Source: Asia Weekly

U.S. President Trump layout deceive friends and enemies, assassinate Iranian generals, ask senior Iraqi officials to be buried, diverting the impeachment of the impeachment, and curbing China -Russia and Iran's joint military exercises, but also lost to the US international image, and the violent screw in the Middle East.Essence

The U.S. military launched a beheading operation, and the drone killed the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Cassim.The Qassimimni (picture), this is the most serious crackdown in the 30 years of the United States and Ichida, and the shadow of the US -Iranian war shrouded the Middle East immediately.

According to the information revealed by the Iraqi Interim Government Prime Minister, Trump deceived him, asking Suleimani to reach the Iraqi International Airport, saying that he wants to pass the important letters to reconcile with Saudi Arabia.In other words, the US air strikes have killed diplomatic envoys in Iraq and Iran, and lost their international morality, and offended Iran and Iraq.

The beheading operation transferred the attention of domestic people to impeachment.Although the Republican -led Senate cannot agree with impeachment, Perosi -led the House of Representatives to crack down on Trump's image through impeachment procedures.Therefore, Trump wants to strengthen the image of his political strong through military operations.

The White House determined that Suleimani mobilized Iraqi protesters to impact the American embassy.At that time, Obama and Hillary were criticized and criticized when they encountered an attack in the Bancapi Embassy in Libya, and Hillary also lost the election for this.Therefore, Trump must not repeat history, and he got off Sulemani.Therefore, Trump repeatedly emphasized that the action was to prevent war rather than provoking the war.

The Sino -Russian -Iraq joint military exercise, which just ended at the end of 2019, has caused Trump to have a significant failure of Iran's extreme pressure, which is a big stimulus to Trump.The beheading operation not only shows that the United States still has the initiative of the Middle East, and loses Iran's energy, but also gives Israel and Saudi countries such as Israel and Saudi Arabia who fights against Shi Arabia.Essence

For Trump, due to major changes in US energy policy, the Middle East oil is no longer a lifeline of the US economy. Therefore, he has planned and gradually implemented a plan to withdraw from the Middle East to transfer the strategic center to Asia Pacific.However, Trump does not allow Russia and China to replace the leadership vacuum left after the United States leaves.Make the Middle East, especially Iran in the potential war turbulence, and a strong blow to China, which depends on the Middle East and promotes the Belt and Road strategy in the Middle East.■

After Trump ’s air strike beheaded Iranian commander Sulemanni, the shadow of the war shrouded in the Middle East. The people in the United States have been on the streets for several days to hold anti -war demonstrations. There are nearly 80 spreads in cities, especially San Francisco and Texas Hangs.The most protested protest.There are three main information passed by demonstrators. First, they do not agree with Trump's military leaders who use drones to assassinate sovereignty countries. They believe that this is a game on the edge of war and brought the United States into another war caused by reckless behavior.Among them; the second is to oppose the increase in Iraq after the incident, worrying about the war that detonates the war between the two countries; the third is to ask Trump to withdraw the 5,000 U.S. military in Iraq and keep the United States away from the Middle East because the war is not not the war is not not the war.Rich strategy.

There is no doubt that Trump ignores the status of Iraq as a sovereign country and accurately assassinate the messenger of another sovereign country at its Capital International Airport.He assassinated an Iranian general and brought Americans into an extremely dangerous situation.The concerns of demonstrators in major American cities are not groundless, not only the highest spiritual leader of Iran's highest spiritual leader, Hamenei, clearly stated that he wants to crack down on the US military base.The observation of the US media) shows that the Iranian people have been with their enemies.North Korea, where Kim Jong -un, who had caused Trump to fall into love, even predicted that the Middle East would become the grave of the United States.Of course, most American people are obviously unwilling to become the funeral of Trump's provoking war.

In order to deal with Iran's possible retaliation, Trump has not only threatened to include 52 Iranian facilities in the strike target, but also includes cultural heritage, showing that Trump has been Talibania, regarding human historical civilization as nothing to say nothing.At the same time, the US aircraft carrier group has reached the local sea area for deterrent.

Iraq, who has been suffering from war, is naturally unwilling to become the Age battlefield of the US -Iranian war.The National Parliament held a special meeting on January 5th and passed the relevant resolutions, including ending the foreign army's residence, canceling a assistance request for combat with extreme organizations to the International Alliance, and prohibit foreign army from using the Iraq lead for any reason for any reason.Lu, Lingshui and Airspace, resolutions also called on the Iraqi government to accuse the United States and the Security Council that the United States and the Security Council accused the United States seriously infringe on Iraq's sovereignty and security.It can be seen that Trump's recklessness may push Sunni's Iraq to Iran, so that Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo even stated that if Iraq force the US military to evacuate, it will face US sanctions.

In fact, after the assassination, the United States is more isolated in the Middle East and the world.The allies such as Britain and France stated that they would walk with the United States, but the unbelievable in the United States exacerbated.Trump is arbitrarily fighting the trade war, and now it has created war hotspots in the Middle East, which has triggered the anxiety of the United States and the global people about the outbreak of the Third World War.