Early double celebration

Wang Wei Wen

After the new crown disease in mainland China last week was lower than the overseas, the focus of prevention and control began to shift to strictly prevent overseas input cases.Although the epidemic is stable and the prevention and control measures have also been effective, it has not prevented the absurd prevention and treatment of treatment.

Among them, the mandatory teachers and students in Lincang, Yunnan can be admitted to school, and Li Yuehua, a divine doctor who claims to have low -priced crown diseases with acupoint injection, has been investigated, occupying a lot of sections of the media, causing vigilance of opportunism.

According to Chinese media reports, the Education and Sports Bureau of Linxiang District, Lincang, issued a notice on Saturday (29th), requiring all students and kindergartens of schools and kindergartens to take large pots.EssenceLarge pots generally refer to traditional folk Chinese medicine made from large pots, which are considered to enhance physical fitness and immunity.

After that, some schools have more extreme requirements for students' parents to increase their compulsory consumption and upload photos to be taken in accordance with the requirements.Some local pharmacies have followed the wave of buying, which caused an uproar of netizens. Criticizing this measure to mobilize many people who were loyal to the streets for the country's loyal houses to buy medicines on the street, which led to an increase in the risk of the spread of the epidemic.

Public opinion generally questioned this kind of collective drinking action and refers to the context of no new cases in Yunnan for more than a week. At this time, the big fanfare requires school teachers and students to take large pots.It's not only to add a snake to painting, but also to help.

In fact, since the sudden deterioration of Chinese crown disease epidemic on January 20, Shuang Huanglian, tea, soy milk and other research results have rumored to inhibit virus research results from time to time.Despite the strict clinical verification, it has caused the trend of buying a medical treatment under the panic effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine treats the disease most. The use of medicine is not equivalent to taking poisoning. It is the basic common sense, not to mention the large pot of the use of the cooker in the body without cold and heat.Wang Rongbing, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Beijing Diquan Hospital, said at the press conference of the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism last Saturday that Chinese medicine prescriptions are mainly used to treat people with symptoms.It is meaningless to prevent new crown pneumonia (blindly).

Faced with the pressure of public opinion in the mountains, the Lincang Education and Sports Bureau braked suddenly in the early morning of Monday and shouted to stop the strong service pills and ordered whether to take the medicine as an enrollment condition for the opening of the spring semester.

Chinese official media generally believe that this storm is formalism.Xinhua News Agency's half -monthly talks about WeChat accounts and posted criticism to allow students to take medicine collectively. On the surface, they hope that students can improve their immunity. In fact, the negative response to the safety re -class is nothing more than to make the large pot medicine become a disinfectant for the start of the class.Hallery of accountability.

The Guangming Daily described the incident with farce, saying that the mask of the big pot of the big pot of the style of formalism and the ignorance of the science are undoubtedly ineffective.Those who forced students to take medicine are those who really need to take lsquo; medicine rsquo;

Traditional Chinese medicine has also been injured because of frequent frequent local disturbances of various rivers and lakes. The two Hubei Divine Medicine Li Yuehua and Zhang Shengbing added another sum.

Chen Beiyang, the retired deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Department of Justice, was diagnosed with crown disease around the Spring Festival, but he played the official power to refuse to leave the medical treatment and board the hot search.After Chen Beiyang's apology letter uploading the Internet, Dr. Li cured the crown disease of their family of three, and Dr. Li Yuehua became popular.

Li Yuehua is the legal representative of Hanyang Ai Yinsi TCM Clinic. He claims to have cured nine patients with crown disease pneumonia through acupoint injection.He claimed that the treatment method used was simple and direct: the corresponding acupoint injection was performed in accordance with the principle of acupuncture points of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture, which was cheap and effective according to the principle of acupuncture points of Chinese medicine acupuncture.What needs to be known is that phenol is a high -risk toxic chemical.

Zhang Shengbing, the legal representative of Zhang Shengbing, Zhang Shengbing, Hanyong West Lake, also claimed to treat patients with crown diseases with his own secret recipes since Wuhan Fengcheng.

The trees are attractive, and the high -profile propaganda of the divine doctor has attracted official investigations.Hubei officially confirmed this week's investigation report on Li Zhang, which disclosed illegal acts such as illegal medical treatment, forgery, altering, and trading physician practice certificate during the prevention and control of the epidemic.The release of medical advertisements seriously affects the order of normal medical services and the prevention and control of the current epidemic.The report also shows that the two have been transferred to the relevant departments for investigation and punishment.

In the final analysis, the large pot medicine is the same as the regular hospital system as the divine medicine. In addition to being beaten on the prevention and treatment of crown disease, the epidemic prevention and control will also cause vulnerabilities and become a war -consuming war.On the other hand, whether Chinese local officials can consider scientific coordination in priority priority before implementing the policy to avoid chaos as MDASH; mdash; public opinion MDASH; MDASH; an apologize for the continuous repeat of the old drama, which is also worth observing.