
On the steps

In June 2019, the anti -repair social struggle broke out in June 2019. Beijing issued the National Security Law the following year, triggering the largest immigration wave after Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, The "transfer" Hong Kong people who moved to Taiwan have reached a record high, but by last year, it was obviously ebb.Lianhe Zaobao interviewed cases and index characters, and learned about the reason from immigrant consultants, scholars and the MAC.

After the number of people moved to Taiwan, the number of people moved to Taiwan. After reaching the historical peak of 11,173 people in 2021, it decreased by 20 % last year, shrinking to 8,945, of which only 1296 were obtained.

If the camera is pulled far, only 4,148 Hong Kong people moved to Taiwan in 2018. In 2019, anti -repair cases broke out in Hong Kong, and then Hong Kong people who immigrated to Taiwan doubled.From 2019 to 2022, a total of 36,789 Hong Kong people went to Taiwan, with an average of 9,197.

This is just a miniature of the Hong Kong people's immigration.According to the statistics of the Hong Kong Government, the population of Hong Kong reached 7.524,100 in 2019. By the end of 2022, there were only 7.333300, which was 190,900 less.If you calculate those who are currently in the UK, Australia, Canada, and the United States, those who apply for identity cards and apply for identity cards are generally estimated to be as much as 2.3 million in Hong Kong.Some experts estimate that the European and American outbreaks have been stable today, and there will be 14,50,000 Hong Kong immigrants in the next five years.

The same type of text in Taiwan and Hong Kong is close to the Chinese areas where the most immigrants are immigrated to Hong Kong.

Immigration consultants, scholars, and Hong Kong people who moved to Taiwan told the United Morning Post that it was the main reason for Hong Kong people to "turn" to the main reason.

Only about 2 % get an ID card

Immigration consultants who have exposed their names are estimated that the success rate of Hong Kong people applied for a residence permit in Taiwan in the past three years is as high as 95 %, but only about 2 % have obtained ID cards.The interviewed Hong Kong people also said that the Hong Kong people they knew in Taiwan were "no success", full of disappointment, helplessness, and even anger.

Hong Kong people who move to Taiwan are mainly "transferred" through two ways of professional immigration and investment immigration.According to the regulations on the Hong Kong and Macao relations in Taiwan, you can apply for settlement (that is, ID card) after one year of living; investment immigrants must operate physical companies for three years.But in fact, it is not so simple. Many Hong Kong people say that when they apply for an application, they will ask the official licenses to take professional certificates, or make technical delay through supplementary documents.

The above -mentioned immigration consultants said that the key is that there are too many opaque bureaucratic culture and doubts about the festival, national security doubts, and even the unclear ectopic and conservative mentality.

He said that the Immigration Department, the Mainland Council (Mainland Council) and the National Security Council have a monthly meeting to apply for a case of Hong Kong people who apply for ID cards.Hearing), a total of "four elders" review.

"Many cases have rejected the settlement application because they have worked at the landlord company and have been identified as a national security concern. The official delaying investment immigration to obtain ID cards also includes requiring the company's financial documents in the next year, which is equivalent to asking others in disguise.The "Immigration Supervision" that takes more year. This not only makes Hong Kong people unable to file an administrative appeal, but also allows the official control to issue the number of ID cards. Can Hong Kong people get angry? "

The MAC email responded to the United Morning Post inquiries that due to changes in the Hong Kong situation, the number of people who moved from 2019 to 2021 showed a growth trend.The review meeting held by the competent authority was "held once a month in principle, but it will be adjusted by elasticity of the case." It is emphasized that "as long as the doubts of the country have no national security, they will be permitted."As for investment immigration involving professional inspections, most cases have been prepared due to the incomplete documents, which affects the review period.

The MAC also said that some Taiwanese believe that the "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong has gradually eroded and has been infiltrated and controlled by the CCP.Repairing planning.

The MAC pointed out that the Immigration Department has repeatedly discovered that Hong Kong people have withdrawn from capital and suspend business after obtaining their ID cards. They also found that there is still no resignation in Hong Kong.Elephants have violated the original intention and expected benefits of my investment immigration policy, and some cases are temporarily retained observation. "

The MAC emphasized that the official has continued to review and revise regulations. Elite, key talents, and students in various fields of Hong Kong are welcome to develop, residence and settlement in Taiwan.

