Chen Yishen, director of the Taiwan National History Museum, said that former President Lee Teng -hui promoted the democratization process. Afterwards, many of them were basic engineering of Taiwan independence.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency, the National History Museum will host the publishing and academic seminar of Lee Teng -Hui's century birthday commemorative book.Democraticization of Taiwan: True the United States factor in the process of democratization in Taiwan. "

Chen Yishen said that Li Denghui's process of promoting democratization. Later, many things they did were basic projects in Taiwan independence, but Li Denghui was the Kuomintang chairman and Taiwan at the time. Many things were actually unwilling to speak.

In 1995, Lee Teng -hui visited Cornell University in the name of privately. For this history, Chen Yishen said that the two houses in the United States would invite Lee Teng -hui to visit the United States and return as the alumni of the University of Connery.The lecture of his alma mater, the Clinton government had to agree at the time, otherwise it was impossible for a current president to go. In terms of the "Taiwan Relations Law", it was impossible.

He said that it is very special that a current Taiwan can reach the United States, and the relationship between the United States has always changed in Taiwan. As for whether the United States supports Taiwan independence, it is necessaryEssence

Chen Yishen said that Taiwan has been ruled by Japan for half a century. After World War II, due to the outbreak of the Korean War that caused Taiwan to be incorporated into the Cold War at the United States and Japan against the Communist camp.On "entering and leaving the Taiwan Strait.

He said that in the 1950s and 1960s, the United States cared about Taiwan's anti -Communist commitment and even more than the free human rights of Taiwanese.Later, due to the changes in the Vietnam War and the Sino -Soviet relations, Sino -US relations were normalized.Cornerstone, to this day.