Relative to the deterrent of military exercises on Taiwan in the mainland last year, the mainland met McCarthy, the current American House of Representatives, and the Taiwan Army.For actual exercises against Taiwan.

Zhuang Huiliang Taipei Report

[email protected]

Mainland China ended on Monday (April 10), a three -day Taiwan military exercise on Taiwan.Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen posted on Facebook late at night, saying that she had visited AIA and passed the United States for years. The mainland used this to launch military exercises, causing unstable in Taiwan and the region, not a responsible attitude of a large country in a region.

Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on Monday, met with Liu Zhaoxuan, the chairman of the Taiwan Entrepreneur Summit and the former president of the Executive Yuan, said, "We are committed to maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, but 'Taiwan independence'"

Compared to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives in August last year, regardless of the mainland warning to visit Taiwan.The deployment is even regarded by experts as practical exercises against Taiwan.

Tsai Ing -wen posted on Facebook on Monday night to make the above -mentioned attack on the mainland on Facebook. He also thanked all the military in Taiwan and the sea patrol colleagues calmly guarded the collar and lead the air.During this period, "some people deliberately misleaded, perhaps they were not familiar with the operation of the national security system and spread some incorrect information."This article was announced on Tuesday (April 11).

Cai Yingwen returned to Taiwan on April 7th, and conducted military exercises in Taiwan from April 8th to 10th on the mainland. Cai Yingwen announced on Facebook on April 8th to the Presidential Palace to listen to the National Security Team Briefing.

Yang Yongming, a professor of Taiwan University, who was former deputy secretary -general of the Taiwan National Security Association, clicked out. Except for Cai Mingyan, the director of the National Security Director, there was no major in the Ministry of Defense or military professionals.Presidential Palace "has a number of gaps."

Tsai Ing -wen's above conversation obviously pointed out.According to past experience, Yang Yongming pointed out that the monitoring and response to the mainland PLA exercise is mainly due to the duties of the Ministry of National Defense, but in the photo, Chen Junlin, the director of the National Security Council of the DPP poll and the deputy executive of the election countermeasure committee, is "indulgent indulgenceCrisis, neglect of professionalism and confidence ".

The Legislative Yuan issued a joint statement on Tuesday, accusing the continental military exercises, destroying the status quo on both sides of the strait, causing regional tensions to rise, and severely damaging international order.The Presidential Palace thanked the Legislative Yuan and the DPRK party group to compete internally and united to maintain peace and regional peace.

As the former president of the Kuomintang's member Ma Ying -jeou visited the mainland to return to Taiwan last week, although the Kuomintang also protested that the mainland military acted in force, it also emphasized that the disadvantages between the two sides of the strait were not only solved by military confrontation.Dialogue is also conducive to the peace and stability of the regional situation and the greatest interests of the people on both sides of the strait.

Yang Yongming told Lianhe Zaobao that after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of China had stated that it would be peaceful and unified, and clearly drawn the red line against Taiwan independence and opposition to external forces.The meeting with McCarthy will inevitably make the cross -strait situation nervous. "It is not necessary to listen to Beijing's instructions, but to stabilize the situation on the two sides of the strait, the government should be more cautious and smarter."

Lianhe News Network quoted the Nikkei Asian website report that as many as 25 U.S. arms dealers will send representatives to Taiwan to discuss cooperation to produce drones and ammunition.