01 Viewpoint

The Lunar New Year is the season of sending the old and welcoming the new. It should be peaceful and bring hope to people. However, in Hong Kong, this humble wish seems to be very luxurious when Hong Kong has not recovered from the political turmoil.If it is only a trivial matter to cancel the fireworks show and the float parade, then when Hong Kong is involved in the Sino -US game under the unreasonable change in the century, the prospects of one country, two systems are questioned because of the anti -repair storm.EssenceHow to stand firmly under the wind and waves, clearly positioning, and then re -starting is a topic that Hong Kong society cannot avoid.

Although the frequency and density of riots and densities weakened after the district council election, there are still some people who are fascinated and continue to indulge in illusions: some people mistakenly think that violence can force the government to kneel down, thereby restoring Hong Kong; some people advocate hugsThe United States is looking for hedging as a foreign aid for freedom and democracy; some people are also inspired by Tsai Ing -wen's re -election of Taiwan President, and they wish to project emotions to Taiwan.At the same time, when the Hong Kong government leading the whole society, when facing the deep -seated structural spear of accumulation of the period, it still lacks the innovation of thinking, thinking that the launch of some small repairs and small supplements can be used.

Regardless of the opposition and the field, they are actually deceiving themselves. As a result, it is a waste of time. In the end, no problem cannot be solved.Instead of being unrealistic, it is better to return to the challenge of Hong Kong with a pragmatic attitude.

There is a very popular saying in the workshop: young people embrace materialism, have their own value pursuit, and believe that freedom of democracy is the way out of Hong Kong.If we say to our future, the deep problem in Hong Kong lies in economic and people's livelihood, as if it will degrade the sacredness of the anti -repair campaign.In fact, the five demands alone are related to the economic and people's livelihood. It is estimated that not many demonstrators feel that the industrial structure is unreasonable, the distribution of unconventional, and the quality of the people's life is too low. It is urgent to solve.This is obviously a hilling of MDASH; mdash; Hong Kong's deep -seated structural contradictions are prominent, and the political system lag behind is one of the causes, but it cannot be underestimated or ignored the social dilemma.For a long time, the Hong Kong Government is superstitious about the free economy, and has been inactive in economic and people's livelihood affairs. It has not faced the conflict between the vested interest class and the disadvantaged group.Because of this.

The five demands include restarting political reform, that is, the dual universal elections stated by the Basic Law.According to textbooks, the universal election can expand the space for citizens to participate in politics and discuss politics, and to replace incompetent leaders can bring good governance.We do not deny that political democracy with universal selection as the main characteristics has its reason, but at the same time, we must understand that things are not so simple.With reference to the riots caused by the French yellow vest movement and anti -pension reform, you can know that even in a country with political democracy, there will also be a long -lasting social struggle.Therefore, it is obvious that there is a deviation from the perspective of the ideological perspective of free democracy to interpret the dilemma of Hong Kong.

On the one hand, the government should follow the requirements of the Basic Law and restart policies and reform at an appropriate time, but on the other hand, we must not delay economic and people's livelihood work.The authorities launched ten people's livelihood measures last week, which increased regular expenditures in the three major areas of the elderly, workers, and houses. Compared with the inaction in the past, it was a bold, but it was far from enough.What is ridiculous is that in the eyes of the Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e, the beneficiaries of the preferential benefits of the two mosquitoes (two yuan) are lowered from 65 to 60 years.If she is really so superficial, it is shameless at all!

Why not return to tearing and tearing well

The anti -repair campaign has completely exposed Hong Kong's deep -seated structures, and lessons are not profound.If you want to overcome the contradiction, the correct attitude is to face the problem, condense consensus as soon as possible, and then promote reform.In recent years, social tears are two major camps, yellow and blue. Many relatives and friends cut off the seats because of different politics.The reason why tearing happens often originated from both parties that do not give up each other, thinking that the truth is in hand.In fact, as long as all parties show their sincerity, for example, the government has established an independent investigation committee to thoroughly investigate the riots, and the demonstrators are willing to give up bravery and restart the dialogue. I believe that society will be much more peaceful.

It is a pity that there is still a power in the society that hinders unity.Recently, many people discuss the yellow economic circle and try to distinguish the people with values. Suddenly, this idea is very personal and bone, but it is actually boring.Let's not say that the owner of the Huangdian may be blue silk, and the ingredients may come from the Mainland (mainland China). The real scourge is to exacerbate the opposition of yellow and blue. What are the benefits of severe tearing in Hong Kong?Is a tear Hong Kong, is it Hong Kong they want to restore?This is not what he deceives!

