Knowledge officials have revealed that the Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation has assisted in handling the Taiwan people who stayed in mainland China this year to return to Taiwan. As of 56 as of July, it has reached 80 % of the total number of cases in the cooperation of last year.

According to the Taiwan Freedom Times on Tuesday (August 8), an informed official said that Beijing official announced the downgrade of the epidemic this year and gradually loosen the quarantine measures.Problems such as non -vibrating, foreign investment, and increasing unemployment population have caused Taiwanese people who have been in business in the mainland to get a greater dilemma. Many business losers have become "streams".Communication should be sent back to Taiwan.

Knowledge officials pointed out that some of these people are considered trouble by Taiwanese families, some have not returned to Taiwan for many years to alienate from the family, and some are impoverished and ill.For such urgent cases, it is impossible for the Taiwan government to see death and not rescue. They will first pay air tickets for these people to return to Taiwan, because there are too many cases, and this year's funding is used up early.

Knowledge officials said that the Taiwan MAC did not intend to supplement the budget this year. The sea base had to first use the internal budget to use, or the self -funding branch should be short, and considers the Taiwan businessmen to raise funds.There are still many cases to deal with it. Some people may not accept it even if they send them back.If the family members are regarded as no matter, they must be sent to social welfare institutions for resettlement, and then social welfare groups will contact local governments.

The MAC said that after investigation, the business fee of "Social Security and Cross -Strait economic and trade disputes" business fees under the economic and trade business items of the Sea Foundation of the Year (New Taiwan dollars, the same below, about 40,000, about 40,000, about 40,000, about 40,000, about 40,000, about 40,0002307 S $ 2), the MAC subsidized 850,000 yuan.As of the second quarter, the case has reached 56 cases, and the funds are 864,999 yuan.

The MAC pointedIt is necessary, and will be adjusted in the fourth quarter to review the implementation of various budget implementation.