Queen Elizabeth II has agreed to the task of unloading senior members of the royal family with Prince Harry and his wife Meghan.(Reuters)

Prince Harry may have realized that if he eats dry meals in the British royal family, he may become unpopular family members.The Prince Harry and his wife decided to go to North America to develop their own career. Whether they are actors or other occupations, they can use their royal family members to seek benefits.To enjoy it, it is better to get commercial interests in North America.

Harry and Meghan announced that they would no longer be a senior member of the British royal family without notify the British Queen Elizabeth II, and pursued economic independence, which shocked the members of the British royal family.

This is an unprecedented political event in British history.The reason why Prince Harry made such a decision was because the political relationship between the British royal family was complicated and behind the festival, and the court's political constraints were reflected; on the other hand, because Prince Andrew was suspected of the American scandal, which led to the increase in pressure from members of the British royal family, the pressure of the British royal family doubled the pressure of the British royal family.Essence

Prince Harry ranked sixth among the heirs of the British royal family, and usually there is no possibility of inheriting the throne at all.If you continue to stay in the British royal family, you will not only be strictly constrained in life, but also more importantly, you will face a series of dilemma in terms of self -value realization.

Prince Harry couples are undoubtedly public figures.Their every move will receive high attention from the public.This is an unbearable price for the eclectic and random life of Harry.If you leave the British royal family and live independently in North America, you can not only have your own social space, but also the most important thing is that you can make full use of your wisdom to create more wealth.

The Queen of Britain would be shocked for the decision made by Harry.As the grandmother of Prince Harry, he should understand the grandson's decision in advance.However, Prince Harry announced his decision through news media instead of reporting the Queen of Britain in person.

Although the Queen Ying held a meeting of the emergency royal family to discuss the incident, and issued a statement to support the Prince Harry couple to start a new life, the noble title of Harry was not used in the statement.In the statement issued by the Queen of England, the Harry couple is still a member of the British royal family and will still be valued in the British royal family.

The British royal family is a symbol of the British and even Republican countries.The Queen of England has a lofty prestige in the Republican countries.Although she is old, she has realized that whether it is Prince Charles or Prince Charles' children, they cannot fulfill the national obligations that the British royal family should fulfill, and cannot obtain the general support of the Republican Federal State.Therefore, Queen Britain had no intention of making power in the short term.

Queen Britain knows that with the continuous reproduction of family members, the British royal family may not be able to enter.However, the Queen of England also knows that it is unrealistic to ask the British government to bear more royal families during the difficult period of Britain's difficulties in the United Kingdom.Although a member of the British royal family has submitted a report to the British government, hoping to increase fiscal subsidies, as people see, Britain is facing financial difficulties and cannot increase funding to the British royal family.

Prince Harry may have realized that if he eats dry meals in the British royal family, he may become unpopular family members.The Prince Harry and his wife decided to go to North America to develop their own career. Whether they are actors or other occupations, they can use their royal family members to seek benefits.To enjoy it, it is better to get commercial interests in North America.

If there are more and more contradictions in the British royal family, when the British Queen is stretched and cannot pay the cost of the British royal family, come to find a way out. My net worth may fall sharply, or even no one will ask.While the Queen Britain is still alive, the British royal family still has huge influence. Developing its own business in North America may be more valuable than staying inside the British royal family.

Prince Harry's decision is correct, but he chose the wrong expression.If you communicate with the Queen of England in advance and get the Queen Queen's grace, developing a business alone in North America may have a smaller impact on the British royal family.However, in any case, Prince Harry decided to independently and self -reliance in his own way, which is valuable for Prince Harry couple.

British news media reported that Prince Harry and other members of the British royal family had contradictions and decided to leave under anger.This statement may be to catch the wind.The British royal family is a large family. There may be such friction between members of the royal family. There may be discordant places between princes. This is a very normal phenomenon.Prince Harry decided to go out of his own way in his own way. This may be the right choice for members of the British royal family.

Whether it should retain the British royal family is not a fresh topic.However, if considering that leaving the European Union leads to the current political status of the British division, people may have a deeper understanding of this issue.The British royal family is a symbol of the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland. If Scotland is separated from Britain and the North Irish forms a separate customs area, the area of the Queen's jurisdiction will be greatly reduced.Although many Republican countries still regard the Queen of England as a symbol of the country and choose the Governor of the Queen of Britain as the head of state, with the development of the international situation, more and more countries are aware ofYou need to modify your own constitution and re -establish the head of state.

This is not because the Republican countries do not need the head of state, but because the Queen of England is well deserved.Can the other members of the British royal family become the qualified leader of the Protestant is worth discussing.Prince Charles's marriage once made a lot of trouble. If Prince Charles succeeded in the religious leader of the Queen of the British Federation, some countries may not be able to accept it.

Britain is a special country and religious country.Theoretically, Queen Britain is the head of state and the highest religious leader of the country.The Queen of England has a religious aura, which cannot be replaced by other royal members.Although members of the British royal family restrict their behavior as much as possible, from time to time, the chaotic private life is still shocked.

The Prince Harry and his wife decided to establish a separate household. It may be to prevent the past private life from being repeatedly exposed by the news media, which brought new negative impacts to the British royal family. It may also be to want to let go of themselves and enjoy a happy life.However, after the Queen of England, whether the country will accept a divorced British king as their head of state and religious leaders, this is a question worthy of observing and thinking.

(The author is a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)