01 Viewpoint

Black men in Minnesota, USA, died of kneeling with their knees with their knees, and riots broke out in many places in the United States.Hu Xi, editor -in -chief of the Global Times of the Mainland, commented on Twitter, claiming that Hong Kong thugs have penetrated the United States.Attacking the police station, destroying stores, blocking roads, and destroying public facilities are common in Hong Kong demonstrations.The vicious Hong Kong thugs are obviously the planner of the national violent demonstration.He might be aimed at ridiculing that the United States was not good at dealing with domestic contradictions, but at the same time, he had to interfere with Hong Kong affairs. However, without evidence, he stiffly linked the demonstrations of the two places, which seemed to lack of persuasiveness.

Sino -US relations have deteriorated to a shocking point -last year, American politicians have spoken to Hong Kong's anti -repair examples, which has long triggered Chinese dissatisfaction. The recent epidemic situation and the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law have even exacerbated the contradiction between the two countries.Racial conflicts in the United States today are exactly providing opportunities to expose the dual standards of the United States for mainland official media and netizens.

Conspiracy lacks the foundation foundation

It is undeniable that there are too many shortcomings in the United States: the governors have turned a deaf ear to the unfair treatment of blacks for a long time, and on the one hand, Washington officials bless Hong Kong violence demonstrations, but on the other hand, they agree with their own military power and clearly reveal them clearly.Their dual standards.If Hu Xijin criticized and even ironic the United States based on the objective facts, it is definitely worthy of support, but Hong Kong thugs planned the conspiracy theory of the lack of facts in the United States demonstration.

More importantly, similar conspiracy theories may not help eliminate the gap between the mainland and Hong Kong.Since the anti -repair campaign, the relationship between the two places has deteriorated significantly, and the practice of one country, two systems has also faced unprecedented challenges.How to rebuild the old good between the two places is what many Zhishi people are looking forward to.Hu Xijin must be such people -because he came to Hong Kong to observe last year and promised to consider more emotions on both sides to avoid making more gaps between the two places.Unfortunately, his post on Twitter made people feel that he just wanted to fight.

We are convinced that the central government, mainland public opinion (including the Global Times), and the mainstream public opinion in Hong Kong hope that Hong Kong will be stable for a long time.If so, the above -mentioned points should strive to grow and do not force. At the same time, at the same time, they should guide the radicals of Hong Kong young people who have participated in the violent demonstration with the greatest sincerity and encourage them to participate in the reform of Hong Kong.It is disappointing that the dissemination of conspiracy theories is unlikely to turn Hong Kong prodigal son back, and the riots in the United States are planned by the Hong Kong demonstrators. Instead, it will make the latter feel the hostility of the official media.Essence

Just look at the message below Hu Xi into the post, and it is not difficult to find that many netizens feel extremely disdain.In fact, people with a little common sense will feel that it is difficult to stand.The editor -in -chief of the Time Time opened the Twitter account in order to communicate with netizens, but this time it seemed to run counter to its original heart.