01 Viewpoint

The new coronary virus epidemic has no signs of settlement so far, and Hong Kong diagnosis cases have not been consciously increased to at least 49.Although it is still too early to set the coffin of this public health accident, some disadvantages during the anti -epidemic process have actually appeared before.One of the disadvantages is that the government, which is sluggish due to the anti -repair campaign, has been unable to communicate effectively with the society, which has led to the continuous amplification of society's panic. As a result, emotions are too scientific and cannot unite the people to resist.The government must learn from lessons, improve governance capabilities, and think about how to improve epidemic management, especially on the premise of ensuring freedom of speech.

In human history, once public health accidents are involved, rumors or false news will inevitably fly around, hindering the people to deal with the people with a calm attitude -during the medieval black death, many people believe that this is the conspiracy of Jews to harm Christians; AIDS AIDS is ill;When it became a public health issue in the early 1980s, many people had insufficient understanding, and misunderstanding that handshake and hug could also cause disease.Of course, we should not be extravagant to respond without emotional reactions. After all, human nature is weak, but because of this, epidemic management is particularly important, otherwise the epidemic prevention work must be too useless.

Unfortunately, this time the social rumors under the pneumonia seem to follow the trajectory of black death and AIDS. What is even more embarrassed is that too many irrational political operations, such as irresponsible politicians claim that if the government refuses to refuseWith full closure, Hong Kong will be fried, ignoring the so -called comprehensive closure, it is difficult to operate at all.For example, some people posted on social networking sites, claiming that mainland factories may not be able to start due to the epidemic, which affects the supply of materials. As a result, the local people crazy to buy daily necessities such as food, toilet paper.

When dealing with public health accidents, effective information dissemination and social communication are essential, otherwise society will fall into panic.In this regard, the government's performance is obviously failed -since the outbreak of the epidemic, although the authorities have held multiple press conferences and issued multiple press releases, the information cannot be entered at all.More worry.

Many cases that occur during the epidemic prevention period prove that the government's roots cannot lead the spread of news, and the lack of authority and discourse rights that the governors should have.Since the outbreak of the epidemic, many countries have been plagued by the same problem. Singapore has even cited the crackdown of passing the false information and network manipulation bills that were commonly known as fake news law last year.With the increase in the pressure of Hong Kong epidemic prevention, the Hong Kong government must make up for the sheep as soon as possible to avoid unrealistic information from occupying the mainstream of public opinion and distorting the government's deployment in the management of the epidemic.However, at the same time, the authorities must keep in mind that maintaining the freedom of speech in Hong Kong and avoiding the situation of the eight gentlemen in the mainland's commandments to make rumors.