Xu Haina: When a person is infected with epidemic or suspected state, he feels that it is safe to say, at least he will be treated by humane and just, then he will generally not hide it.

In the modern information society, the number of people who have received knowledge have increased unprecedentedly. For the popular new coronary virus itself, ordinary people have more or less basic understanding, and they also know the most basic way to prevent prevention.But the people in China couldn't hide panic.Except for a mask, disinfection materials, etc., the supermarkets in some places have been moved by the panic.From time to time, people who can see the displaced or have a hard time to ask for help are not only the citizens of Wuhan, but also some individual cities. Many people fall into the predicament of where they can go after the city seal the city.The people in the city are not easy to consult even if they have suspected symptoms. According to reporters from Financial and Economics, there are many suspected cases that many people have died before the diagnosis.On the one hand, medical staff on the front line must face over -amount patients, and on the other hand, they must face the lack of necessary protective materials.Officials at all levels are busy reporting to their superiors, but they must also pay attention to the people's conditions and pay close attention to public opinion.Some people cover up the condition and some people scold; some people are isolated, and some children lack the need to take care of them; in some places outside Wuhan, residents who are prohibited from returning home are lock home.EssenceAt this time, everyone is in danger and no one has a sense of security.

The spread of the new coronary virus has spread. As of February 2nd, 18 cases were diagnosed in Singapore in Singapore, all of which were input cases.From government agencies to school and residential areas, each unit is meeting from time to time to meet the changes in the epidemic and upgrade countermeasures.For ordinary citizens, people only need to report to travel trajectories. If they have been to China, they are separated for two weeks. Schools and important institutions enter the door to test the temperature. In addition to strengthening the popularization of epidemic prevention knowledge, life seems to be as usual.Except for the prohibition of admission abroad for passengers who have arrived in mainland China over the past 14 days, only those who are recognized as high -risk will be forced to isolate.In fact, people can know on the website of the Ministry of Health of Singapore that Singapore's Disease Outbreak Response System Condition said that the Ministry of Health of Singapore said that the system also considers the severity and spread of the disease.In order to predict the impact on the community and go through the test of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and 2009 H1N1 flu in 2003.Based on this system, the government will respond accordingly according to the development of the situation.Therefore, although many parents are not assured and they have been willing to stop classes on the Internet, the school still starts the class on January 29 after the Lunar New Year holiday.Some institutions have eliminated large -scale activities such as sports competitions, but the large -scale activities of most institutions are still carried out as usual. On February 1, my community is still holding hundreds of New Year's delegations to attend.Isn't people nervous?It seems that the flow of people in the mall is significantly reduced, and there are few masks on the market to buy. The Singapore government has recently issued 4 free masks to each residents.But in all occasions of daily life, there are rare people wearing masks.Premier Li Singapore said in an interview earlier that he did not need to wear a mask without getting sick.Singapore's English mainstream newspaper Strait Times also publishes the entire version of the advertisement, telling people that there is no need to wear a mask without illness.Before entering the classroom, I had prepared a mask, but my colleague told me that if you are not sick, don't wear a mask to avoid scaring students.

Many Chinese people who work and live in new work and lives have many doubts, and they are particularly worried about the problem of infection during the incubation period.On February 3rd, the Singapore Ministry of Health's website updated the overall explanation of this epidemic prevention work, and I found the corresponding answer in it.The original text of the Ministry of Health is: TheRe Is Evidence of Limited SPREAD from a Person without Symptoms, During the Incubancy Perioder, THIS FORM of Transmission May Becommon, A nd has far involution isolated cases only. At this point, The Evidence StillPOINTS TOWARDS HIGHER Transmitting is the Person is Displaying Symptoms.At this point, the evidence is still pointing, and it is highly spread when people show symptoms.)

Why are they so calm than China?Why is there no excessive reaction?I have observed that in addition to different response measures caused by the severity of the epidemic, people's mentality, ideas and social structures are also an important factor.

When I first saw people scolding the so -called escape from Wuhan, I wondered, if I were a citizen of Wuhan, would I escape?After thinking about it, I felt that it was difficult to make moral judgments to them whether staying or walking.So I could only write a sense of thought that there were no individual society in the eyes, but people would be extremely selfish; then I saw the news of Wuhan sealed city and even the news of the entire Hubei closed.The whole body, the people's economic life will inevitably be fully affected.However, I can only write another feeling at hand. Without individual consciousness, there is no sense of security, and there is no trust between people. This will inevitably increase the social cost of dealing with everything.Later, when the caregiver was isolated, the children with a child with cerebral palsy lost their care of unfortunately, many people couldn't cry, leaving only a picture of a brilliant laughed, making people remember that a life had lived so happily.Later, when I saw that some places were forcibly executed, small and medium -sized enterprises could not support it. Farmers had a heavy loss due to logistics interrupted feed. Even if someone could not survive, people had begun to numb.The cost and cost that must be paid by resistance, dedication.

After reading this many days of news, I think that the deep cause of panic in the country is still that the individual has never been seen by the individual, so there is no individual in the eyes of the decision makers.No matter what position, what kind of social class, and what kind of social role of each individual, there is no sense of security!

Sacrifice individuals cannot get a sense of collective security.When people condemn the escape or concealed, they always stand from the perspective of collective righteousness.But not long ago, a letter from the Internet that the principal of the United States to the students to the students had revealed a simple truth in a few words: do not be isolated, do not discriminate against the sick, because this will make the sickness get sick.People are ashamed of their own illness, thus concealing the condition and not protecting others.

