Sing Tao Daily News Agency China and the United States signed the first stage of trade agreement, indicating that the trade war in the past two years temporarily closed. As for the second phase of negotiations, I believe that this year will not have important progress.After the election, there will be a new direction in Sino -US relations.

The focus of the first stage of trade agreement between China and the United States is that China will purchase 200 billion (USD, the same below) of the United States in the next two years.Half to 7.5 %, but since the previous year, the 25 % tariffs imposed on another 25 billion Chinese goods have not been reduced, but it has not been reduced, and it still puts on heavy pressure on China's exports.As for the US originally hoped to borrow a trade war, establish the US government and enterprises' mechanisms for protecting intellectual property rights, and requiring China to cancel subsidy high -tech industries and reform economic systems.China and the United States are not satisfied with the first round of agreement, and only temporarily compromise in order to take a break.

Pick out the manipulation of Guimei to change his face at any time

In order to create a good atmosphere of the Sino -US trade agreement, before the United States signed the agreement, the United States took China out of the list of exchange rates to manipulate the country. Although this move is goodwill, it reflects the dominance of the United States in the trade war.It can ignore the agreement to restart the trade war in China, and then fight China as a exchange rate manipulation country.

Whether the United States lists a country as a exchange rate manipulated country, the Ministry of Finance has clearly stipulated that it must meet three conditions: First, there is a huge trade surplus to the United States, at least 20 billion US dollars; second, the overall frequent project surplus is domestic production in China.The total value is more than three %; 3. The country has continued unilateral intervention on the foreign exchange market, and has reached more than two % of the domestic GDP in the past year.In this regard, China only meets the conditions, but in August last year, Trump put pressure on China in trade negotiations, and suddenly announced that it would impose tariffs on all China in exports.Essence

After the Sino -US first -stage agreement was reached, the exchange rate report issued by the US Ministry of Finance also changed China out of the exchange rate to manipulate the country, and changed to the same list of monitoring lists as Japan, South Korea, and Germany.U.S. Treasury Secretary Nuchin stated that China made an executable commitment on the grounds of the Sino -US first -stage trade agreement and was willing to suppress the devaluation of the competitive currency. At the same time, transparent and responsible measures were takenThe list of exchange rate manipulation.The words of Nuchin are proved that the United States has arbitrarily arbitrarily ignored its own regulations in the past.

Capturing the delay strategy, the Chinese will not stop

Trump ’s first -class event this year is the presidential election. Now Kaen eliminated China to regulate the exchange rate manipulating the country. It has not used to imply that China has made a lot of concessions to the United States in the trade agreement.Greater, medium and American friendly atmosphere to push up US stocks.Trump has always regarded the stock market as the cold and summer watch, and US stocks have reached a new high on Monday.

It is because Trump must fight for the election war and it is difficult to spend his energy to fight a comprehensive trade war with China. Therefore, after the first phase of the trade agreement was signed, the second stage of negotiations were mainly delayed.However, Trump ’s members of the hawk cabinet, such as Vice President Pence, are still very strong to curb China's intention. Although they do not fight a comprehensive trade war, they will still make difficulties in China. For exampleWait, it will also use Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong to attack China, adding annoyance to Beijing.Sino -US relations will be relatively calm this year, and the inside is still endless.