The 2019 new coronary virus epidemic is intensified. Following the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang is also commissioned by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President Xi Jinping to guide the work of the first -tier disease in the Wuhan epidemic area;Prime Minister Sun Chunlan's central government's response to the person in charge also carried out related work.

Just like when Shas was raging at that time, he was also the then deputy prime minister Wu Yi and concurrently served as the Minister of Health. He made outstanding contributions to win the battle of Shas.It is because the speed of this transmission, the wide range of infection, and the strong ability to conceal are all strong than Sasus.

If it is said that because of the lessons of Shas that year, if the information disclosure is not timely, officials have poor response, and even the lazy administration behavior of the lazy administration, so that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council can only replace the Minister of Health (and the Secretary of the Party Group)As the mayor of Beijing (and Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee), as an option to calm down, this epidemic is far from the scope of the previous impact. How to handle related people and things is also what the public expects.

Since Hubei is located in the hinterland of Central Plains, China, the capital Wuhan is also the place where the military district command agency and the entire military logistics support base are located. In history, there are nine provinces.That is, vigorously develop traffic and circulation, and achieve leapfrog development.It is precisely because of this administrative area that is commonly known as the Greater Wuhan in history that the ability to radiate and spread to surroundings is stronger, and more infected people are not strange.

Paradoxically, when Shas was raging in Guangzhou, it was the local political consultation and the people's congress, that is, the two sessions (according to the current Chinese system, the people of the city, county, county, and deputy provincial administrative regions were completed at the end of the year;The two sessions of the provincial administrative area were completed before the Spring Festival in the beginning of the year, and then held the National Two National Sessions in March).As the most important political work at the beginning of each year, the leaders of the party and government agencies participate in the two sessions and must go all out to the meeting period. Focusing on the performance of participating in politics, the performance of themselves and their units and departments is the greatest personal politics of the participants.

As a result, everything such as small (sub -) group discusses, responds to the media and individual speeches, etc., as well as collecting and organizing proposals, commitment to perform duties, and so on.These will be concentrated in the conference and the delegation. The time is generally about three to three weeks, and the personnel are in a closed state.In other words, unless there are external force majeure such as fire earthquakes, members of the CPPCC and representatives of the People's Congress are in the state of the meeting. They are in their own jobs for 24 hours. The state of duties must be different, so there is time difference and lag.

The first time Shats started, the two sessions of Guangzhou; at the occasion of this plague, we couldn't help asking that such a coincidence appeared again after 178 years. What did you reflect?

If it is said that the most important meeting held last year was about institutional construction, which requires the realization of the governance capabilities and modernization of governments at all levels in China. The emergence of this epidemic exactly shows that it is preciseIn terms of epidemic conditions, the response level of Chinese local governments and the refracted governance capabilities are far from meeting the requirements of realizing governance capabilities and modernization of governance.

The last time Shats broke out and after the fading, it was previously Guangdong Province, and it was later expanded to all parts of the country. First, it was the hall level, and then it was expanded to the county level.Based on ten thousand, learn advanced experience in government management.Not only that, according to the training records of the Guangdong Provincial Disease Prevention and Control Center, from 2001 to 2008, a total of 234 training courses for the county -level illness and control center for the county -level illness and control centers, with an average of 29 periods per year, a total of 22,920 people, an average of 2865 annual 2865People, especially after Shas, have improved the number of trainers and the number of people.

However, when Shas happened, during the two sessions, Guangzhou and Guangdong Province set off from political departure until the epidemic could not be controlled.At the beginning of the Wuhan epidemic, according to the explanation of the mayor of Wuhan, there were regulations on the epidemic. According to the at that time, the relevant standards have not yet reached. Therefore, from the perspective of politics, you can still wait.Let's talk about it for a while, but after the epidemic expands and is unpredictable, he is very blame and is willing to resign to thank the people?

It should also be mentioned that in the five years later, China sent 300 senior executives at the Government of Kennedy of Harvard University in the United States to learn MPA (Master of Public Management).Among these students may also include local officials in the new crown epidemic, what kind of positive role did they play?

Not to mention professional regulations on response to the epidemic, such as the management measures for reporting information reporting information reporting information reporting information reporting information reporting information reporting information on the 37th Ministry of Health in 2006, or in 2010, it was the information disclosure management method of the Ministry of Health No. 75 in the Ministry of Health.(Trial), and Li Keqiang's government information disclosure regulations signed on April 3 last year (revised edition), required the information that the government has mastered the public as the normal state.The upper law, did the deputy ministerial -level deputy governor and deputy provincial party secretary and mayor of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee know?

As early as February 25, 2000, when Jiang Zemin inspected in Guangdong, he proposed three representative theories. It not long after it happened in Shas in Guangdong.Fundamental interests, resigning in the epidemic?They are forced to avoid.

In addition, when there is a scientific development concept, there are several other responsible officials who have spread the spread of Beijing Shas, really people -oriented?The mayor of Beijing at that time was not avoided?Even so, the exempted official -level official still served as executives of the subsequent South -to -North Water Diversion Headquarters, and later attended the two sessions of Beijing. It can be seen that the amount of the two sessions of China.

It can be seen that simply using party discipline and government education and ideological education cannot completely solve the laziness and laziness behavior among local officials, so that regardless of the lives of the people.Such stability maintenance and politics do not conform to a series of decisions and deployments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and will also harm the image of the ruling party in local institutions and the authority of the people's governments in the people.

Regarding politics, Sun Yat -sen, a pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution, has the most understandable interpretation: politics is managed by everyone.In other words, whether it is the outbreak of the beginning of the new century, or the epidemic situation that appeared in the decisive battle of a well -off society in an all -round way, it is a place where everyone needs to talk about politics in this emergency public incident.Instead of one of the many responses of local governments.

By the way, look at the world and focus on East Asia. Any officials who deal with public emergencies, especially in the incident of human life, are not working hard to dismiss and dismiss them lightly. Proposal that resignation cannot make up for the loss of people's lives and property.) Find the basis, look at (related) superiors to instructions, such training, implement the three representatives, scientific development concept, etc., are all the moon in the water, and the fed wood seeking fish.

For some local government officials in China, the perspective from this epidemic needs to improve the level of government governance level, which is still long -term; for the central government of the Chinese government, the realization of modern government governance capabilities at all levelsWishes are a bottleneck that needs to be opened in the two hundred -year struggle.In addition, based on the government information disclosure regulations of the People's Republic of China, it has improved and formulated the government information disclosure law of the People's Republic of China that covers all aspects.

(The author is a senior media person in China)