Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suddenly announced yesterday (27th) that in order to curb new measures for the spread of new coronary virus pneumonia (COVID-19), it is required to suspend classes from primary and secondary schools and other schools across the country.The Abe government has been chaotic for anti -epidemic measures so far, which has caused Abe to be attacked.In addition to being questioned, the overall countermeasures have been questioned, and the overall countermeasures have been repeatedly criticized.Some scholars criticize Japanese bureaucrats that do not do a good negativeism to let the epidemic deteriorate, and disguise shirk the responsibility of resistance to the people, while Abe's alive politicians fight against the disease.

Abe said at the meeting of the epidemic countermeasures yesterday that he should try to minimize the risks of long -term gathering of school children and faculty to lead to collective infection.By the end of April 5), the ceremony of enrollment trials and graduation ceremonies will be held under the implementation of preventive infection measures, and the nursery will continue to open.Authorities will also call on the administrative departments and private companies to make children's guardians easier to take care of them.

The anti -epidemic team should take a slow half -shot

Since the end of the epidemic in China at the end of December last year, the number of infections in Japan ’s local diamond princess has been nearly a thousand, and government epidemic prevention measures have been repeatedly scolded and weak.After the first case of the first diagnosis of Japan last month, the authorities have always refused to implement a comprehensive closure to China, which is the source of the epidemic.Although the anti -epidemic work group was set up on the 30th of last month, the expert group was delayed to meet on the 16th of this month.The authorities announced the complete anti -epidemic policy until the beginning of the week, but only focused on calling for mild people to stay at home for recuperation.The authorities did not have early planning, and the mask was short of the country, and it was reported that suspected patients were required to be tested and rejected.

The Japanese government's handling of the princess of diamonds was also attacked. The ship was infected with more than 700 people during the dawn of the Yokohama isolation quarantine.Except for the infectious disease experts questioning the unknown distinguished area of the contaminated area on the ship, insufficient detection, isolation and tracking measures also caused the risk of community infection. Even a number of unpaid passengers have been allowed to get off the ships and quarantine directly returned to their original jobs.Risk event.

Local governments have dissatisfied with the central anti -epidemic policy.At the National Knowledge Conference held on Friday (21st), local governments urgently demanded that the Ministry of Labor and Labor and Ministry of Health and Labor provided related information to the localities, but still owed to date.At the same time, the instructions issued by the central government are constantly changing, which is at a loss.For example, Abe announced on Tuesday (25th) that the anti -epidemic policy based on experts was announced based on the announcement of the anti -epidemic policy, indicating that it will not be suspended for all sports and cultural activities across the country for the time being.The critical time is suspended.

Accused of worrying about the Chinese Olympics dilute the epidemic

The resistance of the Abe made the Abe government's hope to fall to a new low.The Sankei News announced on Monday (24th) polls, showing that the support rate of Abe's cabinet decreased by 8.4 percentage points to 36.2%compared with the previous month, and the non -support rate was 46.7%. The support net value was the first negative number since July 2018.Public opinion questioned that the authorities were concerned that Chinese President Xi Jinping would visit Japan in early April. In addition, in recent years, the Japanese economy has gradually rely on Chinese tourists, which leads to unwillingness to seal. At the same time, it deliberately avoids virus testing in order to take into account the Tokyo Olympics and lowered the diagnosis.

Nakano Kanichi, a professor of political science at Shangzhi University, criticized Abe's cabinet to leave the ground. So far, he still tries to deny that the epidemic and believe that the epidemic will develop in the most optimistic direction.He could not handle the new coronal virus epidemic with Japan.Can it host the Olympic Games?Investment in the New York Times for the title, the Abe government did not care about the anti -epidemic work. On the one hand, it did not do a good negative bureaucratic mentality.It is believed that the Abe's incompetence is like passing the anti -epidemic work to the people.

Scholars criticize political hereditary beneficiaries to leave the ground

The person in charge of the Japan International Infectious Disease Center told Agence France -Presse that Japan has now come to the crossroads of controlling the epidemic. The next 3 weeks is the key. If it can control the second -generation infectionContinue to hold the Olympic Games, otherwise you should think twice under great popularity.