The Diamond Princess Cruise, which is anchored in Yokohama, Japan, was diagnosed with 39 more people on Wednesday (12th), which increased the number of diagnosis of the cruise ship to 174; another quarantine was infected.As more people are diagnosed, some passengers have questioned whether they stay on the boat to be separated.The Japanese government's processing of this incident was slow and opaque to publish information, which exacerbated passengers' panic.The New York Times quoted the crisis management experts that the Japanese government's response was like the negative textbooks that dealt with the crisis.

The Ministry of Life and Labor said yesterday that the latest 53 test results were diagnosed with 39 people infected with the new crown virus. The patients were 10 crew members and 29 passengers.The situation was serious and the diagnostic person had been sent to the hospital.

The quarantine person who confirmed the quarantine did not wear a full set of protective clothes

The diagnosis also includes a quarantine person, but its infection pathway is unknown.The Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) reported that the personnel were responsible for recovering the questionnaires and temperature of passengers and crew members from February 3rd to 4th from February 3rd to 4th.Although the person has a mask and gloves, he did not wear a full set of protective clothes.Kyodo Society quoted the former director of the Sendai Quarantine Institute of Hou Life and Semanti Konazaki Takiko Miko that the person might touch the wall, handrails and gloves with his hands, and then touched his nose and infected.

Because a Hong Kong passenger was diagnosed 6 days after the shipping in Hong Kong on the 25th on the 25th, Princess Diamond was isolated after arriving in Yokohama on the 3rd of this month. About 3600 people were forced to stay in the shipping quarantine. The isolation period will end next Wednesday (19th).After the preliminary screening, the authorities initially only conducted a virus test for nearly 300 people, and then increased to 492. As of Tuesday (11th), only 439 people were tested.

Japanese officials have only said that they have not been able to detect viruses for everyone on board, but as the pressure increases, the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Health and Ministry of Health is forced to say that it is considering expanding the test.Some public health experts believe that all testing may help people on the boat at ease; but some infectious disease experts have questioned whether the entire ship testing is effective.Pu Shijia, a professor of molecular epidemiography at the Affiliated Hospital of Tokyo Caihui Medical University, said: People are currently in the incubation period, and the testing is not accurate every time.The Japanese authorities said on Tuesday that the virus detection of two people in Wuhan's withdrawal machines was negative since Wuhan withdrew, and the test was positive again.

William Schaffner, a professor at the Medical Center of the University of Vandeburg Medical Center, pointed out that the easiest way is to make nasopharyngeal swes in the nasopharynxes.It is difficult to enter the depths of the lungs, but it is difficult to do this type of inspection for thousands of people on the boat.He said that both methods may cause patients to nausea or cough, spray viruses, and endanger quarantine personnel.In addition, even if you are negative, those who are inspected may be infected after inspection.

Expert: Thousands of people on board are difficult to check all

Some critics pointed out that in the face of this crisis, officials have never explained their ideas clearly, destroying the trust of the people, and it is difficult to make people on board feel at ease.The Tokyo Policy Research University University Health Policy Expert Murakami (transliteration) said that the Japanese government held a press conference in time and timely, and also issued some ambiguous information to enlarge the problem.Murakami believes that officials may not know how to respond to some issues, so they avoid pressing a press conference.

Many people have also questioned whether it is the only way to trap so many people on an infected ship.The Japan Times reported that about 80%of passengers on the cruise ship were 60 years old or more, 215 were in their 80s, and 11 were in their 90s.Some media pointed out that the government had previously considered allowing the elderly or a long -term illness to fall off the ship before next Wednesday, but emphasized that it was necessary to send them to them, and it was not implemented yesterday.

The WHO spokesman Lao Davis said that he agrees with Japan's current quarantine isolation.