The Taiwan ’s representative office in the United States voted for the US media, and approved the Chinese Embassy in the United States in the United States. It was called the Taiwan election as“ local elections in Taiwan ”. Discussing“ completely disregarding reality ”will only arouse more dissatisfaction in Taiwanese society.

Zhang Zhiyu, the news team leader of the Taiwan Representative Office in the United States, said in the signature investment book published by the Wall Street Journal (July 25) that Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Embassy in the United States in Mainland ChinaThe content of the investment book reflects Beijing's "accustomed to lying and completely disregarding reality."

Zhang Zhiyi said that Liu Pengyu called the Taiwan election as "local elections in Taiwan in China", "ignoring the fact that the People's Republic of China never ruled Taiwan for one day."Fake messages can't change this, it will only arouse more dissatisfaction in Taiwanese society.

She said that Liu Pengyu should be learned from the free media in the United States that since 2020, more than 5,000 Chinese military aircraft have flight near Taiwan airspace, threatening the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.The Beijing government refused to abandon the use of force against Taiwan and continued for mandatory military operations, which has aroused more international concern and strengthened Taiwan's determination to self -defense.

Zhang Zhiyi also said that mainland diplomats "have never voted in free and fair elections, and have no reason to criticize the democratic system that the people cherish the people of Taiwan."

Liu Pengyu's investment article on the Wall Street Journal on July 18th, criticizing the peaceful "four pillars" of the peaceful "four pillars" of the DPP presidential candidate, "the collection of harbor is summarized by a word -Selling a platform.Liu Pengyu accused the Democratic Progressive Party of "rejecting unifications" and "selling platforms to the United States", boasted that the status quo on both sides of the strait promoted peaceful division, and betrayed the "national righteousness".