For former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou's visit to mainland China, the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun said that Ma Ying -jeou stood very stable. Everywhere he insisted on the standpoint of the Republic of China, he should not pick bones in the outside world and distort the facts intentionally.
Comprehensive Central News Agency and United Daily report, Zhu Lilun went to Taoyuan Ci Ling to offer flowers on the morning of Wednesday (March 29). In an interview, he said that during the visit of the mainland, Ma Ying -jeou emphasized China.The Republic of China and adhere to the position of the Republic of China.
Zhu Lilun also emphasized that Ma Ying -jeou, as the former president of the Republic of China, has a stable position. "It also allows everyone to see our firm position and our peace on both sides of the strait.The expectations of peace on both sides of the strait. "
As for Ma Ying -jeou only let him call him "Mr. Ma" and other actions during the interview, there is a suspicion of dwarf Taiwan.There are also explanations of the former presidential identity.Therefore, he called on the outside world not to pick bones in eggs and distort the facts intentionally.
Zhu Lilun said, "As long as the eyes open, the ears are opened very clearly."