The opening of China is not easy, and the globalization of China is not easy; or in other words, it is not inevitable whether openness and globalization in China.It was very open in Chinese history. It has been in isolated for hundreds of years after the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Until modern times, China opened the door by Western imperialist guns and was forced to open.

Before the decades of reform and opening up, it was also in a relatively closed state. It only started to open to the West after the reform and opening up.However, opening to the West is a lesson.In the 1980s, when the leader of the Deng Xiaoping decided to open to the outside world, their decision was based on such a factual judgment: closed, they must be backward, and they must be beaten behind.If in modern times, it is passively open because of beating, reform and opening up are actively opening to the world.

China's opening up is an opportunity for China and the world, which is why the open policy is relatively smooth.There is an interactive relationship between China and the Western world.China takes the initiative to actively promote its open policy. The West is pulling, pulling a China, that is, China is welcome to join the world economic system.However, the comprehensive interaction and integration of China and the Western world is after joining the World Trade Organization.

Needless to say, China has transformed from a poor country to the second largest economy, from a closed state to the largest trading country, and from a large agricultural country to a world factory, all of which are the result of China's open policy.

The crown disease epidemic will become a fuse of China and the Western world. Is it easy to establish a correlation between the melting between the two?

Regardless of whether in China or the West, some people may disagree with this, because they always think that China and the Western world have been deeply integrated, and they cannot be disconnected by the crown disease epidemic, let alone China closed again.Indeed, until US President Trump launched a Sino -US trade war, people have always believed in the power of China's and Western economies.Some people in the United States even call it China and the United States, and some of China call it a Sino -US marriage relationship.

China's determination to continue to promote globalization

Even in the United States began to engage in economic nationalism and trade protectionism, the Chinese leadership still remained awake, and expressed her determination to continue to promote globalization on many occasions.China also acts like this. Through hard work, it has reached the first stage of trade agreement with the United States.

But the crown disease seems to be changing everything.Although it has been more than 40 years of reform and opening up, although people think that China has been deeply integrated into the world system, suddenly, people have discovered that China is actually not ready to accept the world, and the West is not ready to accept China.Regardless of China or the West (especially in the United States), the ethical and populism of nationalism and populism is not only promoted the upgrade of the Cold War between China and the United States, but also points to the possibility of local hot war between China and the United States.

In fact, the relationship between China and the United States (and the West) from the past has evolved into a relationship of crowded and retreating, that is, the United States (and the West) wants to squeeze China to the world system, and China itself is unconsciouslyExit this system.In other words, China and the West are no longer each other, but running counter to the end.

The first is the squeeze of the West.The West has a long history for China, and it can be understood.Since the beginning of the 1990s, the Chinese threat theory prevailing in different versions of the West, no matter what kind of theory, is not assured of China behind it.For a country with different civilized culture, different political systems, different ideology, and different value systems, this kind of unrestrained mood in Western countries is original.But because of this, the West and China have never established sufficient political trust, and various relationships have maintained in interest relationships.

This can also be understood that the relationship between the country is all interests, and only the interests are eternal.However, there is not enough interest.If the interests are hard power, trust is soft power.Without soft power, hard power is easily understood as a threat.In fact, during the Sino -US trade war before the crown disease epidemic, many people in the West have always criticized China to weapon the economic dependence between the world and China, that is, China uses this high dependence to pursue its own interests to their own interests.EssenceAlthough weaponization has always been the usual method of using Western non -Western countries, that is, economic sanctions, because of their distrust of China, even if China does not have weapons, it is considered by the West to do this.

Never believe in China to feel the threat of China to crowding out China, this is the behavior logic of the West.The Sino -US trade war is undoubtedly a turning point in Western and China relations.Previously, the West always thought that it would be capable of changing China and shaped China into a country they wanted to see by incorporating China into the world economic system.But the trade war means that the West (especially the United States) has abandoned this Western scholar believes that it is naive.Now that China cannot be changed, it has changed to crowd out China.

The deterioration of the Western (US) attitude caused by the virus to China is the extension of this logic.From the beginning, politicians in the United States have their agenda.Instead of the spread of the epidemic in the United States, they have never assumed any responsibility, but have been pushing their responsibilities to China.From the controversy of the virus name and the various conspiracy theories of the virus, to the later accusations of the World Health Organization and the calculation of the post -autumn accounts, various behaviors are part of this agenda.

Obviously, this behavior logic belongs to the United States but also the entire Western world.Although China has tried its best to provide medical and health supplies to more than 100 countries including some Western countries after the local epidemic is controlled, Western's distrust of China not only did not decrease, but increased sharply.China's foreign medical assistance is regarded as a mask diplomatic influence diplomacy and geopolitical diplomacy.The sound of accounting after autumn is popular throughout the Western world, and senior officials in Britain, France, and Germany also blame China directly or indirectly.

Unless the relationship between Western and China reverses in the next period of time, a new wave of western western waves of anti -China and anti -China waves are inevitable, whether in the epidemic or after the epidemic.

When the West turned to China, China itself also shifted from pushing to retreat.Retreat is not manifested in physical and material sense, but in thought and attitude.In fact, at the level of physical and material significance, as the Belt and Road Initiative and other projects have shown, China has just entered the world in recent years.However, at the level of thought and attitude, many people have begun to retreat from the world system, so that more and more Chinese people also hold the American mentality of the world.

The rise and internationalization of nationalism

Reform and opening up has undoubtedly contributed to the increasing internationalization of China's economy.To this day, from the perspective of which perspective, China's economy is quite international.In terms of investment and trade, China is even more international than some Western countries.

