After the first phase of the economic and trade agreement between China and the United States, there are many discussions about the pros and cons of the two parties and the victory and defeat.There is a voice in China's Internet public opinion that the United States has won, China is defeated, and there are even people who call the agreement as the 2.0 version of the Maguan Treaty.

The main arguments that believe that China's failure include, the English version of the agreement mentioned that China should (China Shall) has more than 100 words, and there are more than 80 Chinese versions.Is it forced?

In addition, the agreement proposes that China will expand the imports from American agricultural products, energy products, industrial finished products, and service products.), And the United States has not completely canceled the tariffs on Chinese products.Is this not equivalent to being forced to swallow a large number of bitter fruits imported from American products under the high pressure of the United States?

These arguments are all facts.Moreover, compared with some Chinese persistence in the early days of the Sino -US trade war, China has indeed made a lot of concessions in the new agreement, but it is not objective to make China concessions as a failure.

The first phase of the Sino -US economic and trade agreement text with more than 80 pages includes preface, intellectual property, technology transfer, food and agricultural products, financial services, exchange rates and transparency, expanding trade, bilateral assessment and dispute resolution, and the final terms of the final clause.

From the perspective of the agreement, the United States has indeed made a lot of requirements for China.For example, about the violations of business secrets, the plaintiff was previously obtained by the plaintiff, and now it is changed to the defendant's evidence.This change seems very unfavorable for Chinese companies that are often accused of infringing business secrets.At the same time, the agreement also clearly increased the punishment of infringement of intellectual property rights.It can be predicted that to adapt to these new rules for protecting business secrets and intellectual property rights, some Chinese companies will inevitably pay tuition fees or even pay a heavy price.

In terms of technical transfer, technical transfer and technical permits are voluntarily carried out in accordance with market principles. The government does not support or guides natural persons or enterprises to conduct distorted competition to obtain foreign investment for the purpose of technology.On the 1st, the restrictions on foreign -funded shares should be canceled, and wholly -owned service providers in the United States should be canceled into the fields of securities, fund management and futures services, and so on.

The content of the agreement shows that many requirements put forward by the United States in the early days of the trade war and even before the trade war have been confirmed and met by China.

However, the agreement is not a requirement for unilateral face in the United States. After many Chinese clauses should be given, there is an current US measure to give the same treatment as the content stipulated in these terms, indicating that the two parties need to bear the same obligations.

Therefore, although many of the requirements of China and the United States are accepted by China, it does not mean that China has only obligations and no rights.Moreover, in the long run, the conscientious execution of the agreement has great benefits to improving the international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises and promoting the sustainable economic and social development of China's economy and society.

For example, China promises to strengthen the implementation and procedures of intellectual property rights, combat piracy and counterfeit, crack down on pirated and counterfeit products on the e -commerce platform, cancel the discrimination regulations of foreign -funded discrimination, and expand market openness.Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of foreign capital in China is also the only way to deepen reform and opening up in China to create a more internationally standardized business environment and the rule of law environment.

Frankly speaking, since the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2013 proposed an ambitious comprehensive deepening reform and expanding opening up, despite some progress in China's reform, the gap with the public is still great.One of the important reasons is that various privileges and interest groups, including the administrative department and state -owned enterprises, have a huge forces and the wrongdoing. Even if the high -level determination is not small, many reform measures are thunderous, the rain is small, and it is difficult to land.The public has a low sense of gain for reform dividends, and many areas are even unprepared.

The relevant content of the first phase of the economic and trade agreement between China and the United States, and the follow -up negotiations between China and the United States, are expected to become a higher level of open economy system and a more complete market economy system in China, just like China joined the WTO in 2001 to join the WTO.The booster.Compared with this big goal, some compromises and concessions made by China in the agreement are not bad, let alone humiliation.

Even from the short -term effect, China and the United States have reached a economic and trade agreement to make the Sino -US trade war that lasted for nearly two years to cool down, so that Chinese export companies have gained some gasping time.Promote global economic confidence.

Therefore, it is said that the first phase of the Sino -US economic and trade agreement is in line with the interests of China, the United States, and all parties, and especially in line with China's comprehensive expansion of openness. It is not an exaggeration.