(Taipei Comprehensive News) Taiwan's blue and green mutual spending money when the other party is in power.The Kuomintang pointed out that the DPP government frequently bonds to support the special budget. Taiwan Cai Yingwen's anti -approved former President Ma Ying -jeou left a huge debt. The Kuomintang president Hou Youyi referred to the Cai government to destroy fiscal discipline. "Stay for great -grandson. "

Comprehensive United News Network, NOWNEWS, Liberty Times and other Taiwan media reports, the Legislative Yuan Kuomintang group held a press conference on August 4, saying that the DPP government's 13 special budget for the seven -year special budget was as high as 2496.66 trillion (New Taiwan dollars, the same below, the same, appointment, about the same as appointment.105.5 billion yuan), and normalized the special budget, even digging the money of the next government.

Lan Lai Shi also said that under the governance of the Cai government, from June 2016, the debt of each Taiwanese who was born in June 2016 was 231,000 yuan, and in May 2023, the amount of debt held by each person soared to 272,000.Yuan.

Cai Yingwen returned on August 5 that her public budget she had only more than 300 billion yuan in 2016, which increased to more than 580 billion yuan this year.The regional development of urban and rural construction is balanced.

In addition to emphasizing "no debt to leave offspring", Tsai Ing -wen also refers to the period during the Ma Ying -jeou government, and the eight -year debt increased 1.7 trillion yuan.

The CEO of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation Xiao Xucen immediately approved. In the special budget, the Tsai government has bonded 127.87 trillion through special budget for six years, far exceeding the 790.9 billion yuan of the Malaysian government period;Major natural disasters and turbulence in the international situation, such as Morak's wind disaster and financial tsunami, used special budgets.

Hou Youyi Sunday (August 6) also means that Tsai Ing -wen has turned the special budget into normalization, and the debt is more than the period of the Kuomintang government.The next generation must carry debts.