Author: Jiang Xun, Yuan Weijing

Source: Asia Weekly

The country has a border, and there is no borders of the epidemic.Among you, you have me and me in the era of global integration. Public health has no national borders. It is a common destiny in the world. It is difficult for any country to be alone. Only by effectively curbing the spread of the epidemic can we protect the common well -being of all countries.Faced with the turbulent new type of coronary virus pneumonia (new coronary pneumonia), most countries assisted the Chinese war in China, and the international cooperation saw the true feelings.Steamed buns, lift new siegeism, incite emotions in the vengeance.From the new type of pneumonia to the new type of terrorism, how should China move due to the situation and cope with the dilemma?The epidemic test tests China's emergency diplomacy, and do it well without worrying about the world discrimination against China.

The so -called emergency diplomacy is the embodiment of the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities in the face of emergencies or crises.This emergency diplomacy should play the role of public diplomacy and hygiene diplomats.On the first day of the New Year, on January 25th, the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee clearly seized the prevention and control of the epidemic.The meeting decided to establish a leadership group in response to the epidemic, and dispatched a guidance group to a severe area in Hubei and other.A turn of China's anti -epidemic prevention work.On the evening, Wang Yi, a member of the State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, presided over a special meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to respond to the epidemic work for the first time.Since then, the initial diplomatic work of the epidemic seemed to be busy and tired, and the reporters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs began to reverse.By February 10, Wang Yi presided over the fifth meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to respond to the epidemic leadership.Statistics from February 1st, Wang Yi and Pakistan, India, New Zealand, Russia, Malaysia, Turkey, Germany, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Tanzania, Syria, Indonesia, Egypt, France, Senegal and other foreign ministers and deputy foreign ministers, Tell the epidemic.This frequent calling with foreign ministers from various countries is unprecedented in the history of Chinese diplomatic.

On February 3, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the first routine press conference in the WeChat group.This is also the first time in history that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was held online.According to officials of the Ministry of Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Considering the current situation, in order to ensure that reporters are healthy and convenient for reporters to understand China's diplomatic dynamics in a timely manner, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold an online example on the online example on February 3 on February 3 on February 3 on the afternoon of each working day at 3 pm on the afternoon of every working day.Press a press conference.Online reporters will be isolated from the virus, but there is no responsibility for isolation.During the 65 -minute chat time of the three days, spokesman Hua Chunying answered 20 questions from domestic and foreign media, which were related to responding to the epidemic.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been well received by netizens in a special period of innovation in a special period. It is said that the prevention and control of the epidemic is the most important job at present.It represents a new concept of pragmatism, and many departments can learn from.

Must obtain the international community understanding support

Zhang Guihong, director of the Fudan University UN and International Organization Research Center, believes that the sudden new crown virus epidemic is not only a huge challenge to China from the central government, from the government to the social governance system and governance capabilities.One test.First of all, to obtain the understanding and support of the international community. After the epidemic, diplomatic and other departments will notify the situation to relevant countries and international organizations in a timely manner, and share the gene sequences of the virus to help other countries can quickly diagnose and take protection in protection.Measures to reduce the international spread of the epidemic must attach importance to the cause and characteristics of this epidemic through the agencies and international media, and professional measures and actions taken by the Chinese government at present.Zhang Guihong believes that emergency diplomacy is manifested in the second aspect that we must actively carry out international coordination and international cooperation.Third, through the cooperation with international organizations, it is a machine.Strive and use the technology and business resources of international organizations to help China better control the epidemic.

Some scholars believe that there will be an excessive reaction to some countries that have recently occurred in China. However, as long as China can reverse the epidemic situation, these situations will change.Most countries and organizations in the world have no reason to take it for a long time after the epidemic has been effectively controlled.Recently, more and more foreign airlines have reduced or canceled flights in and out of China, and some neighboring countries have closed the border with China.These situations do not need to be interpreted from a political perspective.China has also reduced domestic transportation on a large scale, sealing provinces and city, closed management of communities, and citizens' self -isolation.Internationally, the level of prevention and control of China's epidemic should not be interpreted as discrimination.Of course, some politicians and some low -quality people abroad have a blatant attitude towards Chinese people.The irrational and exciting words of the epidemic panic caused by some occasions will also be grafted to some local people's gaze psychology.

Some public opinion believes that in the face of the epidemic in China, the United States will not do something gloating, but it is difficult for people to expect the United States to help China unconditionally and relax its strategy to curb China.The United States assisted China ’s 17.8 -ton donation supplies, including masks, protective clothing and ventilator. It was sent to Wuhan on February 4th.In the country, medical experts will also send medical experts from the World Health Organization to assist in resistance.

U.S. President Trump said when he talked with China to help China fight against immunity, but he did not forget to urge China to fulfill its commitment to increase the purchase of American goods.US Secretary of State Pompeo still does not forget to discredit China. On February 8th, he gave a speech at the Winter Conference of the Governor's Association to warn the governors of the states. China's diplomats, academic circles, media institutions, and friendly associations in the United States have penetratedThe tasks of governments at all levels in the United States will threaten the core values of the United States in China's penetration in the United States and require the governor of the states to adopt a cautious attitude when doing business with China. Do not sign an agreement with China alone.Previously, the US Minister of Commerce Ross's statement about the Chinese epidemic was conducive to the return of the US manufacturing industry. The spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hua Chunying was reprimanded as the dividend of the epidemic.Rose's remarks were widely attacked by the international community and were scolded as cold -blooded.