Many people have been refusing to recognize the facts, and they did not understand the amendment until they touched the nails, but once they wereted a lot of valuable time, the consciousness of the Hong Kong Zhi Zhi was an example.It is believed that due to the election considerations, it announced earlier that it had abandoned the self -determination program, changed its purpose to promoting the value and progressive value of Hong Kong, and avoiding repeating the fact that the main founder Huang Zhifeng could not participate in the district parliamentary election.Those who have a little common sense understand that Beijing's insistence on national security and territorial integrity, self -determination or Hong Kong independence does not meet political reality at all.If the Hong Kong Zhi Zhi has this consciousness long ago, DQ (Lost qualifications) will not happen.The rational approach is to abandon and play with such sensitive words. Only in this way can we return to the truly meaningful topics of one country, two systems, Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong, and highly autonomous autonomy.

Rather than seeking foreign countries, it is better to ask for yourself

Continue to play boring tricks will only hinder Hong Kong find a clear positioning.At present, the West has gradually declined, China has risen rapidly, India and Africa will continue to grow. The world is developing diversified and is under great changes in a century.This seems to have nothing to do with Hong Kong, but it is actually closely related, but many people seem to have no grasp of this. They still look at this new pattern from an ideological perspective of the past and use this as an emotional sustenance.Recently, Tsai Ing -wen has been re -elected by playing the Hong Kong card. Many Hong Kong citizens have been encouraged, and even regarded Taiwan and Hong Kong as the community of destiny. They are convinced that the two places can play with Beijing in the United States.If they really have this idea, it is too naive.

People will inevitably be impulsive, but in the end they have to calm down. Do not make the cost of wrong judgment.Not to mention that the DPP government will abandon Hong Kong after use, and refuses to promote some refugee laws that brave and martial arts demonstrators want. U.S. President Trump is also benefited from Hong Kong.Trade negotiations are linked, which once made demonstrators who are looking forward to the United States for a while, but now China and the United States have signed the first stage of trade agreement. It is estimated that Trump will not mention Hong Kong for the time being after picking up political capital.Is the hypocritical of American politicians?For the United States, Hong Kong may be just a paper towel that can be abandoned at will.

The core value must be solved by the deep problem

What should Hong Kong do in Hong Kong, which has not changed in a century?The first is to overcome the contradictions of the deep -seated structure, practice internal skills, and welcome the challenge.Lin Zhengzhu has increased regular expenditures in the field of people's livelihood, taking a important step, but this should not be the end.The government (Hong Kong Government) must completely abandon the thinking of small government and large markets, and actively reform the economic and people's livelihood. It is necessary to adjust the industrial structure and solve the problems of uneven distribution to establish a society of sustainable development and sharing of the whole people.These reforms are not easy to do, but as Hong Kong 01 pointed out that Hong Kong has a lot of family bases, including huge financial reserves, and has advantages in the fields of rule of law, finance, professional services, is enough to help Hong Kong strengthen internal skills.

At the same time, Hong Kong should adhere to the core values of openness, diversity, rule of law, peaceful expression opinions, and must not shake at all.In the anti -repair example demonstration, the citizens' tolerance for violence is obviously larger than in the past. Disguise makes radical demonstrators fearless. The recently discovered explosives and firearms are evidence.It is naive to exchange for the government's concessions.Many society has long warned. For example, Li Guong, the former chief judge of the Court of Final Appeal, stated that illegal and violent behaviors must be condemned in July last year.At the opening ceremony of the year, some people also criticized someone to express their opinions with violence.LawGovernance is the core competitiveness of Hong Kong. It is not only a key factor for Hong Kong to develop into the international metropolis. It also helps Hong Kong to maintain an advantage in the unreasonable changes in the century.Guardian.If you no longer adhere to the rule of law, it is the Great Wall of Destroyer.

In the context of the Sino -US game, we should not fall into the rough dual opposition.The anti -repair exercise has intensified the contradictions of Lu and Hong Kong, and the prospects of one country, two systems, and two systems have been questioned. Among them, the US Congress and the Chinese Commission (CECC) of the US Congress and Administrative Authority (CECC) stirred up at the beginning of the month.Planning and other projects promote the integration of economic integration between China and Hong Kong, and will eat Gaogan Autonomy in Hong Kong and turn Hong Kong into another Chinese city.These are the most market -oriented arguments that can only be marketing between China and International, but they can't stand scrutiny.

In fact, Hong Kong has been converted from the former fishing village to a modern city, and it is never inseparable from the blessing of Chinese factors. As long as the Hong Kong government takes the initiative to plan under the principle of one country, two systems, why cannot Hong Kong use the momentum of the Mainland economy and break through the economic development of its own economic development.Bottle neck?The benefit of China's economic development to the economy of neighboring countries is obvious. President of the country ... Myanmar just visited is an example.To strengthen cooperation with China, South Korea and Japan, which belongs to Myanmar and South Korea in Northeast Asia, are even more important to China.

It is not easy to change your thoughts, but it is time to abandon the narrow thinking that Hong Kong has gone through a short -term political deficiency.Both the government and the demonstrators should no longer deceive themselves. They should think about what to meet the long -term interests of Hong Kong, and how to do it to benefit the long -term practice of one country, two systems.We are convinced that this is the attitude that Hong Kong should have when dealing with a large change in a century.