In response to the current Taiwan -Taiwan military exercise that has just ended in mainland China, Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng warned in an interview with Fox News on Monday (April 10) that military aircraft and ships dispatched in mainland ChinaIt is quite close to Taiwan, and any accidents may erupt unavailable wars between the two sides of the strait.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, Wu Zhaoxuan made the above statement on the recent military exercises of the mainland's Taiwan Taiwan. He also said that if other countries intervene, it may cause large -scale military conflicts.The mainland seems to be fantasizing that it has the ability to take Taiwan in a short period of time. Therefore, Taiwan must strengthen its self -defense capabilities so that the mainland will pay the price before moving the martial arts, and achieve the purpose of scaring the mainland.

Wu Zhaoxuan said that recent military exercises show that mainland China ’s military threats and diplomatic attacks on Taiwan are continuously increasing. Therefore, the US government and Congress have continued to support Taiwan.Taiwan is deeply grateful.

Wu Zhaozheng said that although the support of the United States is very important to prevent the war on both sides of the strait, he emphasized that defending Taiwan is Taiwan's own responsibility, and Taiwan will not rely on the US military to directly involve the war.Taiwan highly thanked the United States for continuously providing defensive weapons, assisting in advanced military training, and strengthening Taiwan's asymmetric combat capabilities to ensure that Taiwan has self -defense combat power.Taiwan also urged the international community to urge Beijing to act with caution, and clearly stated that it opposed its one -sided change of the status quo of the Taiwan Strait to maintain regional peace and stability.

In response to the "suspicion theory" in Taiwan, Wu Zhaozheng analyzed that this is an attempt to influence the people's trust in the United States and the purpose of the mainland cognitive operation.Threats Taiwan, and the United States has supported Taiwan in military and politically in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Law and the "six guarantees" to Taiwan for many years."" ".

Wu Zhaoxuan also explained the importance of Taiwan to the international community, saying that Taiwan produces more than 90%of the cutting -edge chips worldwide, and the freight volume of the Taiwan Strait also accounts for 40%of the world.Interrupts will be a global disaster.In addition, Taiwan is a democratic government, and the mainland authoritarianism is targeted at the damage to the democratic value and lifestyle that Taiwan supports Taiwan.