Miao Zonghan report

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Tsai Ing -wen, Taiwan, launched a visit to China on Wednesday (March 29), and will transit the United States during the period.Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of Mainland China, warned that on the same day, if Tsai Ing -wen contacted McCarthy, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, the mainland "will take measures to be taken back firmly."

After a three -year outbreak, Cai Yingwen launched the "Democratic Partner's Journey to Gong" on the 29th.It will meet with the constituency in McCarthy in California and return to Taiwan on April 7. The whole journey is 10 days and nine nights.

For Cai Yingwen's meeting during the transit, McCarthy, Zhu Fenglian said at a regular press conference held by the State Council held on the morning of the 29th, "Cai Yingwen 'transit" is not a honest stay at the airport or hotel.Instead, they need to contact US government officials and members of parliament in various names to engage in officials in the United States and Taiwan, and linked with external anti -China forces. "

She warns that if Tsai Ing -wen contacted McCarthy, he will seriously violate a Chinese principle and harm Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity, and destroy the peaceful and stable provocations of the Taiwan Strait."" ".

Zhu Fenglian finally reiterated that China urged the United States to strictly abide by the three joint communiqués of China and China and the United States. It was restlessly arranging Tsai Ing -wen's transit in the United States and even in contact with the US official, "a serious commitment that did not support Taiwan independence with practical actions."

On the day of the visit of Tsai Ing -wen, the official website of the Taiwan Ministry of Defense announced the schematic diagram of the airspace activities around the Taiwan Strait.Essence

The White House reiterated that Taiwan's transit is not uncommon

According to the United Daily report, on the eve of Cai Yingwen's departure, the Asia -Pacific Assistant Secretary of State Kangda, the US State Department, temporarily canceled the briefing for Cai Yingwen's transit;In addition, U.S. officials did not plan to meet Cai Yingwen.

For this visit, Cai Yingwen said in a conversation at Taoyuan Airport before departure that this trip would convey three messages such as Taiwan's three messages to defend the value of freedom and democracy, the pursuit of common prosperity, and firmly moving towards the world.

She emphasized that the determination to go to the world will only become more and more firm.The determination of the world.