March 16.

The sky is overcast again.But the blooming spring is colorful.Color cuts gloom into pieces, so you don't feel so depressed.Teacher Tang Xiaohe, a neighbor in Jiangxia, sent a photo of my door.Welcome to the spring flowers, Huang was brilliant, and after the begonia was in bloom, it began to fall.The petals are falling to the ground, together with the green leaves drooping in the spring flowers, it is very artistic.The red magnolia of Mr. Tang's house is very well opened every year, dense and enthusiastic. When passing by, the red flower of the tree, the day of Tang, can also call it to dye the festive festive.

Today's outbreak is not much different from the previous few days.It feels a little bit of running in the low position.The number of new diagnosis is still left.Three thousand in the severe patients struggling on the death line.The square cabin has been closed.It is just that I do n’t know where to emerge from today, saying that the square cabin is for a political seller, and the patient is not good.But in my impression, I said a few days ago that there were many beds in the hospital. No good patients were transferred to the hospital, and the healed patients were transferred to the hotel for 14 days.I don't know if this is groundless. In this regard, I deliberately asked the doctor and friends: What do you think?The doctor's friend answered very simply: it must be a rumor!It is not necessary or not.The current politics is to completely control the spread of the epidemic, completely clear, and actively treat hospitalization patients.Politics will not require closing the cabin in advance.Infectious diseases cannot be concealed!This major right problem must be believed in the government!No matter how big the gallbladder is, it won't be able to pack it!The inevitable control of acute infectious diseases will inevitably spread, and no one can hide it!The exclamation marks were all called by doctors and friends. I believe in these words.The virus has already overturned the political supreme table, and until now, who dares to conceal it again?No one is willing to reproduce the horror scene of Wuhan more than a month ago.

Many people forwarded Yan Geling's article in the WeChat group, and some friends transferred to me.The title of the article is: By the word Tang Wan: concealment, concealment, concealment.Yan Geling, who is far away from Berlin, is also paying attention to and hanging in Wuhan.A few years ago, the Provincial Writers Association hosted a meeting of Chinese female writers in the world. That year Yan Geling also came to Wuhan. We also asked her to give a speech at Wuhan University.I didn't go that day, I heard that the venue was full.Yan Geling's intuition was extremely intuitive. She grasped the epidemic from the beginning to the most important word in the process of disaster: concealment.Despite the power control in the later period, you will see the critical point of disassembling the development of the entire epidemic.But why should I hide it?Is it artificially intentionally or negligent?Or is there any other reason?This topic is set first.However, dear Goling, I finished reading your article, very moved and emotional.But before I had time to forward the circle of friends, it was deleted.You probably know that the hidden brother here is deleted.We have been tossed by this deleted brother.I really do n’t know when I ’m on the Internet or why it is illegal for the reason, and no one has never told you.In addition to accepting, you can only accept it.

The news that surprised the literary world today is: LLOSA's books are all removed.Is there such a matter?I can not believe it.Reading LLOSA is still a youth.The writers at that time seemed to read him.Many people like the tone of his text and an eclectic structure.But in fact, I have read his books not to exceed three books, which are the most popular ones.When I heard this news, like many writers, I was shocked first, then I was angry, and in the end, I was only depressed. I do n’t know what to say. In fact, there is no place except for a few words.No matter what LLOSA said, he is not a politician, he is also a writer.Remember to read an article a few days ago. There is such a word describing the writer in the article: the most basic and highest mission of writing is to defeat the lies, witness the real history, and restore human dignity.I don't even know who wrote this.LLOSA is more than eighty years old, right?Why are we.The words of concealment, concealment, and three words come from Tang Wan and Lu You's love story, and many Chinese people know.Here you can use the three words in Lu You's poems, wrong, wrong, wrong.

I learned today that the medical staff who came to assist Hubei had begun to leave in batches.However, there is almost no information in Kaicheng.All kinds of sensational things spread on the Internet.There are quite a lot of rumors.No matter how fierce the virus is, but the worse than the virus has rushed to its front, that is: Many people can't live.Today, a Beijing reporter sent me a call for the Hubei people.It reminds me of a phone recording I heard a few days ago.Looking at this text again, I think it is actually objective and reasonable.It is mentioned that the government must not be considered.I put it in the main part of it here:

I bear legal responsibility for what I say.If you prevent and control the virus, our ordinary civilians are very supportive and very cooperative.But after so many days, more than 50 days, even unhealthy is healthy.You should engage in a pair of charter, how can your government act at all?

Old is consumed in the house every day, even if you say time, we also have a hope.At the end of March, at the end of April, there were a time.There is no time at all, I can't see hope at all, staying in the house like this.One day of living expenses, a family, which one is not the master of the family, earn money to support the family?

Eat it in dark one day, drink oil and salt, all of which are expense.Of course, when I turn around, I eat it in my stomach.But this is a expense that has to be taken out every day.It can be said that the first thing we wake up every morning to open our eyes is to check the headlines of major newspapers and periodical media to see how much cases increase and decrease.From this point of view, there is only the circle of Wuhan.However, it is not necessary to spend all the cities in Hubei with Wuhan. Really.

I am back on January 21, how many days have you been back.Staying in the house every day, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating.The key does not know which day it can end before it can be ended.Start saying on March 1st, and then said on March 10th, now March 11th, and said on March 15th, Zhong Nanshan also said that it was postponed until the end of June.

Old like this, when is it?

You can be isolated, if you are sick, you can separate it, and we all support it.You are isolated viruses, not isolated from Hubei.Also, since we are also isolated in the house, we are also isolated, so do we do not let us go out of isolation?We went out to isolate. After 14 days, the local government's inspection was normal, and we could go to work, create income, and operate normally.This is old in the house. It is isolated until the end of May and at the end of June. It takes half a month when going out. What is it?Which person's life is so wasted?

Your superior department should be considerate of the people, and we should pay more attention to our demands. This is not the voice of me alone. This is the voices of the people.We are not troublesome. We have to survive, eat, and drink water.You have to think about it, and think about the problem from the perspective of us ordinary people.

Which family has no burden?On the night, the horn shouted downstairs, don't go out, don't go out, don't go out.When do you not go out?To what extent do you go out?What conditions can't go out?What kind of reason can't go out?One day when he was black, he grabbed the eyebrows and cut it.Can't go out, just can't go out anyway.You have to think that you are isolated from the virus, not to isolate Hubeipeople!Thinking of this and thinking can be implemented to implement your document spirit.

Another one, Pepsi expensive.I can tell you, I am 15 yuan a pound, do you buy it?32 yuan a pound of meat, do you buy it?7 yuan a pound of cucumber, do you buy it?Potato 7 yuan a pound, do you buy it?Baola 8 yuan a pound, do you buy it?You do n’t buy it, you have to eat; you buy, you have to pay for it.You have no work, where is the income?Which one is for us?


This long sigh is full of sadness.The people have been working well enough, but their survival problems are really in front of them.Now relying on the government's determination, the epidemic has been effectively controlled.In the impression, many places in Hubei have already returned to zero, but they still have not unblocked.In the past, the teacher talked about the modern school. When he talked about a play, he was waiting for Goto, and two people waited for Goto.Waiting for Kaifeng now, suddenly there is a feeling of waiting for Godo.Standing from the perspective of the people, the issue of people's livelihood can be immediately put on the desktop.Many things can actually be carried out simultaneously. You don't have to line up one by one.

Today is the 54th day of Fengcheng, and a pair of poker is finished.