Author: Niu Zexun

The short soldiers in the election campaign are connected, and the youth ticket is a must -have place for each camp.Looking forward to young people's determination to have the vision of the future and defending Taiwan, Han released an advertisement objective for young people and called on the DPP to not be banned by young people and young people.Essence

Judging from the basic structure of youth votes and about 1.18 million people, Cai does have a relative advantage. After all, since the discussion of Cai's counterattack in January last year, she gradually found the power point for building the image of the hot Taiwanese girl, and then thenContinuously combined with the Internet celebrities, using live broadcasts and videos to attack network volume and discourse rights, and the momentum gradually stabilized; then Hong Kong's anti -repair case continued to burn.The amount of network sound is even more raised, and it also shaped the silent spiral effect of Korean disadvantages.

Later, Cai Chengsheng pursued, and in terms of campaign advertisements and online marketing operations, the main demands were the main demands.Regardless of the captain of Taiwan who sang campaign songs with hip -hop style and explaining political achievements, the Hong Kong youth anti -repair of the Hong Kong youths, strengthening the protection of democracy and freedom, calling for the return of home vote and the second return home of the New Year, the fire extinguisher orchestra self -confidence, our name MV; Still the character modeling of anime Q version on the Internet, the Presidential Palace Adventure Game, Ten Thousands of Pens, Xiaoying An Price Articles are connected to the dragon, echoing the rice noodles, chili sauce and other peripherals of the hottecs.Or the target of demands, it can be seen that Xiaoying really wants to strengthen its advantages in this block and expand the gap with Han.

Han also knows that the youth blocks are in a weakness, so they are constantly focusing on policies such as lending interest -free and exchanges abroad. They also frequently discuss with young people to highlight their sincerity.Supporting; recently, Han Geng kissed Boyn Yexiu to walk out of his knees to walk a stunt, and the viewing rate quickly exceeded Xiaoying.And Han also wants to copy the high voice on the Internet during the Nine -in -one election.Certain quantities and online topics.

Even though Han has a deep efforts to the youth block, helplessly Cai borrowed the Hong Kong situation with the campaign and the main axis of the campaign to construct her is the only person who can protect Taiwan's sovereignty, and deliberately connects the 1992 consensus and one country and two systems in the film. Although this move is not morally moralHowever, it has indeed strengthened the atmosphere of the interaction between cross -strait relations. It made the South Korean and the Kuomintang dare not use the past cross -strait policies with relatively advantages.

However, recently Cai Qiang's reverse osmosis method that might violate the rights of the people. The legislative process and the content of the bill have caused doubts. The degree of opaque and the extent of the majority of the secondary crosses is more exaggerated.There are many cases of the people who have been investigated by the police unit to check the water meter. In addition to being questioned that there is a trend of green horror spread, these measures are more likely to erode Xiaoying to declare the credibility of Taiwan's democracy and freedom.Opportunities for voting.If Han can grasp the key attack and cut the young people to care about the pain points of democracy and freedom, young votes should not become Cai's forbidden.

(The author is a full -time professor and director of the Department of Advertising at the Chinese Cultural University)