Author: Chen Kangqi

The new coronal virus epidemic caused by the new coronary virus continued. After the outbreak of the epidemic, many countries have retracted the diaspora from Wuhan, but the Hong Kong government has always been indifferent to the suffering of thousands of people in Hubei Hong Kong people.Three days ago (12th), the Political Affairs and Mainland Affairs Bureau finally confirmed that among more than 2,000 Hong Kong people who stayed in Hubei Province, 10 people were diagnosed with new type of coronary viruses and were treated in local hospitals.Faced with the increasingly serious epidemic, people in Hubei Hong Kong are isolated and helpless.The bureau stated that the citizen returning to Hong Kong from the epidemic area is a high -risk arrangement, and the government must carefully evaluate public health risks and feasible plans.In fact, due to the gentleness of humanitarian rescue, the work of withdrawal from Hong Kong people is urgent.As the government is looking for an ideal isolation place, Hong Kong people should also resist the disease together.

With the serious development of the epidemic, many hospitals in Hubei Province are overloaded, and the local Hong Kong people can only ask for more blessings and pray that they will not be infected with any disease.In addition to worrying about the shortage of food in Hong Kong people, there are also long -term patients with long -term diseases who urgently need drug assistance and medical staff care. What is even more desperate is that they do not know that they can return to Hong Kong.Liang Meifen, a member of the Legislative Council, revealed earlier that it has been contacted by the airline to be willing to wear Hong Kong people. The airline industry also pointed out that there is no technical problem in arranging charter planes to Hubei, and the staff of the health protection center can also be equipped with sufficient protective clothing random.Obviously, the charter machine is not a problem. The real difficulty of the Hong Kong Government is currently facing a sufficient isolation center to accommodate Hubei Hong Kong people with high risk and new local cases.

Citizens must easily hold the same mind

The Political Affairs and Mainland Affairs Bureau stated earlier that the key to withdrawing from Hubei Hong Kong people was to find a quarantine place for sufficient capacity to ensure that Hong Kong people would not infected each other when they returned to Hong Kong. Society's support in this area was very important.However, recently, the people's conditions reflected that the Hong Kong people have not reflected the spirit of the same way in the inferiority of the epidemic.At first, the government's collection of Fanling Huiming Village, which was only 500 meters away from the residential house, it was understandable that residents were dissatisfied.However, taking the Mobil Cuiya Mountain Room as an example, although the epidemic prevention expert Yuan Guoyong said that the isolation center on the mountain will not pose a threat to nearby residents, the Council of the Sham Shui Po District still ignores scientific opinions and opposes the government's requisition of Cuiya Mountain House.Recently, many district councils have also opposed the government's collection of nearby regions as isolation centers, and the mentality of each of the snow in front of the door is obvious.

In fact, during the outbreak of SARS in 2003, the government had requisitioned Tianshui Wai Tianen Village and Diamond Shan Qiongxuanyuan as a temporary medical dormitory.It is inevitable to set up a quarantine center during the anti -epidemic period. Citizens should return to rationality. I believe that expert opinions and understand that the isolation point of the safe distance will not increase the health risk of the community.Now the three quarantine centers under the Kaili Culture Department have been saturated. If the government sets up a quarantine point, it has repeatedly delayed. The day when the people of Hubei Hong Kong people return to Hong Kong will not only be far away, but also local cases and medical care will only hinder resistance.

In the event of withdrawal from Hubei, the society will inevitably oppose the sound. Some people may think that the people in the north and Hong Kong are trapped.However, the epidemic expansion is difficult to predict, and the province was not known before the stay in Hong Kong, so that there was no preparation.Among them, a 15 -year -old Hong Kong teenager went to Hubei to visit his grandmother alone during the Lunar New Year, but failed to leave in front of the local city to leave.The mentality of holding alone and doing so is indifferent to facing humanitarian disasters such as insufficient food and lack of long -term patients.Regardless of whether to set up isolation centers or withdraw from Hubei, Hong Kong people should hold the mentality of resisting the epidemic and unblocking together.Innocent citizens.

The government should open the transparency of Chengbi to increase the transparency

Of course, the government's effective epidemic prevention measures are the prerequisite for citizens to resist epidemic.It is a high -risk operation to bring Hong Kong people to Hong Kong from Hubei. The citizens will inevitably worry that if the government handles carelessly, it may lead to a large -scale social rebound.In addition to quoting the scientific opinions of experts, the government should also increase the transparency of the location of the isolation center to show the citizens' other inspected isolation centers.Taking the second phase of the Bamboo Bay in Shigang Military Camp and Disneyland as an example, it is a feasible and easier to obtain social support. The government should continue to work hard to coordinate with related holders and explain related work to the society.During the process, the government should try its best to let the public understand that before the above site selection was not successfully implemented, setting up quarantine centers near the residential house but security isolation is an option for other urgentity to solve the epidemic.

In addition, active communication with the citizens when the place of collection is also the basic responsibility of the government.Taking Huantan Junyang Village as an example, the government used the bows of overlords to be levied before the community without contact areas. The residents of the district naturally felt unwilling.In fact, the government encountered community opposition one after another in setting up the quarantine center. Under the crisis of confidence that the government was unprecedented before, the authorities should aware of the importance of managing the people and actively communicating with residents.With the development of the epidemic, the government should reorganize the constraint, carefully formulate a comprehensive epidemic prevention decision, and lead the public to resist the disease together.