In the face of a serious epidemic, the withdrawal of overseas Chinese, breakout, sealing, and suspension of visas are the basic means, and the United States has the most active performance.Although the assessment of the White House and the US Department of Health is still low in security for the United States, Trump issued an administrative order on January 31, announcing that the United States has entered a state of public health.The United States interrupted flights to China and refused to#8203;#8203; all Chinese and people who have visited China within 14 days, but the direct relatives of American citizens and permanent residents can still enter the country.The United States took the lead. With the spread of the epidemic, Japan, Vietnam, North Korea, South Korea, the Philippines and other countries in China, Vietnam, North Korea, South Korea, and the Philippines in China have successively adopted restrictions.Some comments believe that this epidemic has become a test of each other's friendship.However, more comments believe that any measures to prevent the epidemic from spreading to the country are more rigorous than conservative practices. After all, it is a virus transmission of life.

In the United States, an emotional emotional emotional emotion of China appeared from time to time.The Wall Street Journal recently said that China was the real East Asian sick husband.American Senator Tom#8231; Tom Cotton posted on Twitter on January 31, saying that although it is not yet known to the source of Wuhan's new crown virus, he immediately pointed out that Wuhan currently has the only one in mainland China.The Super Laboratory of Biological Safety implies that the new crown virus is intentionally manufactured by China, and the new coronal virus is synthesized by the new coronary virus.In this regard, Su Hong, a special researcher at the Fudan University City and Regional Development Research Center, believes that in American social media, the "new crown virus" is a biochemical war in China, and the purpose is to control the world's rumors.This kind of rumors will not take it seriously, but they are not kind. Through these things, many people also see the face of some politicians in the United States.

The new coronary virus epidemic has attracted attention globally. What is worrying is that many countries have recently experienced insults, discrimination words and deeds, and even violent cases against Chinese citizens and Chinese.Earlier, a few Western media attacked China over excessive response to the epidemic and even infringed human rights.Some public opinion counterattack said that this statement is only an inertia urgent urge to the Chinese system in Western textbooks. Public opinion approved as a typical danger of people and falling off the stones. It has discredited China in the name of human rights and has lost its basic ethics.Germany Mirror Weekly moreCorona-Virus: Made in China, Virus is made directly on the cover title.Some netizens complained that one day other media can also do a period of racial slaughter and gas room in Germany?

Affected by the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia, many overseas Chinese and even Asian people were treated against unfairness such as discrimination.Restaurants and shops do not entertain Chinese tourists, and Chinese tourists are insulted and attacked in person.A Chinese student in Germany was beaten into the hospital by two women in Berlin on January 31.A Chinese mother in Cambridge said that the child was repeatedly discriminated against speech at school: Are you Chinese?Then you are sick.The French newspapers Picarxiexi imitated the former yellow scourge discrimination. On January 26th, the title title wrote a picture of the Chinese woman with a mask, which caused an apology after public anger.The Australian pioneer Sun report refers to the Chinese virus panda hell, which caused more than 46,000 Chinese communities in Australia to sign a petition.Qiu Hua's words and deeds, some netizens launched on Twitter that I am not a virus activity. Multi -country mainstream media and public opinion have also condemned racial discrimination on an excuse for epidemic conditions. It emphasized that the virus has no nationality and the most serious virus is actually discrimination.In India, a reporter named Brajesh Misra Twitter said on overseas social media that Wuhan people were calling for help at home. These people were not helped and treated. They were only locked at home.And with a video.For Indians who do not understand Chinese, this video really looks like a group of Chinese shouting loudly.Without two days, this rumor was passed on Twitter more than 5,000 forwarding and more than 9,000 likes, which was spread by Indians who did not know the truth.However, before the Chinese people pay attention to the matter, the Indian Times has taken the lead in clarifying that this is a rumor.In fact, this video has been reported in China and international media. The Wuhan people in the night shouted in Wuhan.

Multi -country increased rumors and anti -discrimination

Many countries have also strengthened rumors and anti -discrimination.There are many rumors that hurt the Chinese on Japanese social networking sites, including Chinese people with fever symptoms at the Kansai Airport refusing to escape at the Kansai Airport, and thousands of Chinese passengers to Fukuoka by cruise ships.The Ministry of Health and Labor and Ministry of Welfare stated on February 1st that hopes to be misled by rumors and calmly face the epidemic.There are also primary schools to let students parents, reminding to pay attention to the wording when discussing the epidemic, and avoid discrimination.In France, a few media have discredited Chinese remarks, and some communities also have discrimination against Chinese and Asians. Social networks have also emerged on social networks that have emerged discriminatory themes.However, the mainstream media and public opinion of France showed their positions and condemned racial discrimination with an excuse for epidemic.John, Mayor of Toronto, Canada.Tori also warned that Canadian Chinese people were targeted at a certain degree of virus, and demanded to avoid racism in the SARS period of 2003 to repeat Hellip; Hellip;

