Ming Pao News Agency

The new budget sprinkled a lot of money, and launched 120 billion yuan per time, including paying 10,000 yuan to the 18 -year -old or more permanent resident of Hong Kong. It is expected to be distributed in August.The haze of the epidemic is shrouded in Hong Kong, the economy is fragile, and it is necessary to be very means in a very period.If the epidemic is relieved this summer, and the consumption of the whole people's money after giving up the ceremony, it should play a role in stimulating the economic rebound. The key is that the specific operation and implementation should be simple and fair.The government's deficit in the coming year is more than 100 billion yuan. Although it is mainly related to a bailout measures, the budget also mentioned that in the next few years, it will be popular in the future account. The government must take precautions to avoid structural wealth.All people's money is specially organized and cannot be normally. The government needs to think about open source and throttling. In the past few years, the public sector has expanded rapidly in the past few years. It is time to rectify. Authorities should review the performance of various departments and manpower to ensure that the public is used.

Very period of great means

Pay attention to details

In the past year, Hong Kong's economy has changed sharply, and it has been hit by the Sino -US trade war and anti -repair storms. In the new year, it will also face the impact of a new type of pneumonia.The government has accumulated trillions of fiscal reserves, and now there is no need to wait more.This budget is unprecedented, exceeding 100 billion yuan, but the current situation in Hong Kong is severe and special, and it really needs to be adapt to time.The budget proposes a number of relief measures, including the width reduction tax and personal income tax, the annual rates of the free residential property, the CSSA and the elderly's life allowance of Shuangliang, etc.money.The Legislative Council election was held in September. The Pan -minous Panzhuan was rare and the establishment of a political party was rare. It required that the people would pay 10,000 yuan. The budget also responded to this demand. All permanent residents of Hong Kong, 18 years old, have a share.As for low -income immigrants that have not benefited, the government expected to refer to past experience and take care of the fund.

In the normal situation, the government's wealth management should focus on investing in the future, targeting social pain points, and people in need for resources. The populist money is not desirable, but the current Hong Kong is in a very period.How much money can boost people's hearts. As a means of urging valley consumption after the epidemic, it also has a certain role. Now the most important thing is to ensure that the money is simple and fair and play the greatest role in stimulating the economy.Authorities must learn the lessons of 4,000 yuan to pay 4,000 yuan in the previous year, trying to reduce administrative costs, and the application procedures should be as simple as possible.In addition, the government's money this time, in addition to the permanent resident of Hong Kong, also includes hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people who have moved to overseas for many years. They did not pay taxes on the Hong Kong government, and they could not talk about resistance together.The government needs to deal with it carefully.

The development of the epidemic is unpredictable. It is necessary to have the worst plans and the greatest hope. If the epidemic is alleviated this summer, it should be the best time to take the opportunity to urge the consumer city road.The citizens are not willing to go out to spend because they are worried about new types of pneumonia. Even if they are rich now, I believe it will be mainly used in purchasing masks and other epidemic prevention materials. When people have money to buy, their prices may be raised again and benefited from benefiting.It is a small merchant, but the overall consumer city road cannot be benefited.From the perspective of exerting the greatest economic benefits, putting money into citizens' pockets in July and August is an ideal time. Of course, this will depend on whether the social atmosphere will be peaceful and stable then.In any case, the government and business community need to plan early to formulate a plan to attract consumption, and to make citizens stay in Hong Kong after collecting money, instead of taking money to travel outside.

Hong Kong's economic recession has a dilemma. The government needs to launch counter -cyclical measures. Once a bailout measure is more than 100 billion yuan, although the amount is large, it will not constitute a long -term financial borne.The level of monthly expenditure still has sufficient financial resources to invest in the future.What is really concerned is that the budget mentioned that the six consecutive fiscal government will record deficits.The government estimates that from 2021/22, the fiscal year has been in the fiscal year.Because the amount is not large, the final counting count is negative, and it is difficult to assert. The authorities seem to think that it can observe more for one and a half years to determine whether there is really a structural wealth.However, it is undeniable that the red light of the deficit has been on, and the government's account deficit is expected to be about 50 billion yuan each year, reflecting that the authorities need to be open source.

In recent years, the government has strengthened investment in poverty alleviation, peace, medical care, education, and innovation. Social welfare expenditures have doubled. Public expenditure accounts for GDP ratio. It is expected that in the coming year, it will exceed 26%, which is significantly increased by less than 20%a few years ago.Of course, the government's pursuit of improving people's livelihood and promoting the economy is of course necessary. Compared with many developed countries, public expenses accounted for more than 40 % of GDP, and the level of Hong Kong is not very high.Affected by economic fluctuations, the problem of narrowing the public fiscal gap must be dealt with early.

Public departments expand rapidly

Turnive to avoid waste

The government has invested a large number of resources to urge Valley Creation. It is hoped that in the next few years, it can inject new impetus into the Hong Kong economy, but the actual results are still to be observed.Even if the authorities are rolling, the future social atmosphere and political environment can be seen in Hong Kong's future social atmosphere and political environment. The tourism and other industries are not easy to reply to the old view. The government faces the pressure of political parties and the people.Discussing the discussion of the tax base for many years has been heard that the stairs have been heard. The government's open source is not easy, and it is necessary to try to consider the throttling.In recent years, civil servants have increased significantly in hand. Although it has helped strengthen public services, after several years of rapid expansion of the public sector, it is also time to consolidate the situation.Whether it is reasonable to reduce unnecessary expenses and waste.