Song Tao, the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, met on Wednesday (March 29) with the International Hongmen Chinese Federation of China from Taiwan.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Song Tao emphasized that "the great motherland is always a strong backing of all patriotic unity." I hope Hongmen will continue to carry forward the glorious tradition of "patriotic loyalty", adhere to the national righteousness, and resolutely oppose Taiwan independence.Division activities and external forces interference.

According to reports, the General Assembly held in December last year.Chairman Liu Peixun led the new leadership of the General Assembly to visit Beijing to visit and exchange. It was the first visit to the mainland's epidemic prevention and control.

The official website information shows that the Federation is the Taiwanese civil society registered in 2004. The purpose is to "carry forward the spirit of loyalty, righteousness, and justice, maintain basic human rights, promote humanitarianism, and promote world peace."And "carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, enhance human friendship, and actively serve the crowd."

On the other hand, the Taiwan Affairs Office also emphasized at a routine press conference held on Wednesday that a Chinese principle is the political foundation of cross -strait relations, and the Taiwan industrial chain supply chain will be more stable and smooth after unification.

According to the information released by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, should inquire that the mainland and Taiwan belong to the same China, and China's national sovereignty and territory have never been divided.After the unity, the Taiwanese people will enjoy real benefits.

Zhu Fenglian said that after unification, Taiwan can implement a social system that is different from the mainland."On the premise of ensuring national sovereignty, security, and development benefits, the social system and lifestyle of Taiwan compatriots will be fully respected. The private property, religious beliefs, and legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots will be fully guaranteed."

She also said that after the unity, Taiwan has more space for economic development, stronger competitiveness, more stable and unobstructed industrial chain supply chain, and more vibrant innovation vitality.Many problems that have troubled Taiwan's development and improvement of people's livelihood for a long time, especially people's livelihood problems such as water shortage and electricity shortage, can be solved in cross -strait integration and development.The international development space of the people in Taiwan will be greater, and the international waist rods will be harder, the confidence will be sufficient, safer and more dignified.

Zhu Fenglian said that more and more people in Taiwan hope that more and more Taiwanese people can understand that adherence to a Chinese principle, cross -strait relations can improve and develop, and the prospects of peace and unity can be maintained;It will be nervous and turbulent, and the vital interests of the Taiwanese will be damaged.