Source: Hong Kong 01

Last Thursday (March 26), the leaders of the G20 (G20) of the G20 (G20), like the general public that was trapped in home in many places in the world, held a special summit for the new crown pneumonia's epidemic through video conferences.They promise to do their best to overcome the popularity of the epidemic and reduce the damage to the economy and society.However, when leaders of various countries are busy with domestic resistance, this international cooperation structure representing nearly 80%of the global economic output value can temporarily only play a symbolic function of uniting all human beings against new crown pneumonia.

The new crown epidemic is rampant worldwide, and the pressure of economic recession has almost never seen. In order to recover the people's confidence, leaders and heads of international organizations have tried to repeat the 2012 European Central Bank President Mario Draghi.Let the euro area temporarily avoid the risk of disintegration.Too many short checks make the value of this sentence lower and lower.However, Christine Lagarde, the successor of Delagi, did not show that he had to save all the markets, which caused the European bond market to earthquake mdash; MDASH; from this perspective, there was no hesitation of everything.good.The G20 mentioned it twice in its joint statement, of course, the icing on the cake.

Slightly eased frictions in various countries

As the leaders of the G20 countries say, dealing with the new crown epidemic, a unity, transparent, positive, coordinated, large -scale and scientific global response is needed.However, as shown in the G20 statement, in fact, there are still not many spaces that countries can work together.

The framework of international health cooperation is only for the World Health Organization (WHO).However, in the face of different political systems, culture, medical systems, and production capacity of various countries, the WHO proposes a detailed anti -epidemic guidelines that are allowed to release all over the world.difficulty.This is still the case for WHO, which specializes in international medical and health policy, not to mention the original purpose of the G20 of global financial and economic governance?Therefore, in the direct cooperation of resistance, in addition to showing that they will assist each other and exchange information, the most obvious actions are only reiterating the support of WTO in resources.

At the level of guarding the global economy, the G20 leader claims that it will inject more than 5 trillion US dollars into the world economy, and will continue to make decisive and large -scale financial support.Last Friday (March 27), a US country alone has passed more than two trillion US dollars of market rescue policies, and Germany also broke its black zero (March 25) in one breath last Wednesday (March 25).The principle of financial balance is promised to spend a total of 750 billion euros and market rescue measures for employees and enterprises.Coupled with the tap of tens of billions of dollars in other countries, this 5 trillion dollars is not empty, and it is also rare to implement so quickly.However, in the face of the upcoming global economic pressure, I am afraid that the 5 trillion giant is just a lot of money.

Moreover, in the face of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) increased its ability to borrow to help countries to help countries fight against diseases, the G20 leader's statement only said that it will cooperate with the IMF, and there is a statement that the cooperation of this kind of cooperation must be in international organizations such as IMF and other international organizations such as IMF.It seems that under the existing authorization framework, it seems that there is no intention of further supporting countries through similar international architectures.At the moment when countries are busy with the snow in front of the door, further substantial cross -border cooperation is still difficult to expect.

It is worthy of recognition that after the G20 leaders' meeting, the existing frictions caused by the new crown epidemic problems have obviously weakened.U.S. President Trump, who had unilaterally closed the European Union before the notification or consultation, talked to the phone with French President Emmanuel Marcon after the G20 meeting.Macron said that the two sides had a good discussion, saying that the two countries were preparing for the new tricks against the epidemic.

On the other hand, Sino -US relations, which turned due to the relatives of epidemics, also eased because Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping made another call last Friday.Xi Jinping said that China and the United States should unite and resist, and China is willing to continue to share information and experience with the United States without reservation; Trump has not called the new crown virus as Chinese virus, and praises China a lot, and it has deeply developed the virus.The understanding, also known as the close cooperation between China and the United States, expressed great respect for China.

Points of the problem with the problem

Although leaders of various countries have not announced further actual cooperation, they point out the problem of problems brought about by this epidemic: the difficulty of global confrontation with new crown pneumonia, and the economic strike brought about by the new crown pneumonia.First, one for two international goods is easy.

