Any cognition depends on objective existence, but it is bound to be more or less independent of objective existence.This independence makes it impossible for cognition to be completely neglected with objectives, so it is essentially wrong.There are many types of error cognition (Misperception). In the cases of Chinese awareness of Singapore, I summarize it into four types: similar, inconsistent elements, inconsistent time, and imagination.

First of all, it is necessary to point out that at any historical stage and time point, Singapore is not unified in the concept of Chinese people, but is multi -faceted. I call each of them as a conceptive element.When I analyze the differences between cognition and objective existence, I use the conceptive elements as the unit.

Similar situations are the most common.In most cases, Singapore in the Chinese concept is its objective reflection, but because the concept is not equal to objective existence, it always exists independently to a certain extent.akin.

Since 1992, China has sent a large number of officials to Singapore to visit, inspect and study.Nanyang University of Science and Technology, which has more than 20 years of training history, has been hailed as the overseas party school of the Communist Party of China by the Chinese media.Chinese officials participating in training in Singapore not only learn theoretical knowledge in class, but also listen to the practical experience sharing and discussions of former Singapore officials' practical experience. There are also many opportunities to visit various government departments, companies and other institutions in Singapore.

In addition, they will also pay attention to and think of betting in their real experience in Singapore's daily life.Therefore, they received the front -line information about Singapore's experience and had a relatively comprehensive experience in the objective existence, which made their impression of Singapore to a large extent.Their impression of Singapore has further shaped the awareness of the Chinese people in Singapore.

Different of interpersonal culture and political culture

Elements do not consistently refer to one side of the Chinese cognitive Singapore, but it is the other side of it.For example, many people believe that China to learn from Singapore more realistic and more feasible than the United States or other Western countries is that the two countries are similar to the two countries, and Singapore is a Chinese country.But in fact, although the Chinese account for three -quarters of Singapore's population, Singapore belongs to the English language department and is more culturally inclined to the West.

This point can be seen from the two levels of ideas and practice.At the concept, taking political ideas as an example, many Chinese scholars believe that Singapore's political culture is the East, and even attribute it as a king model.Although they also acknowledge that Wang Dao contains democracy, it is obviously different from Western democracy.However, the actual situation in Singapore is not the case.

Even though Li Guangyao's authoritarian style is like a king, Singapore actually adopts Western -style one -person and one -vote democratic system.This system guarantees fair competition between the People's Action Party and the opposition party in the election market. Although the opposition party is weak, it still constitutes competitive pressure on the People's Action Party.This is obviously different from the king of the Chinese political culture.At the specific practical level, cultural differences have also repeatedly misunderstood and friction between the two sides in the China -Singapore cooperation projects.Taking the Suzhou Industrial Park as an example, one important reason for cooperation is not as expected to be optimistic is the differences in interpersonal culture and political culture of the two countries.

Therefore, the dominance of Chinese culture is the Chinese misunderstanding of Singapore. Even if Singapore is compatible with east -west culture, its oriental culture is very different from Chinese culture.Therefore, culture similar to the important connection between China and Singapore is a pseudo -proposition. The reason why China borrowing Singapore's experience is possible to largely attribute to other elements.

Inconsistent time refers to a certain or sides of Singapore's cognitive Singapore at time point A. In fact, it is not the objective existence of Singapore of time point A, but reflects the same direction of Singapore at the same time B.Or other aspects.For example, ordinary Chinese people have a lagging understanding of Singapore. The political state of Singapore in Singapore in their concepts staying in the reign of Lee Kuan Yew does not know much about the political and social changes that have occurred in Singapore in recent years.

The most serious reflection of the Chinese people's awareness of Singapore is probably at the overseas Chinese level.Most Chinese people lack their understanding of the complex historical changes of overseas Chinese identity.Taking this history since the end of World War II, as an example, the Chinese people outside China have undergone a huge change in identity.As Overseas Chinese became Chinese, their country recognition was transferred from China to citizenship, and their sense of belonging also changed from falling leaves to rooting.

The Chinese people in Singapore have gradually alienated from China since the 1950s.Especially after Singapore's independence in 1965, most of the Chinese people were no longer migrated from China, but the native Singaporeans. They naturally regarded Singapore as the motherland and home.However, many Chinese people's understanding of overseas Chinese still stays in a discrete state.Discrete state means that overseas Chinese are still attentive, and they are eager to return to their mother's country.In this concept, immigrants seem to be the unchanging identity of overseas Chinese, and their return is their permanent knot.

One of the direct consequences of Singapore's identity cognition stagnation in the discrete stage is that when viewing the relationship between China and New countries, it is difficult to get rid of the complex of hematopoietic than water; and according to Li Guangyao's ownPeople have unrealistic expectations for Singapore.This is a typical example of China's fourth type of imagination of Singapore's error cognition.

An interesting phenomenon is that after Lee Kuan Yew's death, the Chinese people flock to their ancestral homeland in Dapu County, Guangdong Province. There are also many memorial halls in Tai Po County.However, ironic is that Li Guangyao visited China several times before his lifetime, but never set foot in Tai Po County.Li Guangyao's approach reflects that when the loyalty to the country conflicts with the belief of the family, the former has a more important position in the choice and choice of overseas Chinese.In the past international political reality, we see that the realistic needs of the national interests of the two countries are often contrary to the consequences of the blood that the Chinese imagine than water.The end of the expectations cause misunderstandings and friction between the two countries.

In addition, there are two issues about cognitive parties and the cognitive parties.

I. US political scholar Robert Jervis once pointed out that we must understand the recognition of one country for another country and not be separated from the latter's self -image that intends to projected by the former.To understand the Chinese people's perception of Singapore, it is necessary to consider how Singapore shows themselves to China and take the initiative to impact the concept of the Chinese.

Since the reform and opening up, Singapore leaders represented by Li Guangyao have implanted Singapore symbols in the minds of Chinese people with their personal charm.In addition, the Singapore government spares no effort to output the model of China.These indeed have a significant impact on Singapore, which forms the concept of Chinese people.Singapore in the concept of Chinese people is shaped by the cognitive party China and the cognitive side Singapore.

Second, the cognitive party and the cognitive party can not only be different people or countries, but also the same person or country in different periods.In China to recognize Singapore's example, while China cognitive targets Singapore, China also cognates ourselves and thinks about the future.Therefore, China ’s understanding of Singapore’ s Singapore has interacted with its cognition, and the two cognitive influence and role.

(The author is a lecturer in the Institute of Globalization and Global Issues of China University of Political Science and Law, a doctor of history of Nanyang University of Technology)

Original Lianhe Morning Post's English Electronic Magazine Thought China (ThinkChina)