The world bureau is as new as chess. In just a few days, American politics has also experienced drastic changes.President Trump was originally surrounded by the Democratic Party in Congress, and he said that he had to step down for his Wumen scandal.Trump, who was trapped in trouble, not only turned over, but also pursued by the momentum, scolding the Democrats evil.On the eve of the voting of Congress, Trump published the last National Consultation of the term of his term.EssenceAfter the speech, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Polisi teared Trump's speech after his speech. Although he won the magnesium lamp, it reflected that the Democratic Party had nothing but the President of the Madman except for the posture.

At the same time, the Democratic Party was also in chaos.The preliminary election of Aiwa, who was looking forward to, failed to announce the results because of the first error in the mobile phone application of the reporting ticket.The scandal also broke out in the process of ordering. Some staff members of the voters complained that the staff of the party group meeting of the district was randomly touched, and some people said that candidates did not match the total number of votes to the votes.Pete Buttigieg's campaign team funded the development of the team, and thus concluding the result of Budorgig's cold victory, questioning the conflict of interest.Betigigg had announced the victory before the preliminary results, and it was even more doubtful, and the conspiracy theory was even more arrogant.Budgiger won the state's most acting ticket, and Vermont Senator Sanders won the most votes. As a result, both of them claimed to be a two -person twin farce, which also caused criticism and reflected the problem of the primaries.

Even Biden also questioned the primary selection

Three days after the National Committee of the Democratic Party, Fang announced that he re -examined the results of the election and was also criticized as a dull response.Democratic primary elections were in a chaos, attracting Trump's camp crazy pumping.Trump mocked the Democratic Party's incompetence at the Evanic Republican Election Primary Election of the Republican Party of Euishi. Their campaign director also said that the Democratic Party could not even run the election.The suspicion is naturally.This question is not only found in the Republican Party, but even the primary election accidentally took off his feet. In the end, the fourth -fourth place's vice president Biden's campaign team had a micro saying, saying that the chaos of the order of tickets was concerned about its integrity, and it may affect it.Voters' confidence in results.As the core of the core of the Democratic Party, Biden also questioned the system. It is enough to see that the chaos of the preliminary votes in this session has affected the outside world's confidence in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic crisis is not just that.It has always been regarded as a hot -ended in the party and has always been regarded as the hot Biden.Biden has always been unique in the national polls of the former President Obama's popularity and its high popularity.However, he did not spend too much effort on the political platform, but he kept returning to the right track and dialing the clock to the banner of the Obama era before Trump.For the grand vision, it is difficult to ignite the enthusiasm of the voters.Biden has always advertised ElectAbility, calling it the most capable of defeating Trump's presidential candidate.Betigiger, mayor of the unknown town, can't compare.Following the last session, the Democratic Party voters once again struggled between the concept or election according to the concept or election.

Budgiger, who is also a darling of the Democratic Party, is young and promising. He is a graduate of Harvard and Oxford. He has also participated in the army and sent in Afghanistan.However, before his campaign, he had only the experience of the mayor of a small city with a population of 100,000.In addition, its popularity is not high, and the source of support is mainly concentrated in white areas. It seems inferior to the Democratic Party winning model of ethnic minority votes.Budi Giger's homosexual identity has also become the biggest stumbling block for its entry into the White House. It is not easy to strive for cross -party support and votes of religious conservative voters.Among the hot candidates of the Democratic Party, Budgigg and Trump's single -match polls were also the weakest.Budgege is currently ranked fifth in polls in the country. Once he leaves such white states such as Aiwa and New Hampshire, the performance must be worse than before.

Polls: Trump situation is made good

In the case of Biden's unexpectedly out of the gate, Betigiger was only a virtual fire, Sanders became a great popularity for the Democratic Party.However, the Democratic Party has always felt deeply afraid of Sanders's progress. For fear that once he was elected, his national medical insurance, rich taxpayers and other claims will seriously harm the interests of the Democratic Party's gold owners and rich people.It has been reported that the Democratic Party will not hesitate to block Sanders to obtain nominations, including creating a situation where no one has more than half of the agent tickets. The party's built -in system can be named just by time, and nominated its acceptable candidates.This situation is reminiscent of the Kuomintang's farce in the past two Taiwan elections.In 2016, the party's urgent sent Hong Xiuzhu burst into the party's primary election, but was replaced by the party in the party.Wu Dunyi, the party chairman of this year, was nominated for Zhu Lilun for his selfishness. He temporarily summoned Kaohsiung Mayor Han Yu to run for the election. He used Hanka Zhu and caused widespread criticism. He was also accused of being one of the reasons for the two consecutive defeats of the Kuomintang.

As the Kuomintang changing columns and Kazhu, if the US Democratic Party's system is used again to suppress Sanders, and even directly reject its right to nomination, it will cause great shock within the party, and it is likely to lead to a comprehensive division of the two -faction of the party's system and progress.The biggest benefit will be Trump.Moreover, polls also show that Trump's support rate has risen to 49%of the present at the beginning of October last year, the highest since he took office.The Republican support rate has also risen to 51%, a new high since 2005.59%of Americans think that they are better than a year ago. 75%of Americans also expect that life will be better than now, and their confidence in economic prospects is the highest since the Clinton period.In the country's economy, most Chinese people are satisfied with the status quo and optimistic in their prospects, Trump's chances of re -election have increased greatly.In this severe situation, the Democratic Party has no capital.

In the 2016 election, the Republican Party also had the same consideration of Trump today's Democratic Party, but eventually supported Trump.In this impeachment storm, the Republican Party was more consistently escorted by Trump's insurance. Although its political character is questionable, it shows that unity is enough to reflect on the Democrats.In the past week, the Trump carp turned over, Biden Dingzan? Shensha and Sanders were booming, and the floating of politicians in the United States may just reflect the subtle changes of the American hearts.