Author: Xu Zongyu

If you are an American, work from other places to New York, and now the New York New Crown Pneumonic epidemic suddenly becomes a centers in the United States, what should I do?The normal response was to run back to his hometown. At the beginning, some people ran, and then many people ran, and even New York locals ran.Therefore, the first step of epidemic prevention is to seal New York, trap the largest source of illness, centralized quarantine and treatment, and then track the situation of people from New York to other people in the past two weeks, and divide into different block quarantine solutions.

The problem is that the United States did not do so, so the virus continued to flow to the United States. As a result, the epidemic prevention could only chase the virus running. No matter how many medical staff, no matter how many medical equipment, could not catch up with the situation.The founder of Microsoft Bill Gates initially advocated that the United States endured the sacrifice.Governor Guo Mo, Governor of New York, said that if the federal blockade in New York, it is equivalent to declared war on the state, and all governors oppose the state that the state will be blocked and say that it violates the constitution.At present, the U.S. epidemic is obviously out of control, the root cause is the advantage of the United States that it is proud of.

Unlike China, there are countless disasters such as floods, locusts, droughts, military disasters, and famines in history. Any disaster may bring the tragic situation of bones.Those who were forced to sacrifice part of the pain to keep their collective life; the United States is just the opposite, the prefectures are rare, and the resources are rich. Except for the Northern and South Civil War and the regional small natural disasters, there are basically no major disasters and no neighbors.Several wars were not in the United States.

Americans have never experienced internal disasters.The American dream is the guarantee of successful personal efforts, and there will be no difficulty in the environmental porridge.Personal creativity can be fully played, and the social welfare system is often used as a lazy person.Because the government is required to intervene as little as possible, public undertakings such as transportation, energy, manufacturing, medical care and education are all privateized, which has evolved into social operations with money supremacy. In addition, the family system is on the verge of disintegration.Homeless tourism.American -style individualism, liberalism and capitalism can succeed, provided that material resources can be supplied indefinitely, and personal freedom can be unlimited.Once these two pillars are shaken, the United States will fall into the crisis of paralysis and chaos of constitutional discomfort.

The new crown virus is a super natural enemy in the United States. It is not afraid of military power, nor does it care about financial hegemony, trade hegemony, etc. On the contrary, as long as it invades several aircraft carriers, it is enough to make the entire super battleship lose its combat power.The new coronal virus is people's carrier, spreading around with the rapid movement of humans. Therefore, the only nemesis is to limit personal freedom, which happens to be the most exclusive constitution in the United States.The state government blame each other.The 2 trillion US dollar bailout plan is passed, but it takes 4 to 5 months to receive the money.In just two weeks, nearly 10 million people have made an application for unemployment subsidies.Large enterprises who are ordered to produce medical equipment are still considering whether it can be recycled?Various hospitals are also in detail. The advantages of the United States include personal freedom, business freedom, open society, repeated debates, and power balances, etc., all of which have opened the door for the virus to sweep the country.

When the US production, consumption, finance and other causes have shrunk sharply for a long time, it is difficult to support the wealthy and powerful countries.Many people now not only buy people's vibrant capital, but also scramble to buy firearms and ammunition to prevent the emergence of the stolen situation.If you can't stop it, the epidemic will become economic out of control, and then social out of control.It can be imagined that when the United States stands back in pain, it will be a very different world.

The author is a senior media person