Whether a person is infected with the disease or is suspected, he feels that he is safe and at least being treated and treated fairly, then he will generally not hide it.Unfortunately, in the education we used to have been emphasized, it has always emphasized that sacrificing individuals and achieving collectives is a virtue.There is a logical problem in it. Do you really have to sacrifice individuals to achieve collectives?The reality we see is that everyone will do things within the scope of ability in order to protect themselves. Moreover, everyone can really achieve collective safety of collectives.For example, people in the epidemic area have reduced unnecessary going out. In order to protect themselves, they have also achieved collective safety.But if the information that exposure will make themselves more dangerous, then people rather be secretive.Just long ago, there were even a group of personal privacy information such as the names and ID numbers of Hubei residents being publicly circulated on the Internet.I also saw a video before. A resident was locked by the iron chain to the door.If you answer, you will be hungry, and the iron lock will leave.Some netizens commented, what if there is a fire police?What should I do if something happens?Who can guarantee that someone can open the door immediately when needed?There are winds in prison, do they have any time?have?Under the epidemic, it is not a new rule that is not in the cities in the epidemic area, and even residential communities can be arbitrarily stipulated. Some even stipulate that each household can go out to purchase living materials every two days.Standing at the height of collective righteousness, whether the personal legitimate rights have been violated, no one cares.And all the new regulations that restrict the legitimate rights of residents are generally unable to complain, because once complaints are complained, they must risk being accused of selfishness.The reason why they came against is excessive self -protection.Living in a society where personal rights are not valued, everyone must be over -protected, and even extremely selfish to protect themselves.If a person never worrys that he will be treated unfairly when he encounters disasters or diseases, then he does not need to consider too much, he is safe, and he can only be explained as greedy if he is selfish.Of course, greedy people always have it.For example, those who have accumulated 150 masks for themselves and also search for masks for themselves are greedy people.In a society that does not pay attention to the legitimate rights and interests, people feel that some people can announce an emergency state in the name of the collective without being credible and legal at any time.What is the sense of security?

Paying attention to individual rights will not only bring a sense of security to the entire collective, but also bring mutual trust among members of society, and reduce social loss and cost of doing anything.In the past ten years in Hong Kong, I often saw someone wearing a mask to go out. It was not because of epidemic infectious diseases, but because I just used a cold, I would automatically wear a mask. Some people said that this was a consensus formed after experiencing SARS.Regardless of school, in office, or transportation, people with a little cold symptoms often wear masks. If you sneeze but do not wear a mask, you will often be glanced at the side.Why does the Singapore Prime Minister dare to say that people who do not get sick do not need to wear a mask, and the sick talents need to wear a mask.I think this is because people have such a consensus: patients with respiratory diseases or uncomfortable people who are uncomfortable will consciously wear masks.Social members believe each other, and the other party will abide by such social customs.So when they did not have a mask, they were not too panic.

The mutual trust between members of society will be convenient for social life to reduce costs and bring the easiest example. For example, many places enter and exit supermarkets and libraries do not need to be stored, not because each pieceThe self -service borrowing machine can be demagnetized for several books at any time. Why do you leave a lot of loopholes and do not defend? First of all, it is based on social trust.Once I took my child to the library. At that time, the child was still young and needed to sit in the cart. I put my handbag behind the car. After about an hour, I planned to leave and found that my bag was gone.I felt stolen, so I was anxious and went to the staff.The staff has been comforting me that I can’t lose it. Later, several people came to say that there would be no thief. Let me look for it again, and confirm the alarm.After about half an hour, my mother who went to the second floor to read a book took my bag. I couldn't think that my mother would take my bag.It was a matter of long time to live in Hong Kong. At that time, my brain was always subconsciously transferred to the victim mode.I grew up in a society without mutual trust and kept wandering between victims and defense.But after being infiltrated in a society with mutual trust in society for a few years, I slowly started to become nervous. When I saw that someone in the school library used laptops and mobile phones, and even wallets to occupy the seats, I also saw it.Strange.People believe in each other, also believe in laws and systems, and believe that everyone will be treated fairly in the system. Society can reduce resources that consume loss for defense, and social operations are more efficient.

The Singapore Ministry of Health also announced earlier that the Singapore government will pay all the medical expenses for all suspected and confirmed new types of pneumonia in the territory.For local enterprises and self -employed people in Singapore, if the government will subsidize the affected enterprises or individuals a day of $ 100 due to compulsory isolation, which is consistent with the policy of the SARS period in 2003.In addition, according to the Singapore Lianhe Morning Post, in order to help tourists who are affected by new coronary virus pneumonia, hotels, travel agencies, and tour guides who have not paid this year's license fee will be exempt from this fee.Professional clean service allowance.The Singapore Tourism Administration issued a statement that 50%of the hotels who have been in the hotel will be paid by 50%of the third -party professional cleanup services, with a maximum of S $ 20,000 per hotel; hotels with suspicious cases can get up to S $ 10,000 allowances.

In public health emergencies, the government will bear cost without the need for enterprises or individuals to pay.In this world, no one will be an island.If people really feel this and feel that they will never be abandoned because of infection or suspected infection, and their rights will be damaged, then the heart will have a real sense of security.

Recently, many people have been circulating a poem of the Japanese Kitano Kita who died 20,000 people: The disaster was not the case of death of 20,000 or 80,000 people.//20,000 times.This poem was written after the 2011 Great Earthquake in Japan.Now this poem has been passed on to 100,000+ times on WeChat today, showing people's inner goodness.However, it is not enough to have a soft heart. We must also really see the rights of each individual and establish a system that can protect the rights of the person. When we are in crisis, we do n’t have to be at risk.

(Note: This article only represents the author's point of view. Editor -in -chief email: [email protected])