People's mentality is becoming more and more introverted, that is, looking inward.There are many reasons for this tendency. One of the most important factor is the rise of nationalism.Because of the rapid rise of the country, people are extremely proud of the rise of the country.At the same time, after so many years of opening up, many people have seen that the Western system is far from being so beautiful in the past, but so.This is undoubtedly positive.

However, when people enjoy the results of reform and opening up, they do not know how to get the results and how the country rises.Although no one will deny the results of reform and opening up and the rise of the country, it is obtained by the hard work of the Chinese people, but it is undeniable that this is also the result of the interaction between China and the West.Without the western pull side, although China will eventually rise, it will be much more difficult.

Without this cognition, more and more people are proud.For a period of time, the sound beyond the West prevailed, people believe that the West has declined, and China has fully surpassed the West.Of course, many people have begun to be Western teachers.

However, once facing an increasingly worse external environment, and material (especially technology), when the surface of the West is squeezed, nationalism and populist forces are more inclined to internalization.People do not choose to interact with the West as before, learn from the West, learn from the WestInstead, they started to warm up the group and cope with the deterioration of the deterioration through unity.This is naturally in line with behavioral logic, but this is obviously a vicious circle.

So far, the behavior of many people has been developing.The folk nationalism and populism have led to a sharp differentiation within the society. Everyone's ideological identity is clear, and the relationship between themselves and others is like a well water.Following the arguments of the Fang Fang diary and their people's words, people remind people of the abroad scene that has happened in history.

Confucian society is relatively conservative and introverted, so the internationalization of Confucian society is not easy.In East Asia, Japan and Subsequent Four Dragons (South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong) are now highly international society, but the internationalization of these society is a man -made result.These society are models of elite rule, and elites are highly international.Because in modern times, especially after World War II, these society belongs to part of the Western camp, because the elite understands how this Western world works, and also strives to promote the integration of society and international.

But this is not like this today.It is not difficult to see that the elites that are regarded as the most aware of the international situation and the Western world have become the most nationalist groups. They do not guide the people, but actively succumb to the people, or even resort to civilian.In this way, the consequences are self -evident.

Many bureaucratic departments do not act.People have forgotten that as the second largest economy and the largest trading country, and the economy is deeply integrated into the international, in fact, there is no obvious boundary between domestic and international;Influence.People can't help asking, whether it is local government officials or people engaged in wolf -type diplomacy, do they consider external impact when they speak?There may be no, and it is more likely to treat China as the world.Otherwise, how to explain frequent diplomatic incidents during this period?

The elite department is like this, especially the people.In fact, elites and folks are enhanced each other.During the media era, business nationalism has reached an unprecedented peak, and more and more self -media has invested in the flourishing industry of patriotism.It can be understood by media operations and capital chase, but why does the management department do not act?If it is said that the political and sensitive media and people can effectively govern, shouldn't it be effective in remarks that are as ignorant like XX countries who want to return to China and can have extremely negative international impacts?

Once you have the psychology of exiting the world, the psychological distance between people is getting farther and farther, and the heart wall of the world is more than the world's isolation.So that once this high and thick wall is out of this, people are like aliens. They don't know how to communicate with the world, let alone know what to communicate with the world.Naturally, the world does not agree with people who come out of this high and thick wall.

I am not far from closed by the world

Judging from experience, if I have the concept of the world, it is not far from closed again.It has existed in history, and the author calls the Ming Dynasty trap.For a while, in the Ming Dynasty, whether from national capabilities (such as Zheng He seven times to the Western) or social capabilities (such as the so -called pirates that reflect the power of folk sea merchants), they were the world's first.However, under the leadership of the heavenly dynasty, under the leadership of the open mind, the Ming Dynasty implemented a sea ban, which eventually caused China to lose the marine era.The Qing Dynasty inherited the heritage of the Ming Dynasty and closed the country until it was completely defeated by the West in modern times.

But this is not to say that closing again is inevitable.In fact, from beginning to end, it is not proud of the entire country, and there are sober society and elite groups. In particular, the leadership has always been sober.In the early days, the sober performance of the leadership was interacting with the Western world to seek common ground while depositing differences. They not only discovered the common interests with the Western world, but also found that in some common values, they could also discuss dialogue with the West.

For some time, China and the West also had a dialogue (including democracy and human rights, etc.).Although there is no substantial progress, because China itself also has a different value system with the West, the conversation is okay, but it cannot be replaced by each other.But this conversation itself is important because it points to people's mentality.

Dialogue with the Western world in these years has less due to various reasons, but the leadership has been fully promoting globalization as always.Obviously, the leadership has a sober understanding of the challenge facing China's rise.As far as people are proud of manufacturing, the reality of China is still severe.The United States, which is considered declining, is still far ahead, in the first echelon, European countries and Japan are in the second echelon, and China is still in the third echelon, even lower.

Considering the current position of China, it is the result of China and Western pulling, which is the diffusion effect of Western technology in China. If China wants to become a manufacturing country, it must have 30 years.To put it simply, if the United States and Western countries can produce a large number of reorganized products, many industries in China still stay in the assembly stage, and there are few and few of China's pretending products.

Regardless of how the United States and the West deal with China, China will not stop developing, let alone perish.However, with the squeezing of the West and the retreat of China, it is possible that China is closed again.China, who was once called the oriental sleeping lion by Napoleon, would you just fall asleep just after waking up?No one can take it lightly.This naturally tests this generation.

(The author is a professor at the East Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore. The article only represents personal opinions.)