01 Viewpoint

Since the large -scale outbreak of the US new coronary virus epidemic in the middle of the previous month, it has surpassed countries around the world. With nearly 800,000 confirmed cases, more than 40,000 people have killed the world.For this reason, the US President Trump was at the beginning of his own epidemic, and he continued to dilute the incident to make the epidemic out of control.Trump showed a great move to the world, pointing his finger at the WHO and the Chinese government, questioning them to conceal the epidemic, and announced that the suspension of WHO applied funds, causing a global rebound.China has become an issue of election. The Trump campaign camp launched an advertisement to criticize the opponent Biden. Biden has been passing by Beijing in the past. The Bayeng camp did not sit to wait.Work, despise the epidemic.Two presidential candidates fight against the Chinese card to show that they are tougher to China.

The Trump camp launched a series of advertising attacks at the beginning of the month, saying that the Washington Elite led by Biden has misjudged China in the past 40 years, making China become increasingly powerful.Advertising quoted Biden in 2011, whether in 1979 or at that time, the rise of China was developing in front, and even edited Biden in 2016 that it would not stop the development of China, and in the primary election, it was said that Beijing non -bad people were not competitors.EssenceAdvertising also criticized China to snatch American workers' rice bowls, stealing American technology, concealing the epidemic, which killed a large number of Americans; when the Chinese government snatched and merged medical supplies around the world, Biden criticized Trump for banning passengers from China from entering the country as hysteria.Extraordinaryism and dissemination of fear, maintaining Beijing everywhere; Hunter Biden, Biden's son, has a business in China and kissed because of personal interests.The advertisement stated that China must prevents Biden first. Trump answered reporters' questions at a press conference on Sunday, saying that if Bayendon wins, China will occupy the United States.

Biden Tong Tao with Trump

Since Trump's 2016 elections, he has been criticizing many presidents' policies in the past, especially the most dissatisfied with the trade deficit with China.Shortly after he took office, he launched a trade war on Beijing and imposed tariffs on Chinese goods imports to the United States.In this epidemic, Trump blamed China and implemented its tough line to Beijing.However, it was unexpected that the Biden camp also launched an advertising battle a few days ago, similar to the Trump camp, saying that Trump was not tough enough for China.In the early days of the epidemic, the advertising series praised Xi Jinping's resistance to more than 15 times. On the contrary, Biden had said that if he had prescribed the presidential meeting to disclose and transparent the epidemic in Beijing at the end of February, and approved American experts to investigate in China.Advertising also pointed out that after the sealing of China, 40,000 people still entered from China to handle their misconduct, causing 22 million U.S. people to lose their jobs and more than 30,000 people. The country has suffered an unprecedented health and economic crisis.

The two sides of the camp compete for who is tough than who is to Beijing, forming an interesting phenomenon of fighting against China.However, compared to Bitter Trump, Biden's anti -Chinese card was obviously convincing.Biden's career in the past forty years has always been friendly to Beijing and has also actively promoted the normalization of trade with China.Later, American companies moved to China to set up factories, and the economic collapse of the American industrial town was separated.In 2016, Trump defeated Hillary with the white workers class in the rust belt belt of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvania.When Trump launched a trade war, Biden also attacked him to damage the Sino -US trade relations.Bayon's son Hunter's business in China is even more skeleton in his cabinet.Last year, Trump attracted Congress to impeach the President of Ukraine in order to investigate whether Hunter worked at Ukraine Natural Gas Company Burisma, and put pressure on the President Zeleki of Ukraine.Hunter is the main investor of the Chinese private equity company Bohai Huamei Fund. After the visit to China in 2013, Bayeng's father and son had injected $ 1 billion for its company.After the incident broke out last year, Hunter said he would resign as the company's director, but recently reported that Hunter was still a member of his board of directors.

Ferry is always a rice bowl

The relatives of Washington's two -party politicians and Chinese business have long been weird. For example, Neil Bush, the former president of the president, Nil Bush, won a consultant contract for a $ 400,000 Chinese computer chip company in 2003.Disputes; Dianne Feinstein, a senior senator of the California Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Senator, has invested heavily in China for many years; Christopher Heinz, the Secretary of State of Obama's second government, is also the Bohai Huamei FundOne of the partners.Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump's 16 trademarks were also given preliminary approval by the China Trademark Office during the trade war.Real estate transaction.Trump's transactions with Chinese funds are difficult to be brighter than Biden.However, Trump has always been good at anti -building remarks, saying that the Washington elite has signed many trade agreements with Beijing in order to get business in China, at the cost of bruising tens of millions of American workers.System in China.

Biden was suddenly rejected by Trump, a maintenance person who used to change the norm with Trump, and suddenly changed his question. It also caused the outside world to question whether it would be self -defeating.Attacking Bayeon not only on the right, but even many left -wing liberals have also criticized the Bayeon camp in the advertisement that the Chinese government has been accused of the Chinese government in the advertisement.Many comments even referred to Trump's responsibility to shirk his inadequate resistance and shifted his attention to China and WHO, but the Bayeon camp fell into Trump's trap, which was extremely unwise.

In fact, Trump has always been a master of manipulating the direction of public opinion. He is not amazingly died in words, which has caused a warm discussion of the public regardless of the positive opinion, thereby leading the direction of public opinion.Trump's announcement of the suspension of WHO's funding has also attracted the opposition of leaders from various countries, which has caused discussions on the accountability of the WHO's epidemic.The Biden camp followed Trump to fight against the Chinese card, making China a spindle of the election for a while.

However, for most American voters, it is imminent to be the rice bowls on the dining table today.The U.S. epidemic crisis is not solved, and measures such as banning and sealing city do not know how day can be lifted. Generally, American families cannot worry about how to deal with many costs such as rent and number of cards next month.Nowadays, the U.S. unemployed army has exceeded 22 million, accounting for 13.5%of the labor population. Whether politicians are anti -China and China, they seem to be too far away.Who can save this irreversible economic disaster and keep the American rice bowl, who will undoubtedly enter the White House.