At the beginning of 2020, history broke into cross -strait relations like a ghost.Tsai Ing -wen was re -elected as the president of Taiwan's re -voting with a high vote of 8.17 million.This vote broke the record set by Ma Ying -jeou in 2012.It is also the best performance of the Democratic Progressive Party since its ruling.Of course, this is just Cai Yingwen's victory, not the victory of the DPP.The Democratic Progressive Party's voting rate is not better than the Kuomintang.

Why can Tsai Ing -wen be re -elected?The understanding of Tsai Ing -wen and the DPP is that Taiwanese voters refused to consensus and one country and two systems.For the results of the election, perhaps the mainland and Beijing senior management have already expected, so the tone of the response is still the Dinghai God needle of the 1992 consensus.

The dialogue between the two sides of the strait is like the two worlds in parallel time and space. They talk about their reasons, but they ignore the changes in cross -strait relations.The four words of consensus in 1992 are more like a historical hostage and were abducted by their respective politicians on both sides of the strait.

Regarding the 1992 consensus, there are no shortage of reviews and reflection within the Chinese Kuomintang of Taiwan.For the Democratic Progressive Party, nailing the 1992 consensus under the framework of one country, two systems, will not have the possibility of turning over.For Beijing, the 1992 consensus seems to be more like a unidirectional thinking. It is his political imagination of Taiwan. There is no information that has not yet reviewed or reflected.Of course, if the senior management has not been determined, the outside world may not hear at all.

Beijing's senior officials attach great importance to Taiwan's hearts.But it is strange that Beijing seems to have no attention to the changes of Taiwan's public opinion, or at least say that there is no signal that there is no feedback on the changes in Taiwan's public opinion.As mentioned earlier, Cai Yingwen's victory is not the victory of the DPP.The selection of Tsai Ing -wen's re -election is by no means because of the great achievements of the DPP.But in the face of reality, when the sense of death spread across Taiwan, when the light generation hopes to maintain its existing system and lifestyle, Tsai Ing -wen is definitely more competitive and imaginative than the Kuomintang candidate.

The National and the People's Republic of China in the election are not the better policy and whose political achievements are better, but whose future is more imaginative, closer to the life they want.

Judging from the polls announced by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation after the election, Tsai Ing -wen successfully continued the cross -strait policy in the election.In this survey, 62%of the people supported Cai Yingwen's basic policy positions. 53.3%believed that Tsai Ing -wen was the current situation, and when he took office in 2016, he increased by more than 40%.This means that after four years of feelings, more Taiwanese people have chosen support, even if this may mean that the mainland does not want to improve the tension between the two sides of the strait, it does not matter.

This is why Tsai Ing -wen can get 8.17 million votes.In four years, the repeated and high pressure of cross -strait relations has made public opinion choose one of the more persistence and belief in the second choice.As pointed out by comments, Tsai Ing -wen's 8.17 million votes are a new consensus in Taiwan, and this August 17 consensus will impact the August 17th system formed by the Sino -US 1981 communiqué.

For Beijing, these four years may have compressed Taiwan's international space a lot, and the state of diplomatic relations has left a lot. The pressure of survival is greater and less space. But how much does this win the public opinion of Beijing?

As the Kuomintang, which wandering on the mainland and Taiwan, there is no doubt that the possibility of division in the future is increasing.The high -level rigid mechanism and the interest relationship formed since 2005 are probably difficult for the Kuomintang to become new.The new generation of public opinion representatives represented by Jiang Wanan and others has become more and more strong to Taiwan's grass -roots public opinion.If the Kuomintang failed to go to a new life in the election failure, it would inevitably die.The Republic of China that was originally attached to the Kuomintang was gradually eaten by the DPP, and its representative power would be lost from this generation of Kuomintang.

Looking back at Lee Teng -hui's Republic of China in Taiwan, to the Republic of China of Chen Shuibian, it is Taiwan, and now the Chinese Republic of China in Taiwan, the connection between the Republic of China and Taiwan has disappeared.The narrowing is not only the country's territory represented by the Republic of China, but also represents the break between the two sides of the strait.

Perhaps in terms of political, economic volume to policies and methods, there are many operating space in Beijing; but these powerful tactical means need to support the corresponding strategic goals and directions behind them.When traditional words and means gradually lose attractiveness, can Beijing create a new space to absorb public opinion in Taiwan's changes?Between the two sides of the strait, find a strategic highland and place that supports future and tactics?

At the Xi Jockey Club in 2015, leaders on both sides of the strait originally launched a new platform, new dialogue model, new identity and relationships, and new historical opportunities.But this new node has not been connected to the current time and space.The 1992 consensus still walks on the mainstream track, and the opportunity space created in 2015 is still waiting for the reality access.

In the 2020 elections in the 2020s, who is more imaginative in the future, why is this cross -strait relations?If the 1992 consensus is not the possibility of the future, how can we make breakthroughs in the heavier obstacles at that time?This is now the most valuable place in the 1992 consensus.Abandoning the past history, focusing on the future, inappropriate history, can create a room for imagination that supports the future.

(The author is Beijing freelance)