A video of a 14 -year -old Japanese girl wearing a Chinese cheongsam became popular online.On February 8th and 9th, the girl hugged the donation box for twelve hours in the cold winter and bowed to passers -by ninety degrees to call on the Japanese people to donate to the new crown pneumonia in Wuhan.It is reported that her mother has studied and worked in Beijing and Shanghai, so she has made many Chinese friends from Dalian and other places from a young age.After the epidemic, she signed up for the first time she was a volunteer to raise funds for Wuhan.Recently, classmates often ask her: Isn't China terrible?She shook her head and said: The terrible is the virus, not China.

This is another video that has already become popular on the Internet and was released by the Italian China -Italian Youth Federation.A young Chinese on the streets of Roman, Italy, hit me is not a virus. I am a human beings. Don't have discriminated designs to me, and stand on the streets and wearing masks, hoping to eliminate the outside world's discrimination against the Chinese.At first, the passerby watched the photo. Later, everyone stepped forward to hug him, and gently took off the mask for him, which was quite warm.

War and epidemic need to be internationally integrated.On February 10, an international expert in the World Health Organization (WHO) has arrived in China.On February 9th, the Russian government's 23 -ton medical assistance supplies provided by the Chinese government arrived in Wuhan. The Russian reported on the tenth on the 10th to publish social and China -Chinese sufferings and launch Chinese refueling. We are together.On January 30, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea stated that it would urgently provide Chinese -worth of epidemic prevention supplies to China.The goggles began to Wuhan on the 30th.Japanese Foreign Minister announced the earliest announcement that he was willing to support China.On January 29th, the Japanese government chartered aircraft sent a large amount of supplies including masks, goggles, gloves, and protective clothes to Wuhan.The Tokyo Metropolitan Government of Japan donated 20,000 sets of protective clothing for medical staff to the Hubei region for use.The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's epidemic prevention and political science attracts attention. Many Japanese netizens endlessly and in the social media account review area of the Chinese Embassy in Japan to refuel Wuhan and cheer up China.The Japanese government and many places and enterprises first actively donated epidemic prevention materials such as masks, goggles, and protective clothing to China.Sentences of Sang, the ancient slang and ancient verses circulated for thousands of years, and a few words, but deeply impressed the heart hellip; hellip;

Journey to China Writer Changwen Ting China

A few days ago, the long article written by American writer Mario Cavolo, who settled in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, I heard some weird voices in more than 4,000 words. Friends mdash; mdash;The two new -type coronary viruses in China were compared with the two epidemics. The Chinese translation was spread on the Internet. The original text was published on February 5th on the community network and its personal homepage.The Ma Yijun family is from southern Italy. His parents moved to the United States, and he was born in Yangx, New York.Twenty years ago, he moved from the United States to China, and now he lives with Chinese wives in Shenyang.

Ma Yijun wrote that in 2009, the H1N1 pig flu epidemic broke out in the United States, which was also a global plague.Thousands of 499 people died. According to a report released by the US Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2012, the number of deaths caused by the plague eventually reached more than 284,000.When the pig flu epidemic broke out in the United States, I remember that no country made anti -American remarks without any country's spread.At that time, the United States spent six months before it was announced that the country entered an emergency. Is there any country warning their citizens to leave the United States immediately?No.Even when the World Health Organization announced the emergency state of the world in June, no country had issued such a warning.

He said: There is a very weird evil force being attacking the Chinese government and the Chinese people. Those articles believe that the Chinese government has faked in the number of infected people.In fact, no matter which country burst out of plague, statistics are difficult to be absolutely accurate, and it is difficult to do this even if the American Disease Control and Prevention Center is difficult to do.When the pig influenza epidemic broke out in the United States at that time, the number of infections was not absolutely accurate. At that time, the number of people announced at that time was less than three years later.Lack of sufficient medical personnel, lack of sufficient detection kits, lack of sufficient medicines, lack of sufficient protection equipment hellip; hellip; China does not try to cover these problems, these information will appear on various media in China every day.

He believes that many people have not seen the strong execution of China's entire administrative system, and there should be no government on this planet that can have such efficient performance.On the contrary, some people are just busy attacking some officials who did not take the epidemic response measures in a timely manner.Yes, those local officials do messed up things, but the government of the entire country should not be attacked due to the improper performance of individual local officials.Ma Yijun believes that the world's unprecedented, powerful, vast, national epidemic blocking war applauded hellip; hellip;The remarks should be stopped.

The epidemic is the best textbook for improving the level of social governance.Five internationals in the past fifteen yearsThere is no system that has absolute advantages in the response to the response to emergency emergencies.China is in line with global, and the Chinese have a better chance to walk to all corners of the world.China's anti -emergency diplomacy is advancing.The phenomenon of Chinese discharge discrimination caused by the new crown virus is immorally to watch from the perspective of medical public health, but from the level of governance, China does have deep thinking.