Case 1

Anti -repair Youth Eliminates Taiwan to read a master's degree to open the ice room

Wim Tom Tom (30 years old) who participated in the anti -repair examples went to Taiwan in 2019, studying for a master's degree in enterprise management in university, and also read half -work and semi -study.

After graduating from the master's class in July last year, he and two Hong Kong friends who were born in Taiwan jointly opened a Hong Kong -style ice room in Ximending., Add two days, 3652 days in total.

He said that the cost of opening a store in Hong Kong is four times more expensive than Taiwan. He hopes to retain the culture and food of Hong Kong people and people, so that Hong Kong people will come home, and even open a branch after returning to the book.What makes him happiest is that parents and brothers who have not seen each other in April plan to come to Taiwan to reunite in April.

He used to stay with a student certificate in the past, and now he holds the annual updated work permit.Identifications can generally be approved after five years of work.

Case 2

No work in Taiwan for one year, male nurse reluctant to return to Hong Kong

In order to immigrate to Taiwan, the husband and wife have been separated for more than a year, and the rental house has not been working for a year. She has no choice but to return to Hong Kong.

47 -year -old Li and 44 -year -old wife have been nurses in Hong Kong for more than 20 years. They did not participate in anti -repair cases in 2019, but worried about future life and yearn for the free democratic environment of Taiwan. In early 2020, immigration consultantsApply for professional immigrants.

After receiving the residence permit, Xiao Li bought two tickets, but on the day of the departure on June 8, 2021, his wife's residence permit was not approved. He had to go to Taiwan first.

Xiao Li said that the salary threshold working in Taiwan in Taiwan is NT $ 47,971 (about S $ 2108) higher than the salary level. Employers have to apply to the official license.Many Hong Kong people have failed in tried. He also went to the course of course like everyone, and found a job freely after getting an ID card.

His wife continued to work in Hong Kong, and his residence permit waited for half a year before he was approved.In addition, the epidemic control at that time had to be isolated back and forth. The couple met again on August 21, 2022, 14 months later.

Xiao Li applied for settlement after one year in Taiwan, but after five months, he received an official letter. In addition to new conditions, he must first take professional licenses or engage in professional work.

Xiao Li helplessly say that the nurse system in Hong Kong is different from Taiwan, and many peers apply for examinations in Taiwan.

He used to take care of mental illness rehabilitation in Hong Kong for a long time, and received a license to get a senior health manager's certificate after he came to Taiwan, but the official insisted that he had to get a nursing license.

He rely on savings to save money and rent a house for a year, and he has returned to work in Hong Kong in December last year.He lamented that it had paid time and money, and the official request was unreasonable after one year. It was ready to ask the official and give him the opportunity to contribute to society through the concept of preventing diseases.

Case 3

Hospital ward director went to Taiwan to get an ID card for one and a half years

The 59 -year -old Xie Hospital's ward supervisor obtained an ID card a year and a half after going to Taiwan.She said that the process of verification was troublesome, and no one got an ID card among friends.

For the different opinions of her subordinates, she did not participate in anti -repair cases, but she was worried that Hong Kong went from the rule of law to governance and decided to immigrate Taiwan with a 18 -year -old daughter with a 61 -year -old accountant husband.

When she first arrived in Taiwan in August 2021, the official did not explicitly say that he had to take a professional license, but he went to handle the advice of immigration consultants.

She lamented that the process of verification made many people very troublesome and even retired.

She spent four months, first asked her family to get the transcript of her alma mater to the Taiwan Affairs Office of Hong Kong for certification, translated it into Chinese, and sent it to Taiwan for document verification, and then took the test arranged by Taiwan.

She knows more than 20 families from Hong Kong in Taiwan, including investing immigrants and nurses, and no one has successfully obtained her ID.

There are three families who have moved to the United States and Canada, and the three are back to Hong Kong. The rest are still waiting.

She said to these friends that many investment immigrant friends paid a lot of money, and investing in a lot of money lost due to the epidemic. It was also suspected that it was a fake investment.

She knows that many Hong Kong caregivers want to make contributions, but the threshold of the Taiwan Examination Department is getting higher and higher, so that they can not enter the door. It is recommended to reduce the threshold for wage.I really want to immigrate and serve, and then consider whether to instructed the ID card.

Create Causeway Bay Bookstore Four years

Lin Rongji can change the Taiwanese this year

Lin Rongji (67 years old), an indicator of exile in Taiwan, has not obtained an ID card for four years in Taiwan, hoping to become a Taiwanese at the end of this year.

