The epidemic is fierce.But as long as you master the dissemination of the virus, you can curb the spread of its spread.

No, after the implementation of joint defense and joint control, group defense and group control, and other response strategies, through the self -isolation of the people's feet, except Hubei, the number of newly confirmed cases in other provinces in the country has achieved 13 consecutive declines: 890 from February 3rd on February 3rd: 890 on February 3rd: 890 on February 3Examples fell to 115 cases on the 16th.

In order to prevent and control the epidemic, the price paid by people is not large.For example, in some places, strict seal management is performed due to the need for local prevention and control work.But everyone understands that this is a necessary means to cut off virus spread.

But there are some things that the epidemic is urgent and cannot be done.

Xiaogan, Hubei, a family of three was playing mahjong at home.It is said that it was reported that several epidemic prevention staff wearing red sleeves went straight into the house, picked up Mahjong and fell.The son was so angry that he also threw the Mahjong brand counterattack.

As a result, more red sleeves rushed out, controlled his son, and slapped him three.In the end, even the Mahjong table was smashed by these people.

The son finally asked: Can't the family eat together?

In Fengcheng, Jiangxi, a teacher did not wear a mask in the empty unmanned community. As a result, he was forced to isolate for 14 days and also squeezed the unit.The staff did not listen to his justification at all, although the reason for the justification was Zhong Nanshan's authoritative statement mdash; mdash; no mask was needed at home and non -dense places at home.

Going forward, Wuhan previously issued a notice asking for the dormitory of some schools as a temporary hospital for the isolated patient.When some schools were in the dormitory, they left the students in the dormitory, packed them randomly, and threw them downstairs rudely to deal with garbage.

There are also tenants who were kicked out of the house. The owner (or even medical staff) did not let the back to the community, the reason is that one: the epidemic prevention and control needs.

The above things have a common feature, that is, the banner of being good at everyone, trample on the rights and interests of others at will, and can even be said to be a brutal operation and rough law enforcement.Specifically, I don't understand three.

First of all, these behaviors do not understand the Fa (or pretend to be pretending).

Those who go to the family to knock on the mahjong table, even if they do not know that the criminal law has explicitly stipulated mdash; mdash; illegally search for others 'bodies, houses, or illegal invasion of others' houses, in prison or mdash; at least it should also be at least three years.Knowing that you go to the house, if there is no document issued by the law enforcement agency, you cannot enter the door.Not to mention, in the end, they were beating the masses collectively, and they were suspected of criminal.

Secondly, these behaviors do not understand the performance of epidemic response.

The National Health and Health Commission, several academicians, and medical and control experts from various places have repeatedly said that the main channel for the spread of the new crown pneumonia is droplets. As long as you go out, you can wear masks with many places.Protecting the public is not infected, let alone at home.See if you see a mask without a mask on the occasion?This operation, it sounds good, it is too mechanical.It's not good to say, it's too stupid.

Third, these behaviors do not understand the performance of respect for others.

The epidemic is to disrupt everyone's life, and it has not canceled everyone's life, but it is just a way of change.The hospital is not enough to recruit student dormitories. This is okay, but it does not mean that people's things are treated like garbage. Isn't it good to move properly?Everyone in my heart will not do such a thing.

Epidemic prevention personnel in Xi'an in a community in Xi'an will bring the owner's pet dog to death when they cannot walk dogs during the epidemic prevention period.


In the final analysis, the most fundamental lesions are in some places and some people who lack the thinking of rule of law in their heads, and do not know how to prevent epidemic in accordance with the law.

General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the third meeting of the Central Committee of the Central Committee in accordance with the law of the Central Committee in accordance with the law. At present, the prevention and control of the epidemic is in a critical period, and it is essential to scientifically and orderly prevent and control in accordance with the law.When the epidemic prevention and control, the more vigorously, the more we must adhere to the prevention and control of the law, and to coordinate the prevention and control of various items on the track of the rule of law to ensure the smooth development of the epidemic prevention and control work.

How to prevent epidemic in accordance with the law?The main point is to clarify the power boundary of the subject of epidemic prevention at all levels. What responsibilities and obligations should be assumed must be clear and clear, and the law is unauthorized.

For example, for epidemic prevention personnel organized by the township governments and street offices, because they face the residents of the community directly, they should also clearly make clear what they can and not to do.

Some places have done well. For example, Shanghai passed the Standing Committee of the Shanghai People's Congress on February 7th's decision to do a good job in the prevention and control of the current new coronary virus infection with liability.In this way, we can strengthen the protection of the rule of law to resist epidemic conditions, and to promote the prevention and control of the epidemic in the science, efficient and standardizedness of the whole society.

Otherwise, if the epidemic prevention behavior does not walk along the rules of the rule of law, it will inevitably appear such a person mdash; mdash; a bit of power will swell and get Fan'er.If you are not pleasing to the eye, you won't let anyone be better.

Of course, this behavior is individual, but in the context of the epidemic prevention and control, it will be enlarged in public opinion and will cause a very bad impact.One place is hard -working and dynamic to prevent all kinds of resources to prevent and control the epidemic.

In a special period, special policies, but the bottom line of all behaviors is still the rule of law.

This article is transferred from WeChat public account Xiake Island