Elizabeth Middot; Delu

U.S. President Trump has been busy consolidating power during his first three years. However, when the United States faces the largest domestic disaster in the past century, he refuses to use these powers.Instead, Trump chose to deny and delay when the fatal 2019 coronal virus was ready to invade the United States.

However, at the end of March, Trump's scientific adviser submitted a 15 -day voluntary experiment evidence to him, which confirmed that the epidemic was not complied with such restrictions in the place where the places that carefully implemented social distance measures were not complied with such restrictions.The place is slow.At that time, more than 100,000 coronary virus infections in the United States died of more than 1,000 people.

The model of a scientific consultant shows that if the public takes appropriate behavior, the deadly American residents will be between 100,000 and 240,000; Trump's political adviser tells him that public opinion surveys show that the public hopes to extend social distance measures.This time, he adopted a wise approach to extend the federal government's guidelines for maintaining social distance for another 30 days until the end of April.

After a long period of procrastination, a few days ago, it was announced that all restrictions would be canceled before Easter (April 12), and restarted the US economy (he could not do so, because the market was ordered by the governor of each state)Trump seems to have begun to take this big epidemic seriously.

Earlier, he also refuted the Democrats' criticism of his crisis and calling them a new scam.When he noticed his vice president Pence, who had assigned the coronary virus epidemic prevention work, and won praise for hosting the daily press conference, he changed the press conference to his own lecture, and touted himself through the high ratings of the press conference.EssenceBut Trump's performance is still half -mixed, and he still crusade the reporters who questioned his slow response.

The country used to be in a bad state of defense. In order to shirk his responsibility, Trump sometimes claimed that no one knew that this level of epidemic would occur. On other occasions, he claimed that he had always knew that the epidemic was coming.As usual, he pointed his finger at Obama.In fact, as early as January, multiple intelligence agencies have warned the Trump administration that coronary virus will soon appear in the United States.

However, despite the unremitting efforts during this period, government officials still could not let the president focus on this imminent crisis.At the same time, when facing the public, Trump faded the harm of coronary virus and the disease caused by it, saying that it was not as fatal as seasonal influenza.

When he realized that he had to understand the epidemic, it was convenient for the public on February 24 that the crown disease epidemic was completely controlled in the United States.Trump said on March 31 that the reason why he had been optimistic before he wanted to bring hope to people, but according to media reports, he was disdainful in private as in public.

Trump is completely a wrong candidate to lead the United States at this moment.He is neither the smartest nor the most focused in previous presidents, and obviously he can't cope with this situation.His denial of reality has led medical staff to lack sufficient personal protection equipment, and some of them die.In addition, the extreme lack of virus testing kits has made policy makers know nothing about the number of places and cases infected.And Trump's thirst for praise for praise has made him repeatedly publish extremely ridiculous remarks, such as claiming that the number of detection in the United States is very close to other countries.

This negative attitude towards reality has affected the work relationship between the government and the governor of the state.Trump has heard of his economic adviser for too many long opinions, and it is these people who have persuaded him to put business interests on public health for a few weeks.He refused to quote the National Defense Production Law during the Korean War, and finally changed on March 27, and then ordered GM to start creating urgent need for ventilators.The decree allows the president to order a company to produce specific supplies on the country's emergency.

In addition, Trump's actions also show signs of politics.Some governors, such as the Florida Governor Ron Desantis, the Governor of Florida, who belonged to the Republican Party, have received more federal assistance than the Democratic Governor of Trump intentionally found.In response to the crown disease, the US federal system is both an obstacle and a life -saving straw: it has led to confusion in policy, and it has also become a cigarette curtain covering Trump's incompetent.

Trump still refuses to raise crisis to the national level, and let the states adopt different epidemic prevention strategies to fight for emergency equipment for each other.At a press conference in mid -March, when asked if he was responsible for the shortage of masks, his answer was likely to show why he adopted this approach.He said: No, I don't have to take any responsibility at all.In other words, the governor must be responsible for any mistake.

This shirk responsibility has become the standard operation of Trump and many Republican leaders, such as Pence has accused China of China and the American Disease Control and Prevention Center.By late March, Republicans began to justify that the impeachment of the Democratic Party in January of Trump dispersed his threat to the epidemic.But this statement can't stand in time: the impeachment incident has ended in early February.When the former President Clinton was impeached, he did not delay he actively promoted various legislation.

We may never know how Trump thinks about this epidemic.What we can know is that the loss caused by crown disease is increasing.As of April 6, the number of deaths in the United States had climbed to more than 9,600, and the cases of infection rose to nearly 340,000.There are nearly 1.3 million people infected with the virus worldwide, and there are also many unknown mysteries about the virus, including how long it will torture us.

In terms of economy, in the week of April 1, the number of applicants for unemployment relief in the United States increased by 6.6 million.This number is limited to those who submitted the application, and even the application is becoming more and more difficult, because the labor department is overwhelmed.To be sure, we are about to encounter a long and far -rearling decline.

When he was in this crisis in the past, there would naturally be many studies on specific events and causes during the crisis.One of the most tricky and long -term arguments is how many people lost their lives with Trump's leadership.

Author Elizabeth Drew is a reporter in Washington. Its latest book is Washington Daily: Reporting the Watergate incident and Richard Middot; Nesheson (Washington Journal: Reporting Watergate and Richard Nixons Downfall)

English Title: The TRUMP PRESIDENCY TURNS Deadly

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020

Trump is completely a wrong candidate to lead the United States at this moment.He is neither the smartest nor the most focused in previous presidents, and obviously he can't cope with this situation.