Lin Rongji founded the Causeway Bay Bookstore in Hong Kong in 1994. In 2015, he was arrested when he passed the Luohu Port in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and he lost his freedom for eight months.He moved to Taiwan in April 2019, and a year later, he created Causeway Bay Bookstore through crowdfunding of NT $ 6 million (about S $ 28,200).Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen visited the bookstore to take a photo with him, and left a message on the "Lian Nong Wall" on the bookshelf "the freedom to support Hong Kong in Hong Kong".

He revealed that he was interviewed by Lianhe Morning Post that he came to Taiwan in the name of sightseeing, and then obtained the right to residence through work and updated every two years.At the beginning of last year, the Immigration Department officials came to contact, saying that he would help him apply for an ID card through a professional immigration and ask him how to contribute Taiwanese society in the future in the future.

His report was written halfway, and he suddenly found that he suffered from the first phase of lung adenocarcinoma. Chemotherapy was performed in September last year.Immigration officials proposed to help him complete the written report.If there was no accident, he would become a Taiwanese citizen after the residence permit expires at the end of this year.

Lin Rongji has a praise and derogation for Taiwan's life.He said that through health insurance payment, the cost of treating cancer in Taiwan is only 10 % of Hong Kong, and the rent of the bookstore is only one -quarter of Hong Kong.He believes that Taiwanese are humane, cleaner, low living expenses, and good quality of life.

However, he bluntly stated that Taiwan is relatively closed, and even a little conservatively. The bureaucrat and inefficient ways of "not clear and unwilling to bear" need to be improved.

Looking back at the current situation of escape and the current situation of Hong Kong, he believes that in the face of unfair things, he must resist, but he calls on young people in Hong Kong to protect themselves. There is no need to stay to resist and let himself be in a dangerous place.

"Hong Kong people are more important than Hong Kong, and people are more valuable than everything."He also hopes that Taiwan will become a more mature democratic society in order to further affect mainland China.

Scholars: Immigration of Taiwan's Risk Risk

Scholars of interviewees pointed out that there is no immigration policy in Taiwan, only immigration regulations and administration, and the risk of immigration must be too much thought.

Su Weiye, a professor at the Department of Public Administration of Politburo in Taiwan, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Taiwan does not have a complete policy for attracting immigrants. The Immigration Department is only an unit under the enforcement of regulations under the Ministry of the Interior and has no decision -making power.

Su Weiye, from Hong Kong, who moved to Taiwan for 20 years, said that Taiwan separates the right to residence from work and obtains a residence permit.

He said that in the past ten years, Hong Kong people have been approved for settlement in one or two weeks for a year or two.Nowadays, the rules of the game often do not make it clear. After one year after many Hong Kong people come to Taiwan, the Immigration Department has only set up new conditions for "moving Longmen". It is no wonder that Hong Kong people are unhappy and dissatisfied with people to rule the rule of law.

Su Weiye pointed out that in order to complete the case before the deadline, the Taiwan Immigration Department often uses national security suspicion to deduct the application of ID cards, or requires the provision of a good civil card delay time."Many Hong Kong people have escaped because of the National Security Law.

He said that many Hong Kong people used to think that the Taiwan government was in Hong Kong. After experiencing all this, it has changed from good feelings.

He bluntly said that immigration to Taiwan is too risky and there are too many factors. It is recommended that Hong Kong people do not need to consider the family immigrants in Taiwan at this stage.

A female professor of university female professors who immigrated to Taiwan for 20 years and unknown from Hong Kong told the Morning Post that she knew more than 20 Hong Kong immigration cases. After 2019, no one successfully obtained an ID card.fail.

She believes that Taiwan's handling of immigrants in Hong Kong may also have election considerations. They are worried that Hong Kong people are relatively blue, and they will be unfavorable to the DPP government when voting. At the same time, they also consider that Hong Kong people are fluent in English and worry that Taiwanese will be robbed of rice bowls., Caused local voters to rebound.

She said: "I often encourage the overseas Chinese students in the class, hoping that they can perform academically and prove that they are talents and elites, so as to make Taiwanese people change to Hong Kong people."

Unknown immigration consultants believe that the DPP government does not really want Hong Kong people to immigrate Taiwan."Maybe they think that Hong Kong people love to express their opinions. It is difficult to do Diaomin. Worried that the number of people is more hindered to the government."

He bluntly said: "I have persuaded customers not to rush to apply for settlement recently. It is better to wait for the ruling party before applying. Because the president will be selected soon, it may be faster to change your head."