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Human history is always accompanied by plague, whether it is the ancient memory recorded in history books, or almost destroying the black death of European civilization in the Middle Ages, and the influenza virus that killed tens of millions of people at the beginning of the last century.It is not individual, the entire nation, country, and civilization will be erased by the plague.Fortunately, in the past 100 years, with the popularity of various types of vaccines and the improvement of environmental hygiene, plague, the number one enemy of humans, has gradually lost its powerful destructive power in the past.

However, as human communities increasingly invade the unknown territory, while bringing a large number of species of extinction, new viruses and plague have also emerged.In a sense, the plague can be regarded as a tragic regulation from nature for human beings with explosive expansion.The war between the virus and human beings will never stop, and the latest round is the new coronary virus that begins at the end of the year (now officially named the 2019 coronary virus disease).So far, it has taken thousands of lives and has temporarily stopped holding cities and even the country.

In this huge wars, a quite miserable local competition occurred in a luxury cruise ship mdash; MDASH; Diamond Princess.This is a typical ship in the era of globalization. It was built by Japan. The parent port is currently in Yokohama, Japan. Its parent company carnival is one of the largest cruise companies in the world.This company is registered in Britain and the United States. It is listed in the capital market in New York and London. Its shipbuilding is British Bermuda, and its headquarters is located in the United States.The annual business scope of this round is in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

On January 20, a Hong Konger infected with the coronary virus boarded the cruise ship with more than 3,000 passengers carrying more than 50 countries in Yokohama.After the person was diagnosed, the cruise ship was forced to stop on the shore of Yokohama, Japan since February 4.Since then, in the small space of the cabin, the virus has spread like wild fire.By February 16th, 355 people had been diagnosed and became the largest infected community outside China.

For humanitarian pressure, Japan finally agreed on February 13 to agreed to the ship on the ship 80 years old and had chronic diseases and cabin -free passengers.On February 17th, the United States chartered aircraft from more than 300 American passengers.The remaining thousands of people are still wandering in the vast sea, waiting for their mother country, or the rescue of other countries who do not know when they can come.

Coincidentally, there are many cruise ships similar to the destiny of the Diamond Princess. For example, the Hermes Cruise Corporation, which departed from Hong Kong on February 1, also drifted for more than ten days overseas.It was accepted by Cambodia.Although Cambodia's humanitarian moves are worthy of praise, but other countries, including Japan, are equally legitimate.Because even according to the International Maritime Law, any country can refuse a ship with public health threats to stop.

After all, maintaining the safety of the country's citizens is the primary choice of any government.What's more, Japan also considers the opening of the Olympic Games in the immediately, as well as the country's pressure on the test of more than 3,000 people after shore, and the pressure of potential public opinion.

Here we pay special attention to another interesting issue.Because these wandering cruise ships themselves are more like a metaphor of a specific country and region in the raging of plague.If this cruise ship is registered in Japan, Japan owns, and is loaded with Japanese tourists, of course, the Japanese government will have so many current rescue concerns.The world after globalization has long been broken through the traditional separation of countries.

For example, Apple's mobile phones in the United States will drive the research and development and manufacturing of global suppliers. If any country fund or sanction Apple, it will cause the situation of multi -country glory.And blurred the boundaries of traditional countries, once a crisis occurs, it will cause everyone to push.The crisis of the princess of the Diamond provides some ominous prediction for the similar crisis that we may encounter in the future.The barriers we have dismantled sometimes may still have a lot of potential defense functions that we have ignored.

The outbreak and control of any plague is by no means a simple medical and scientific issue, and it also involves a complex game in politics, society and international diplomacy.What kills us is not just those viruses, but also the dark human nature of the manufacture of ourselves and it is easy to become a social system for human beings.

Today, Wuhan in the city, as well as countless people who areolate at home, their government and themselves, the human nature struggle faced when facing the threat of life and death, and the ugly or lofty manifestations of the plague will be in this plague.Middle.These self -interesting units in the blockade are just like the cruise ship still wandering in the sea of Japan. I do not know when they can stop on the shore in the giant Lan of Globalization.

The author is a lover of literature and history