The G20 leader stated that he will work hard to ensure the circulation of key medical products, cross -border transportation of key agricultural products, commodities and services, and solving the problem of global supply chain break.This is of course a good wish. However, in the crisis of the new crown epidemic, countries can only touch the river to cross the river for the time being, and it is difficult to systematically adjust the global trade structure behind these problems.However, when the G20 can be so clear, we are of course closer to the solution of the problem.

When the difficulty of medical supplies in Europe and the United States, the domestic production capacity of medical equipment and drugs has become a key issue.Except for European and American countries, they are trying to import medical equipment from China, such as ventilator, and many countries have also been shocked that their medical capacity is extremely low and excessively rely on foreign imports.The Anthrophorean anti -inflammatory drugs are from China, and this has not been counted as drugs imported from other countries and containing Chinese ingredients.

China's epidemic at this moment seems to be controlled and can export medical supplies to foreign countries.However, at the time of South Korea, Germany, India, Taiwan and other countries or regions, it is forbidden to export some medical products due to the new crown epidemic.When the epidemic and even other public health crisis strike, I am afraid that they will repeat the same mistakes.

On the other hand, on the issue of the global supply chain break, Xiefang is also the same way.Under the globalization driven by countries to play its comparative advantages, the supply chain of complex products such as cars and electronic products has become a tedious structure that is closely linked and lacking.Under the production model of the time-in-time, the smooth operation of the supply chain is the key to the global economy. In other words, all eggs are placed in the same one.Basket problem.

This is obviously not a problem that can be easily solved by profit -seeking capital. After all, the reason why this set of mysterious supply chain is so mysterious is precisely because it is the result of each collection of individual actions that only starts.Today, it is no longer possible to return to the era of globalization before, and this can only be solved by a certain degree of coordination between the country.The G20 focusing on global economic governance is bound to have an important role in the solution of these problems.However, these structural problems need to be treated after the epidemic is slightly reduced.

Take a little breathing while the summit

At present, in addition to its own resistance to the G20 countries, it also pays special attention to the status of developing countries-especially in African countries and small island countries-as well as refugees or forced to migrate.The medical system and economic strength of developing countries may not be able to deal with the new crown epidemic, of course, the focus of international attention.However, at a more utilitarian level, if developing countries fail to suppress the epidemic, it will become a hidden danger of global epidemic prevention. After all, in the era of globalization, we have no boundaries and no dripping boundaries.

At the same time, if the G20 can effectively promote international cooperation between supporting developing countries and refugees to resist, this may become a blueprint for further integration of medical and health policies in the international community in the future.Just as some African countries with inconvenient land transportation are the first to transport patients to patients with drones general mdash; mdash; the most advanced solution does not necessarily appear in the most advanced place.

People are at this timeThe expectation of the G20 video summit has always been very low. One of the reasons is that the video summit forces leaders of various countries to discuss in the eyes of everyone, and lost some leaders who may be clever in the corridor or toilet.This may be one of the reasons for this summit to bring a substantial policy change to the world.However, a group of leaders are like you and me. Through a long -distance communication of the shouting screen, it has also witnessed that under the laws of nature, you, I, Trump, Xi Jinping, so that you may be the most.The nasty world politicians are actually flat and equal.Perhaps this is also the leader who was quite dissatisfied with each other. After the special experience of this video summit, he was willing to release goodwill to the other party.

This G20 Video Summit was both positive and weak.Active is that people finally realize the seriousness of the epidemic, and understand the objective current situation of the same storm.The fatigue is that even if you recognize the need for transnational overall planning, fiscal measures and macroeconomic policy reforms, you can only be busy with fire.

From this perspective, the G20 Special Summit may be just a gap in a slight breath after the first half of the country has experienced anti -epidemic. The multinational collaboration must be at least after the epidemic is raging in the second half.

At this time, I also hope that the symbolic significance of this G20 Special Summit will become the relationship between the world in the world in the critical period of the next few months to become a US philosopher John Searle, which will promote international governance.The structural change on the front will make people look forward to the G20 summit in November.