Current affairs perspective

Since the outbreak of coronary virus disease in 2019, a problem about the medical system: Is it good for public medical treatment or popular private hospitals?The world is discussing, I believe there will never be a conclusion, because there are various interests.

Everything in the world is not the best, only relatively better.This tests whether the level of governance concept is advanced or not.

If I ask, which country is the best?I believe that some people will answer the same as me: North Korea.However, are you willing to enjoy the free (public) medical benefits in the arms of Marshal Jin Da?

If I ask, is it feasible to implement a private clinic?I believe no one dares to answer.Examples of China, Hubei, and Wuhan have proved that the medical system is indeed a certain feasibility and advantage on the land of China.

The medical system in Hong Kong and Singapore has its uniqueness and advanced nature; however, the level of individual private clinics in Singapore needs to be improved, and there is room for discussion in charges.

What kind of medical model is the most helpful to the general public?Perhaps, the tea restaurant operating model of the Cantonese (Hong Kong) can learn from: a large number of high -quality and low -cost ordinary tea restaurants open the door to open the door. Tong is not deceiving. If you want a high -end one, then pay for the club yourself.Of course, it is the privilege treatment of using public funds to consume public funds in the institution of the people as the main institution, and then pay for the reimbursement of votes.

The same is true of the hospital system.A country must not only prevent waste, but also be able to ride the wind at critical moments to prevent extorting, robbery, and falling off the stones.

The medical system in the United States has always been controversial because the stance of poor and rich.There are some disadvantages of abuse in British medical care.The public says that the public is reasonable, and the wife is reasonable.When a person is poor, he will pursue a certain model; when he suddenly develops, he will abandon the model he originally pursued.This is just humanity.

In any case, if any country has the phenomenon of medical commercialization and the enterprise of the hospital, it is very dangerous and ignorant. For example, the private Putian hospital in China is already wearing a hospital's coat to conduct a pit.The evil behavior is tantamount to the launch of the meat buns.

Therefore, it should not be unnecessary on the issue of public or private, but should be planned in the proportion of public and private, and it should also be moved forward in medical rule of law.If the doctor is forced to be a salesperson in front of the patient, it is estimated that the contradiction between doctors and patients is also one of the inevitable normal reactions.

After leaving the direction of rule of law, whether it is the medical model of public or privatization, all will be deteriorated and corrupted.

All disputes and conflicts come from the stalemate of corruption and anti -corruption. The horizons of my small people are too narrow, and I often only see the side of things, because the other side will be blocked by their own ignorance and the wisdom of those wise men.

The author is a writer