenditure is $ 32 billion, both exceeding analyst expectations.

Among them, the median estimated revenue in the fourth quarter is 19.2 billion US dollars is equivalent to 11%of the quarter, and the annual capital expenditure is higher than the analyst's $ 30.5 billion, showing that TSMC will continue to expand R & D and investment.

TSMC's third quarter revenue reached 17.28 billion US dollars. Although it decreased by 10.8%compared to the same period last year, the quarterly increased by 13.7%.In addition, the net profit after tax increased by 16.1%, gross profit margin 54.3%, and 41.7%of the operating profit margin, which are better than market expectations.

Wei Zhejia, President of TSMC, said that, as the smartphones and personal computer markets of TSMC's two major businesses, there have been signs of stable demand. In addition, TSMC's leading three -nanometer process chip has been mass -produced. He expects that 2024 will be very important.A year of healthy growth.

During the closure of the epidemic, the Internet demand has increased, and a large amount of data centers in the world have made high -performance computing chips in short supply.However, after the epidemic is over, the economic recovery is not as good as expected. The large amount of inventory of the chip industry needs to be digested and the market has fallen into a downturn.

Wei Zhe's family said that the chip industry is very close to the bottom, but to say that the market may rebound strongly, it is still too early.He said that the biggest uncertainty is that mainland China, the world's largest market, is still trying to cope with the economic turmoil and precise science and technology sanctions on chips.

The TSMC Division Data Data shows that the revenue of the advanced process (Qi Nan and more advanced process) has reached 59%of the wafer sales in the third quarter.Nano is 16%.

Wei Zhejia is optimistic about the needs of artificial intelligence chips, saying that TSMC is trying to expand the production capacity of COWOS (Chip On Wafer on Substrate), and hope that the capacity will double at the end of the year.When it comes to the upgrade of the US chip ban on mainland China, he said that it is still under evaluation, and it seems that it has little impact and controllable.

TSMC has also announced the progress of overseas expansion layout. The Arizona State Factory has hired nearly 1,100 local employees to prepare to mass production in 2025.Japanese factories will mass production by the end of 2024. The German factory plans to build a special process wafer fab plant for vehicles and industrial use. It is expected to operate soil in the second half of 2024 and production at the end of 2027.