Industrial and Commercial Times Society

In the presidential election in January this year, Tsai Ing -wen received more than 8 million votes. With a disparity gap of 2.5 million votes, it overwhelmed South Korean Yu and was staggering.Another shocking thing is that the voting of the young people's nest and supporting President Tsai Ing -wen's re -election not only controlled the winning and defeat of the election, but also made us see the seriousness of the opposition between generations.In the bloody concept of young people without economic pressure, under the bloody concept of maintaining sovereignty, they choose to support Hong Kong's anti -repair examples and fight against the Chinese Communist Party and two systems to maintain dignity and national sovereignty.Conversely, the old and old ethnic groups are more concerned about the stability of national security and economic situation.The voting behavior of the upper and lower generations is also the same, causing family loss, and some people even try to drive the children out of the house.

How serious is the relationship between generations?Why is the reason?It is worth exploring in -depth.From the perspective of the presidential election, the anti -repair statement of the presidential election, the anti -repair, the support of generations can be seen.There are many reasons for generations. Among them, the curriculum has been adjusted over the years. The content of historical and geographical textbooks is mainly based on localization. There are very few introductions to mainland China.With the reduction of localization and the degree of connection between mainland China, the concept of young people's sense of identity and integration of young people has also greatly reduced.

Secondly, the economic dilemma and the soaring real estate prices have greatly increased the pressure of young people in New Taipei City and Taipei City.Young people do not have to set up production and renting houses in Shuangbei, but Shuangbei has many employment opportunities and high salary, naturally attracting quite high proportion of young people.In this way, the increase in the sense of deprivation of young people has increased its grievances in the middle and old ethnic groups, and it has also deepened the opposition of generations.

Especially for more than 20 years, the failure of the reform of education policy has caused excessive excessive supply of special education. In addition, the service industry has been slowly upgraded and unable to suck a huge specialized manpower.And as mentioned earlier, the real estate policy planning is not good, resulting in real estate has become a tool for builders and rich people to hype, forming the rich, getting the richer, the poor the poor.The production of production in Taipei and New Taipei City, so that the formation of generations of opposition.

The British Encyclopedia, and even created a new English word BoomeRang Kid for the young people of the old ethnic group (a child with a backbone stick; it means that the young people are like a back force stick, throwing it out, and under economic pressure, they will run back again, and they will come back again.Under the dilemma of the family), under the dissatisfaction of economic difficulties, young people dominate politics through the Internet and new media, and also assisted President Tsai to win the presidential election, which also caused some old and old ethnic groups to have a political loss.

Parents and children are contrary to their political stances, and they can't vent in one breath. There is no way to change the status quo in the foreseeable future. It may be depressed.Elders believe that for the sake of dignity to fight against China (sense of death), security concerns and economic difficulties may be formed in the future.Young people may not feel now, but the future of many years may bear considerable bitter fruit.However, oral persuasion is usually not effective.Just like Hong Kong's richest man, Li Jiacheng once said: The most wasteful thing in the world is to tell young people with experience. Tell 10,000 sentences to let him fall, tears teach you to be a human, and regret to help you grow. Pain is the best.teacher.The detours that should be taken in life are actually indispensable for one meter.

My own experience is effective, but it takes a long time to take a lot of wrongdoing.As for whether there are short -term recipes?Here we can offer a plan.If the parents have a real estate in the future, they can mortgage the assets of the family to the bank in the future, and apply for 20 % of the funds for the value of the house to the bank for consumption, vacation or shopping.Give the next generation.

On the one hand, parents use this money for vacation and consumption to be better for themselves. The loss of loss for their children will also be reduced.On the other hand, children can feel the possible economic pressure in the future, and they must seek a balance between dignity and economy.

Italy's parents are a good borrowing mirror. Italians are very similar to Taiwanese. They are mainly small and medium -sized enterprises. The family concepts are very heavy. Usually, parents will give the heritage to the next generation to live for the future of their children.But recently, the Italians have begun to change. The older generation of parents began to mortgage the house to the bank, and then went to the United States and Europe for vacations.

Children watched their parents playing everywhere, happy and healthy body, and were happy for them, but on the other hand, they felt worried, because the inheritance was a zero -sum game for parents and children.There are fewer to get, so they can't help but shout in their hearts: Parents are spending our inheritance!

In the generation of generations, the older generation of the older generation has been practicing a strong physique, so that you can not only take care of the burden in the next generation, but also increase consumption, enrich the joy of life, contribute to the next generation of care and longevity.Domestic demand promotes economic growth.On the other hand, the elders should change their ideas and skills to let their children start to recognize the sense of responsibility of the economy. When accepting the parents' heritage in the future, they must also bear some loans to understand the importance of economic capabilities.Today, countries around the world have a problem of relationships between generations. I look forward to more dialogue and communication in Qingyin in the future.