A Japanese girl in the second grade of junior high schools on February 8th at the Tokyo Lantern Festival in Koshikou Park, Tokyo on February 8th, wearing cheongsam and holding a donation box to raise funds to fight coronal virus disease in Wuhan.The signs in the back of her behind her read: The mountains and rivers are exotic and the sun and the moon are the same;On Thursday, she handed over the funds raised to the Chinese ambassador to Japan.(China News Agency)

Since the overall outbreak of coronary virus diseases in 2019, Japan ’s aid anti -epidemic operation and heartwarming statements have won praise from Chinese officials and citizens.Scholars of interviewees believe that Japan's successful public relations operations will promote further recovery of Sino -Japanese relations, but Sino -Japanese relations will not enter the honeymoon period because there are still many unreasonable fundamental differences between the two countries.

After the Japanese government deteriorated sharply at the end of last month, the Japanese government announced their willingness to fight against the epidemic with China and provide comprehensive support to China.From national leaders and ruling parties, to local governments and private organizations individuals, donations and protective supplies are transported all over China.

The Japanese ruling party's Liberal Democratic Party announced on Monday (10th) that it will be deducted from 5,000 yen (S $ 63) from each Liberal Democratic Parliament Parliament in March (S $ 63).The WeChat public sign of the Chinese official media background praised the article on Wednesday that the Japanese did not play cards according to common sense. This time, a big innovation came. There are not many specific donations, but the courtesy is light and affectionate.

For Japan's understanding and support to China, Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also fully praised last week. By bluntly, I think that many Chinese netizens have noticed these warm people's hearts as me, and described it with sincere thanks.mind.Public opinion predicts that with the perfect public relations operation in Japan, the favorability of Chinese and Japanese officials and the people suddenly heat up. The atmosphere of Chinese leaders Xi Jinping's visit to Japan this year will be more warm, and the relationship between the two countries will enter the honeymoon period.

The root cause of Japan's active improvement with China is based on practical considerations

However, Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Science and Technology, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post last week that although Japanese actions have a positive role in promoting Sino -Japanese relations, they will not enter the honeymoon period.It is expected that it will only be in the stage of improvement and further improvement.

He analyzed that although Sino -Japanese relations have improved in the past two or three years, many fundamental problems of the two countries have not been substantially resolved, including the Diaoyu Islands (Japan known as Jian Ge islands), Japanese positions, Sino -Japanese history historyAnd other issues.He described that during the period of security differences and conflicts in China and Japan, it was only in a state of management, and (relationships) were not as bad as before.

Li Mingjiang also believes that Japan's aid in China is not an unexpected move. As Xi Jinping is expected to visit Japan this spring, Japan also hopes to use the opportunity to aid China to shape a more positive Japan -China relations.

Realize that there are many opportunities for complementary and mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial opportunities in China and Japan

After the US President Trump came to power, he launched a trade war in multiple places, adopted a comprehensive strategic retreat, and also collected security premiums from the allies to make Japan feel pressure.Li Mingjiang pointed out that the most fundamental reason for Japan's initiative to improve the relationship with China is based on practical considerations. Japan's decision -making circle and elite class will feel that the United States is not as reliable as before, so to a certain extent, it needs to improve the relationship with China to reduce the United States given to the United States.Japan's pressure.

Furthermore, China's GDP (GDP) has surpassed Japan more than twice, and it is impossible for Japan to choose to fight against China. Improvement of relations between the two countries has become an important strategic choice for Japan.Facing the US trade war also provides a motivation for cooperation between China and Japan. Li Mingjiang analyzes: The common interests of both parties are to offset the economic and trade pressure caused by the United States to China and Japan.

Yang Lijun, a professor at the Public Policy Research Institute of South China University of Technology, analyzed in an interview that the Sino -US trade war has made China -Japan officials increasingly noticing that the relationship between the two countries is actually inseparable. Sino -Japanese relations are not good, and they are not good for both parties.

She said that China and Japan recognize that the two countries have a very strong economic connection and have many opportunities to complement each other. For example, the United States restricts China in the high -tech field, so that China can realize that in this respect, Japan, which can lead the world with high -tech innovation in the world.Complement.In the face of high aging and increasingly narrowing reality in the domestic consumer market, Japan also requires a large market in China.

Japan also assisted China during the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. The reason why this time is particularly prominent. Yang Lijun believes that one of the reasons is that Japan's attitude compares with the reaction of Hong Kong and Taiwan and some other countries in the world.Discrimination and prejudice against China appeared in the local area, and Japan's attitude appeared to be particularly good and friendly.

Yang Lijun also reminded that the high correlation with the Tokyo Olympics prompted Japan to treat the Chinese epidemic as the same affairs as its domestic affairs.Li Mingjiang said: The preliminary virus has not been effectively controlled, and the Olympic Games will also be greatly affected. This is undoubtedly hellip; hellip; help China to a certain extent to help Japan themselves.

As for whether the crown disease epidemic will mess with Xi Jinping's visit to Japan.Li Mingjiang predicts that Xi Jinping's visit to Japan this year is still a high probability. There may be variables in April, but it should not be dragged for a long time.

He also believes that during the visit of Xi Jinping's visit to China, the possibility of signing the fifth two political documents between the two countries was also more likely.China and Japan have not been relatively complete and authoritative for many years, and fundamentally can guide political documents that can guide the relationship between the two countries.In this big background, such a political document may need to plan a longer -term development trend of the two countries.

Kyodo News reported yesterday that Xi Jinping's visit to Japan will not be postponed.Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Japanese Foreign Minister Maomin during the Munich Safety Conference in Germany. The two reportedly reached an agreement and will promote Xi Jinping's preparations in April according to the original plan.According to reports, Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, has basically been finalized at the end of February. He will prepare for Xi Jinping's visit to Japan.